Lazy God Possession

Chapter 681: : Dragon Capture Project

The afternoon sun was shining obliquely on the silencer's porthole, casting Nan Ming's shadow on the floor.

The teenager who was saying "thinking about individual methods" had his face almost covered with shadows, and looked a little weird and gloomy. Shi Buqing was distracted for a while, and then hesitantly asked, "Are there other ways?"

There are other ways, why not say it earlier?

If there is another way to think about it, why am I working so hard?

Nan Ming pulled out his pocket. He remembered that there were beef kernels in the pocket and the snacks that had been prepared long ago, but found that he had changed into a formal dress this morning. The chocolate bar just now was the only snack on his body.

This made him feel very bad.

"Before, I just felt that this opportunity was very rare. You can accumulate a little experience by the way, Shi Nan." Nanming Road.

Not to mention Shi Buqing, Qingzhong Yang was almost helpless to die. When is this time, and he has accumulated experience?

Of course, Shi Buqing is actually quite happy, and to be honest, he really needs this special experience.

Being able to drive the Silence, and Xiaolong's sea dragon class to circle the sea, is a very rare opportunity for him.

"However, now that we have some experience, it is time to end it."

"Of course, my new method may be a little dangerous." Nanming Road.

What else Shi Buqing wanted to say, Zhao Fengfeng quickly reached out and dragged him so that he didn't talk more.

Having got along with Nanming a lot, he discovered a characteristic of Nanming, that is, when Nanming was hungry or tired, his morality would decrease.

In fact, this is normal. Human willpower needs to consume energy. When the blood glucose concentration decreases and the brain is fatigued, humans are more likely to lose their willpower, and human morality and intellect have a deep relationship with blood glucose concentration.

Because of the evolutionary trajectory of humans, when humans are hungry, they must start hunting for food. Began to do something cruel.

So do n’t make important decisions when you ’re hungry or tired.

Of course, for ordinary people, this has little effect. After all, it is difficult for modern people to face true hunger.

But in Nanming's body, this difference is very obvious.

Lazy God once said cheerfully to Zhao Fengfeng that he became more and more optimistic about Nanming.

"Because of this guy, once you get impatient, you will become the big devil." Lazy God said to Zhao Gaofeng. If possible, Lazy God really wants to throw Nan Ming into the harsh environment of lack of clothing and food to see what he will look like.

However, Nan Ming ’s lazy authority and the way he accumulated energy have made him farther and farther from this “hunger and cold” environment, and naturally he is getting farther and farther from the state of the great devil that Lazy God hopes, and he is lazy. Authority is the foundation of Nanming's existence.

This makes the lazy **** don't mention much.

But in extreme cases, there are always some people who anger Nan Ming. At this time, Zhao Feng's experience is. It is best not to disobey Nanming.

Because he might get worse.

Zhao Gaofeng felt that Yang Jiming was all blackened, and he stayed beside Nanming obediently, probably because he had seen Nanming blackened, as it is now.

Frowning, impatient and uncomfortable, the angle of the sun magnified this feeling, making Nan Ming look a bit gloomy, the whole person stood in the sun, but seemed to be bathed in the shadows.

The lazy gods were stunned on Nan Ming's head in excitement. It hides its body, and here only Nanming and Zhao Fengfeng can see him.

Nanming's words amplified the doubts of others, and sure enough. Shi Buqing and others were silent when they heard Nan Ming said that “there could be a little danger.” Shi Buqing did not want to hurt Xiao Lu in the submarine, but continued entanglement might put them in danger.

"Of course, it may die." Nanming Road.

Lazy God was immediately excited, this is the look of the big devil he wants to follow. Long live the devil!

Zhao Gaofeng increased his hand, is Nan Ming really going to intensify?

Qingzhong Yang's understanding of Nanming is not as deep as Zhao Fengfeng, but he knows Nanming's expression, which he calls a "bear". Once Nanming reveals this expression, it means that the bear child is going to mess the world.

This is the way when Lazy Technology is stolen, the development conference is held, and then the legs of others are scrambled around.

This is also the case when he is determined to build a nuclear fusion device.

This was also the case when the metal hydrogen was stolen and the whole world of scientific research was in chaos.

The panda faded the illusion of a cute and cute dumpling and began to show its brutal minions.

"What to do?" Shi Buqing asked.

"Sonar," Nanming said.


"What will Silence do?" At this moment, almost everyone in the world is guessing the problem.

"Silence might be able to dive?" Said a military expert with a big brain in the show on the late-night show.

"Crap, if you could dive, wouldn't you have dived long ago?" Weapon experts poured him cold water, and then he groaned. "I think Silent has other ways to sink or limit the sea dragon." Act, but Silence is a bit of a jerk. "

"What method?" The military expert wondered.

"Sonar." Weapons expert said, he asked the director to show a photo. "This is a video clip sent by a photographer just now. In this clip, we saw that Silence once launched a high-powered active sonar. , Look closely here, is the sea glowing? "

"Of course the sea surface will glow, this is daylight, reflected sunlight!" Military experts refused.

Weapons experts sneered and paused, saying, "I'm not a so-called international military observer all over the street. In addition to being a theoretical researcher who tracks and studies various weapons, I am also a graduate of Ivy League in physics. Learn PHD, this luminous phenomenon has a scientific name, called sonoluminescence, that is, the tiny bubbles in seawater, when excited by sound, bubbles pop up and emit extremely short-term bright light. When this phenomenon When it happens, the temperature in these tiny bubbles can even reach hundreds of millions of degrees instantly! There is even a theory that uses sonoluminescence to create nuclear fusion! "

The military expert was ridiculed by the weapons experts as "the so-called international military observers all over the street." It was very unpleasant, but he had no chance to interject, and the weapons expert had already answered what he said just now: "But this requires that the ultrasound must be extremely strong! "

"Acoustic luminescence is just one item. We can also see other out-of-phase conditions. For example, deep sea water has begun to become turbid. This means that the sand near Silence has been stirred, and even the sea floor has been destroyed. If Lazy Technology can Orienting this ultrasonic wave into a very narrow beam-I believe Lazy Technology has this technology-its destructive power is amazing, it can instantly cook the sea dragon class. Even disintegrate the entire sea dragon class ... "

Listening to his explanation, both the host and the "international military observer" were speechless.

A long time ago, the military expert said, "If he has this ability, why not use it now?"

"Did I just say that? They're casting a rat," the weapons expert explained impatiently. This guy doesn't understand people?

"The Hailong class stole their magnetic fluid propulsion device. I heard that their magnetic fluid propulsion device uses metal hydrogen. Metal hydrogen is a very unstable semi-stable state. Under this powerful ultrasonic wave, metal hydrogen must be Will explode. "Weapons experts face the camera, said:" I believe many people do not know much about metal hydrogen. In fact, metal hydrogen is the substance known as the strongest chemical explosive. According to estimates, its explosive power will be the same volume * Hundreds of times. So many metal hydrogens explode at the same time, almost as a tactical nuclear bomb ... "


"Using sonar? Everyone in it will die!" Feng Tianyou was shocked when he heard Nan Ming's words.

He knew too much about what Nanming had strengthened. He didn't know how many times Nanming had strengthened the sonar, but the previous effect was in his eyes. After a simple calculation, he knew the consequences.

I'm afraid it will not only die, but the whole ship will have nothing left.

"Wait for me." Nan Ming raised his hand and said, "So, I just made a simple calculation."

Nanming explained: "The Hailong class is a cigar-shaped submarine. Compared with the drop shape, it has a larger capacity. At the same time, it also has the advantage that its cross section is symmetrically round or oval."

A round pipe. No matter from which angle it is cut, its cross section must be symmetrical.

"Metal transfers sound faster than in seawater and air. If we calculate the right frequency, we can just let the sound waves pass through the metal shell and then cancel each other out inside the submarine, creating a sound vacuum that is at least less lethal. field."

"This feeling. It's like a muffler, so that the sounds cancel each other out in the muffler." Feng Tianyou's eyes brightened. This method may be feasible.

"In addition, we can focus the sound waves into a beam, aiming at the back half with only the power machinery part. This can reduce the impact on the front half ... wait, this is useless!" Feng Tianyou suddenly said, "If the inside of the submarine The sound waves were cancelled, so bombarding the submarine would have no effect. If there is no cancellation, the people inside are estimated to become flesh ... By the way, we can use low-power sonar to stun the people inside ... "

"No need to bother." Nan Ming licked his lips with a smile, and said, "Look at me to take them out."

"Wait, your plan is not allowed ..." Seeing Nan Ming planning to act, Shi Buqing exclaimed, what did Feng Tianyou say just now? If you are not careful, the people inside will become mashed meat?

The Silence Sonar has also been modified. There are four groups of sonars, front, left and right, and drag sonars, each of which is an array, all connected to the Silence shared computing system.

"Relax, I was watching the code just now." Nan Ming held his cell phone and tapped a button gently, grinning, and said.

When sonar was strengthened, the relevant code was also strengthened. Nan Ming looked at the code and found that it was possible to rewrite a little bit of code to compile a fool's function. He has broken down this task and sent it to others.

And now, a simple rewrite has been completed.

After Nan Ming's forefinger, Nan Ming clapped his hands gently and said, "Dabai, take over the silent sonar system."

"Beep", this is the sound that Dabai has been online.

For a long time, Dabai has always been Nanming's car. When Nanming stepped on a unicycle, Dabai was a unicycle.

When Nanming rides the electric three-wheeler, Dabai is the core of the electric car.

Now Nanming has Silence, and Dabai has also been loaded into Silence's system.

It's just that Nanming hasn't given Dabai voice all the time, and a noisy Xiaobai at home is enough. Dabai and Nanming communicate with a few simple prompts, and the efficiency is still very high.

"Build a virtual model, measure detailed Hailong-level data, and calculate the feasibility of the 'Capture Dragon' mission."

"Hmm ..." A few seconds later, Dabai made another feedback sound.

"Perform the Dragon Capture Plan." Nanming Road.

"Wait, what's the feasibility?" Shi Buqing could not understand the feedback from Nanming and Dabai ~ ~ hurriedly.

"100% feasibility and 72% safety." Nanming Road.

"What would happen if it wasn't safe?" Shi Buqing asked quickly, and then he wondered: "I listened to Dabai, how do you know that the feasibility is 72%?"

Nan Ming glanced at him like a fool and poked his phone on his face.

There are still many places in Silence to be transformed, such as the modern interaction and command system, but Nanming is also used to using mobile phones to communicate with Dabai.

"Unsafe, didn't you hear it just now?" Nan Ming smiled. "They will turn into flesh."

"Thirty percent chance ..." Shi Buqing was shocked and wanted to stop, but it was too late.

The moment the Nanming issued the order, the hull trembled, and then the water boiled. (To be continued.) () "Lazy God Appendage" only represents the point of view of the author Jun. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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