Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 921: : At least respect

Zhao County is square and small. It's a pitiful small town. The whole city is only 800 meters long and horizontal. The most prosperous locations do not use traffic lights.

Standing on the streets of Zhaoxian, Nan Mingdu was so arrogant that he felt like a sportsman. He was diligent and able to walk back and forth. He could not help but wave his fist and shouted, "Come! Who!"

Unfortunately, this kind of stormy weather, no one paid attention to him at all, only the wall full of "prevention of AIDS, stay away from drugs" sign silently looked at him.

Nan Ming, who had gone out in a raincoat, looked back at home dimly in the eyes of a group of idiots.

Tian Zhaofeng took a few brothers and was helping Wei Yi to clean up the carriage. He silently looked at Nan Ming who was suddenly nervous, all silent.

Is this really the wise genius in the legend?

At this time, the lazy God RV parked outside the gate of a small courtyard.

In a big city, even in a small county like Wenji, you can open the door to enter the small courtyard on the main street, and you will definitely be called out by one hand: "Large!"

However, in the obvious, the small courtyard on this side can only be said to be too ordinary. Chu Kun lives in this small courtyard, which can really be said to be simple.

At this time, the gate of the courtyard was open, revealing the lights inside.

The kitchen in the courtyard and the entrance hall are next to each other. A floor pot is in the kitchen. A kind old man is staring intently at the big pork rolling in the floor pot.

Beside, Zhang Feilin was helping and beating, scrambling to pick up wood and fill the fire, and smeared several ash on one face.

Suddenly, the old man called out, "Okay!"

Then picked up the colander, quickly removed all the large pieces of pork after the eye disease, and greeted: "The meat is ready, come and eat!"

"Oh oh! There is meat!" Hearing the voice here, Chen Haocong, who was negotiating with President Wu in the courtyard, rushed out like a wild bison.

Suddenly, a scramble came from the small kitchen.

"This is mine!"

"its mine!"

"Uncle Ming, you go away!"

"Boy, are you looking for death!"

"Don't grab it, eat it, eat it!"

Carcass meat is not the same as the fine food that Nanming usually eats.

It is actually cutting pigs, lambs and beef into three or two cubes and cooking in a pot.

Today's heavy rain is so heavy that only pork can be eaten.

The most important thing in this dish is the hot weather. It will be cooked as soon as it arrives, and it will be raw before the hot weather. After a little time, it will grow old.

Pork cannot be eaten raw, because pork contains botox, which is one of the most toxic substances in the world.

Therefore, beef, mutton and fish can be undercooked, but pork must be extra cautious and must wait for the heat.

The specific methods, such as heat and seasoning, vary from person to person.

This kind of food can be said to make the aroma of the food itself to the fullest extent. If it is similar to anything, it is probably steak. It is a simple but unlimited flavor.

The old man lovingly looked at the three guys who ate like half hamsters holding half a fist and ate, with eyes full of smiles.

"I have an old friend of the Yi nationality. Every family has a yellow and white happy event. I asked him to handle it. He taught me how to use this meat. I am too old to eat so much fat. The days have not been done ... "

The three guys just had to eat, and had no time to answer him.

Three people have been hungry from morning to now.

And with such a piece of meat, the five internal organs and the six organs seemed to be obedient all at once, more effective than Dinghaishenzhen.

After watching the three of them eating happily, the old man took out the remaining carcass to entertain the guests.

When the old man was gone, Zhang Feilin touched Nan Ming's shoulder lightly and said, "My grandpa likes you."

"Um." Nan Ming nodded again and again, which is also his happiest thing today.

The old men are relatively old-fashioned. He also worried that grandpa didn't like him to have an early love with Zhang Feilin.

Chen Haocong came together: "What are you two talking about?"

"Go and go, nothing to you!"

Chen Haocong suddenly resentful, hum, dog men and women, show affection, what's so great?

I have five young girls and five young girls, I have two!

Then Chen Haocong suddenly stumbled.

Uncle Ming has a film boy and Xiao Yaolai has a guy named Ayun. What about himself?

Do you have a bright face, a bright future, an unlimited number of people, and a good life?

"Huh, I have enough of myself!" Chen Haocong thought angrily biting the flesh.

As he was eating, Cui Weisi, who had been scorched by the rain, came out of the living room with President Wu.

"Mr. Chen, this is the agreement we drafted. Please look at it. If you think it is okay, we will organize a lawyer to refine the terms and then sign a ceremony ..." Mr. Wu, President Yu made the agreement The child gave him the full power and made him stressed, "General Manager Yu said that this matter must be focused. Do you have a list of people to invite?"

"Mr. Chen, this agreement is too unfair! Unfair! We must not sign it!" Cui Weisi said angrily to Chen Haocong, "We have already given up so many benefits, and they did not even allow me on the rocket Inkjet ads! This is definitely not fair! "

The first drop of cold sweat of Wu total amount slipped. How can they say that they are also the company with the prefix? With the virtue of Cui Weisi as an advertising madness, combined with the shape of the rocket, this guy will receive any advertisements.

If you spray that kind of advertisement on your own rocket and stand up in the sky under the testimony of the whole world, x break the sky ... What about the national body and national character? What about human dignity? What about the honor of astronauts? Want more?

So this definitely won't work! Absolutely not!

That beautiful picture also poured into Chen Haocong's head at the same time. Not good, the late changes!

He heard that Travis had bought a third big house in New York, and now this guy can do everything to make money!

Chen Haocong hurriedly said, "What signing ceremony do you still use? It's troublesome! I'll sign it now."

Chen Haocong stuffed the meat into his mouth, and the oily five girls grabbed the stack of paper, and after a few glances, they already looked at the content, and found no inappropriate terms, so they stretched out again. The veteran girl grabbed the pen and scrambled twice, handed it to President Wu, and said, "Well, just wait for Mr. Yu to sign and give me a copy."

"Well, Mr. Chen doesn't respect my labor value at all!" Cuiweis shook his hands with a humming gas.

Chen Haocong complained to Zhang Feilin: "Films, aren't you lazy media? Just accept this advertising madman! I'm annoying him!"

"I ca n’t afford it, I ca n’t afford it!" Zhang Feilin shook his head again and again, "and we do n’t advertise on Lazy Media!"

Joke, who dares this guy!

Looking at the three people who turned into hamsters again, Mr. Wu looked down and stared at the contract covered with oil and smelling of pork, and he had an idea in his mind.

Anyway, we are a company with a prefix! Can you give us some basic respect!

Wash your hands at least before signing!

Chen Haocong picked up a piece of meat again and said vaguely: "Today you give me a copy of your parameter data, I will refer to it, take out a design plan before going to bed, and give it to the Supercomputing Center to help verify it, tomorrow morning You can build a prototype model, you have to send a large aircraft back, test it in the afternoon or the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, you can launch an external business, alas, launch a billion dollars, hehehe, if I am Chen Dashao too Rich people! "

Wu always listened.

What did you say What did you say What the **** are you talking about?

Is it not for the lawyer to come up with a detailed plan within a week, and then set a good date and preside over a magnificent signing ceremony, when celebrities gather, the world's attention, and then choose the site and choose a person, set up a new company, in three months Time to build the team, and then run in about half a year, take out the product in three years, occupy more than 70% of the launch share in five years, and then dominate the entire market in 10 years ...

This is the development plan he drafted.

Mr. Yu's evaluation is still "Aerospace is a golden job ~ ~ A little verification, a little progress, a good plan, a step that is too easy to get eggs ..." I think this plan It's not secure enough. Planning this thing is like a budget. If you do n’t do more, it is easy to cause trouble.

And: "The goal design should be long-term. I think this goal is better to be around fifteen years, and we have more technical difficulties to overcome ..."

What the **** is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

"Angkor, you are not free the day after tomorrow? Then ... three days later?" Chen Haocong asked.

This is not the problem at all! Mr. Wu cried in anger and couldn't tell you!

"I'm going back this week. I still have a lot of things over there. I'm afraid I don't have much time to stay. If Angkor has something to do the day after tomorrow, let's hurry and maybe we can get it all tomorrow ..." Chen Haocong said.

President Wu suddenly remembered that it seemed that the Silencer had flown in a week, and the small bench had flown in less than a week.

Now, not just launch a rocket, what a big deal!

In fact, Chen Haocong's technology reserves, find a design that can be achieved by materials, and then use the powerful computing power of supercomputing to simulate, you can use the 3D printing equipment to manufacture it.

With the world's strongest 3D printing and computing power, everything is so great.

"I ... I'll report to President Yu ..." President Wu rushed into the rain curtain holding the contract, and almost cried. Later, he must cry with Hu's thigh, Yu Anyway, cooperate with Xiongzi Science and Technology, human officer!

But at this moment, Mr. Wu's tears were soothing and pain was superfluous. In fact, his heart was so excited that he was about to growl.

But at the same time, in Bethesda, on the edge of Washington, D.C., business suits and military uniforms were sitting on both sides of the meeting room, staring intently at the screen in front of them. (To be continued.)

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