Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 892: : Principal of Lazy Theological Seminary

The second epic journey ended, and the world seemed to be suddenly turned upside down by Lazy God Technology and Bear Kid Technology.

Or, as it should be.

Something that should have happened has not happened.

But what is most incomprehensible is the attitude of Americans to this epic journey.

As soon as the epic journey was over, Lazy Technology spilled the lawyer's letter throughout the United States. Whether it was the US Department of Defense, or the Department of Energy, or Lockheed Martin, it became the defendant of Lazy Technology.

Faced with the aggressive offensive of Lazy Technology, the United States has put up with all this. While collecting evidence, organizing a lawyer team and Lazy Technology to fight a lawsuit, while letting a few guys of Lazy Technology to fly around in the United States Jump down.

According to common sense, shouldn't the United States start to do whatever it takes at this time, assassination, sanctions, embargoes, and pressure?

When did the United States become the one that they advertised as law-abiding, free and equal?

Even the host of the American talk show was amazed by this, saying: "I love this United States more and more now, and I even decided to vote for Okuanhai."

On the other hand, Americans ’unprecedented enthusiasm for participating in the" Mechanical Fighting Alliance "has urged Lazy God Technology to formally form an alliance, determined to defeat Lazy God Technology in Mech fighting.

To this end, some green lights have even been given to some of Lazy Technology's businesses in the United States.

For this reason, some peace activists shouted that Lazy God Technology has invented a game that can replace war. This will be a major achievement in the contemporary era and benefits, and Lazy God Technology should always win Nobel.

Mr. Sheng Bowen, the vice-principal, was totally uninterested in these matters.

Because he is packing.

The moment when the small bench flew in the sky, he had a bad hunch, and when the small bench flew to an altitude of tens of kilometers in an amazing posture, he knew that he was finished.

He didn't dare to see all kinds of public opinion on the Internet. He only had one idea, and now he hurried out of the limelight!

If he doesn't want to eat Xiang, must go!

Go abroad, leave the country, hide in a place where no one knows, until the storm passes.

Sheng Bowen hurriedly packed his clothes and brought a little emergency cash. The swiftness of the action was as if the agents on TV were preparing for the task.

Before going out, he suddenly stopped and picked up a peaked hat he bought when he went out last time, and covered himself with a huge Ray-Ban sunglasses, which opened the door.

Sheng Bowen lives in an elegant villa in the suburbs of Beijing.

The villa is quite old. It seems to be a historic building at the beginning of the last century. The surrounding environment is quiet, with a single door and a separate house, and the traffic is quite convenient.

Sheng Bowen's car parked not far outside the door, as long as he got on the car ...

The various thoughts in Sheng Bowen's mind suddenly stopped at the moment when the door was opened.

A flash of light almost blinded his eyes, leaving his head completely muddy.

A short but combative female journalist poked the microphone in his chest: "Principal Sheng, where are you going? For what you said before, if the small bench can stop Shiratori, you have to broadcast live Eat Xiang ... "

"I don't know! I don't know anything! My account has been stolen!"

"I'm traveling! I just came back!"

"You can't do this, I'll call the police!"

"I'm the vice president of Beijing University. You have to respect me ..."

If someone looks down from the sky or shoots with a drone.

Sheng Bowen is like an ignorant mass who opened the door of the room with carelessness in the last days of zombies.

For a moment, he was surrounded by zombies and then swallowed ...

On the Internet, discussions on lazy **** technology, bear child technology, mech magic soldiers, and the second epic journey have lasted for almost a week, making up almost a week's headlines.

Sheng Bowen is just a small note under the national carnival, because at this moment, it seems that more than one dog will be beaten by the dog.

And more people are excited about the upcoming mech combat.

Nan Ming is completely uninterested in these things. After the epic journey, Nan Ming's focus has completely shifted to the next important strategy of Lazy God Technology-Lazy God College.

After the bear child Chen Haocong personally advertised, and experienced the outstanding performance of the small bench, he caught the attention of all the people in the world. Suddenly, the lazy seminary became extremely popular and became the first choice for many people to sign up.

But what annoyed Nan Ming was that until now he hadn't found a suitable candidate for the principal.

To be honest, Nanming didn't receive various job applications. It can even be said that his desk was already filled with various job applications.

These cover letters come from all over the world. The former principal of the American Ivy League, the current dean, and the deputy principal of a famous British school ...

Foreign countries do not care much about whether a school is private or public. If there is a chain of contempt, it is also a top elite private university that despise mediocre public universities, so the identity of the private college of Lazy Divinity School does not affect these world-leading education Experts applied for lazy **** technology ~ ~ but these people are not suitable candidates for Nanming's mind.

These people may possess the most advanced educational concepts in the world, or they may shine to the point that even if they come to be the president of Beijing University or Qing University, they are more than enough.

But Lazy Theological College is not a school like Beijing University or Qing University.

The first admissions of Lazy Divinity College are all from China. Nanming needs a principal who understands China's education environment and Chinese students.

Nan Ming did not give them the title of "lazy seminary principal", which they dreamed of. Instead, he filled the positions of vice president and dean, and also recruited several professors.

In response to this, some education experts who did not get their desired positions also sent a protest letter to Nan Ming, but Nan Ming ignored it.

For a long time, Western education is considered to be more advanced and more developed. Chinese educators are working hard to learn how to train their students into outstanding people recognized by Westerners.

But what Nan Ming needs now is not what the Westerners approve, but what he himself approves of.

Creative and talented people who release it freely and turn it into reality.

Just like what Chen Haocong and their bear children did, no matter how ridiculous, realize it, and then change the world.

Even Nan Ming had to admit that these bear children did a great job this time.

It is a pity that, as many people often say, the other grass is my arsenic. Numerous Western educator posts are in demand, but in the country, they have been left unattended for a while.

Maybe many people are excited, but they are still watching.

Everyone is waiting for someone to stand up and be the first to eat crabs.

And finally, Nanming waited until the first person to eat crabs.

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