Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 766: : Silence Takes Off

"Passengers, please follow the instructions of the staff, find a nearby safe place to sit down, and fasten your seat belts. The Silent will take off in tour mode ... Please follow the instructions of the staff ..."

The broadcast of Silence was repeated over and over again, and the guests who participated in the tour also sat down at the corresponding positions according to the instructions.

But before they sat down, they had already found the best place for sightseeing.

The Ellis family found that the staff did not require them to return indoors, so they stayed on the first deck.

Ellis' wife and daughter looked around with anticipation, wondering how the Silent would fly.

And Ellis, in fact, has been thinking, is there any way to make a ship more than 140 meters long fly?

The first part of the promotional video "ho · e · do" released by the Lazy God Department only mentioned the part of weight loss, and did not mention the other part of "engineering".

But after all, the Silent is a huge monster of thousands of tons. Ellis estimates with his professional eyes that the current Silent has a net weight of about 2,000 tons.

So, what kind of engineering miracle is needed to make a 2,000-ton behemoth fly?

"Dad, how will the Silence fly?" Ellis 'daughter looked around excitedly, dragging Ellis' arm, and asked.

From a young age, Ellis's daughter has always worshipped her father as an idol, because from a young age, it seems that she never encountered anything that his father did not understand.

At this time, Ellis did not let her down.

Science is interlinked, and there are only a few options to get one thing flying.

Ellis feels that most likely are two of them:

One is the use of air buoyancy, such as airships, hot air balloons.

One is to use aerodynamics, such as airplanes and rockets.

If air buoyancy is used, the largest aircraft ever made by mankind is the Hindenburg airship. This airship is 248.6 meters long, has a maximum diameter of 41.4 meters, and has a maximum take-off weight of 463 tons.

How big is it? Even the famous Titanic is only eighteen meters longer.

Since the crash of the Hindenburg airship, announcing the end of the human airship aviation era, after the rise of the aircraft, the largest human-made aircraft is only a third of its length.

The Silent wants to fly, the airbag used is at least four to five times its size, and it needs at least 2 million cubic meters of hydrogen. If its length is equal to the Zeppelin airship, the maximum diameter must exceed 100 meters!

It's just a flying rugby!

But this is the easiest, because if the Silent wants to fly aerodynamically, it needs at least 30 Airbus 380 engines! Its wing area must also be several times that of Airbus, and the rigid strength requirements of its wings are more than twenty times that of Airbus 380!

Either of these two methods is beyond the current level of technology, but if you let Ellis choose a direction to break through, the only direction you can choose is perhaps to use the buoyancy of air.

Because the former, investing billions of dollars, it is still possible to study the last few decades, but the latter is ... totally impossible.

The air transport capacity of the kiloton level is a completely unimaginable field for human beings at present.

"So, I guess Lazy God Technology uses the principle of airships to fly." Ellis said, "Of course, I believe that Lazy God Technology is bragging. Because using air buoyancy to make thousands of tons of things fly, it is almost impossible."

"If it's bragging, I'm afraid it's too late to brag now." Ellis' daughter said, her eyes sparkled: "Speaking of which, lazy **** technology is really great!"

"Your erudition is amazing." Ellis' words also attracted the attention of several tourists nearby. These guests are probably from the Middle East, with headscarves and beards on their heads, but they are fluent in English. It is a rounded American cavity.

Ellis couldn't laugh or cry. His intention was not to praise the Silence!

Furious! Who wants to advertise Lazy Technology?

But even the crew members who stood nearby with an empty hand looked at him with admiration and said, "You must be a knowledgeable professor. You are right, we really use air buoyancy to fly."

"I don't believe it." Although Ellis thought of the principle, he couldn't believe the result.

Since the Zeppelin Hindenburg crashed, the airship withdrew from the stage of history, and all technology and related research have been sealed and stagnated.

In the final analysis, all manufacturing in the world beyond the capacity of a single person are the crystallization of the industrial chain.

Even with decades of technology accumulation over hundreds of years, even without an industrial chain at all, it is impossible to produce better manufactured goods.

The best example is that there is now a company cooperating with the United States Army, which is developing a new generation of airships. It is only over 70 meters long, only one-third of the Hindenburg, but it is the most existing in the world. Huge flying objects!

Moreover, because it is ugly in appearance and looks like a butt, this airship is nicknamed the flying butt.

History is advancing, but some technologies are not necessarily advancing, maybe they are still regressing.

After all, strictly speaking, in this century, basic science has not improved much. For example, as early as the last century, quantum mechanics and relativity have been born. Now, quantum mechanics and relativity are still high-end theories that ordinary people cannot understand.

In Germany of that era, there were a lot of black technology-level technologies, such as flying an aircraft on a Zeppelin airship and flying as a real aircraft carrier ...

And Lazy God Technology, it only took a week to transform the Silence into such a thing, but also can make a flying airship?

This is impossible!

Basic physical laws and the constraints of the industry chain, how can Lazy Technology achieve this?

Hearing what Ellis said, the crew smiled. He stretched his fingers to the top of his head, and saw the top of Silent's ship. It seemed that something white was coming out, and it gradually expanded, like a huge ship. balloon.

With a slight sound of airflow, the balloon grew larger and gradually covered the entire hull.

A few kilometers behind Silence, several aircraft were chasing Silence. Some reporters who did not board Silence rented some private jets at high prices. At this time, they looked at Silence from the window of the plane and saw Silence. The top of the ship, like a giant blowing bubble gum, gradually blow out a balloon.

Seeing the airbag, Ellis opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise: "Soft ... soft airbag?"

The development of airships is very fast. In the era of Zeppelin airbags, airbags have become hardware. Such airbags can withstand higher speeds, are stronger, and more secure, and they have directly eliminated software airbags.

If it was a soft airbag, how could it be possible to lift the 2000-ton Silencer!

But the facts will never change for someone's disbelief.

The huge airbag at the top of the Silencer inflated rapidly and expanded at an alarming rate. The Ellis family and more guests stared at the huge balloon that was gradually inflating in the sky, and then, unconsciously, suddenly found out, The sound of the water as the Silence started to fade away.

"Slow down ... or ... fly ... fly up?" Ellis looked up at the airbags in the sky, disheartened.

At this moment, cheers erupted almost simultaneously on the entire ship: "It's about to fly!

And those reporters who chased behind the Silence also cheered: "We are about to fly!"

At this moment, all kinds of cheers came from the broadcast pictures all over the world.

Not just because the Silencer took off, it was a technological disruption, but because of this scene, it was really beautiful.

This is the southern hemisphere. The Silent is traveling from south to north, just facing the sun, and photographed from the plane behind. Silent is bathed in the golden sunlight.

A huge, cigar-shaped airbag gradually stretched out, suspended above the Silencer, and connected by several thick metal support structures to the upper part of the Silencer. The white airbags showed a transparent crystal color, even without It completely obscures the view, and through the airbag, you can see the silence and the sea below.

Under the sun, it was like a huge soap bubble blowing out of the Silence.

The Silver Grey Silencer, with white edges and huge transparent airbags in the center, looks like it came out of a fairy tale.

Driven by the airbag, the Silent was getting farther and farther from the water, and the entire Silent was slowly lifted out of the water.

The whirling water flowed down from the bottom of Silence, and the sea didn't seem to be willing to leave Silence like this. The seawater around it was about to re-enclose Silence.

However, the Silent still rose steadily, exposing the nozzles below the waterline, the rudder at the rear, the graceful keel, and the smooth bow and alienated ball head.

The silence of the sea was soaked in the whole body, reflecting the sunlight and shining.

At this moment, I don't know how many people can't help but sigh: "It's so beautiful ..."

The Silent is not like a ship traveling in the sea. Below its waterline, the arc is still beautiful and smooth. When flying, it looks like a leaf flying in the sky from below.

"Flying! Really flying!" The boss with Ellis' mouth open was half shocked and half incomprehensible.

Sure enough, Lazy God Technology is Lazy God Technology, this kind of near impossible thing, let them do it.

And he was considered dead.

Although Ellis hated and indulged in lazy technology, at this time it was much lighter. The Earth Warrior received an order from the United States, and he has received his own reward, but he is still not convinced. He throbbed, exhausted his abilities, and created a problem for Silence.

But now, the lazy God technology shattered the answer to his face.

"You are Mr. Ellis?" The two Middle Easterners sitting opposite each other whispered something, and suddenly a stunned look appeared. One of them was humane: "I also want to thank you, Mr. Ellis, if not you I am afraid we will miss this miracle. "

Ellis didn't know what to say, he just felt his face hurt and he was crackled.

"Of course, my dad is the best." His daughter did not understand his embarrassment at all and was still proud.

Ellis could only smile bitterly.

"I plan to bid for a legendary ferry ticket for the next legendary trip. Where do you say I should set my goal?" The Middle Easterner is very polite and asks Ellis for a low profile, "Silent They can all fly up, and nothing seems to stump them? "

Ellis didn't know what to say, yeah, the Silence had even flew, what else could keep them from getting stuck?

"Dear passengers, I am the captain of the Silent Lu Xingcheng. The Silent is about to start accelerating. Please stay seated if you can. If you can, please grab the handrails of the seat. The Silent is about to accelerate. Three ... two ... ... a ... "A steady male voice sounded on the radio.

The uppermost level of Silence is a place where only important personnel of Silence can go. This is the center bridge of the whole ship.

Standing in front of the huge glass wall, Lu Xingcheng couldn't hide his excitement. All the crew members took a deep breath and waited for Lu Xingcheng's instructions.

After Lu Xingcheng counted to one, a crew member suddenly pushed the other putter on hand.

The putter on the left controls the silent propulsion system of the Silent, while the one on the right controls the air propulsion system.

"Boom!" A low roar sounded, and behind the Silencer, a sudden gush, in addition to four thick flames, drove the Silencer forward.

"Dear passengers, Silence has already taken off. Now you can leave your seat and move freely, but please do not protrude any part of the body out of the hull ..."

The Silence flight was very stable.

Flying using air buoyancy ~ ~ is the most stable way.

Stable is like stopping on land.

In fact, thousands of tons of ships are no longer afraid of storms. Human giants of tens of thousands of tons are even able to calm down tropical storms like drizzle.

Not to mention, today's weather is very good.

From Madagascar to Reis Salaam to Mount Kilimanjaro, the Silence has almost always been moving at a constant speed.

Silence did not fly high, it seemed to deliberately maintain an altitude of about one thousand meters.

Sometimes Silence will break through some underlying clouds, and at this time, Ellis' daughter will cheer up and run around.

At this time, the Silence was semi-closed, and there were transparent glass curtain walls around the hull to block the howling wind.

Even if the engine is used to accelerate, the speed of the Silent is still not too fast, probably just a little faster than the speed in the water, about 400 to 500 kilometers per hour. (~ ^ ~)

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