Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 932: : President Nan is setting a banner

The capital of the United States, Washington, also known as the District of Columbia, or DC, is a special administrative region that spans multiple states in the United States and is the political center of the United States. [Read the latest chapter ..]

President Qin, the lazy **** Yafei, and President Wei and President Wang Qing who founded the three together in Washington did not bring any waves in this special zone.

With the annual turnover of tens of billions of dollars of lazy **** Yafei now, in China at home, and Africa, the main expansion area now, are lame people who can make the earth tremble, but in Washington, this weight is still It's far from enough. After all, the United States is still the uncrowned king. It seems that any city can easily pick up several tens of billions of dollars.

Not to mention Heqing, which is still in the expansion phase.

Because the direction of the business project is similar, the current Heqing Creation and Lazy God Yafei go very close, and they are special construction partners of Lazy God Yafei. At the same time, Lazy God Yafei is also building his own 3D printing construction team, and He Qingsheng Taking the high-end line, Lazy God Yafei takes the low-end line.

However, the old steward of the lazy **** department, the old man at the helm of the lazy **** life has long been waiting here.

After a shudder with Qin Yafei and others, asking them to board an extended luxury sedan, Qin Yafei praised him: "Mr. Muller's life is so enviable, this car is more luxurious than Nan Zong's car."

"It's a good place to enjoy life in the United States." Muller smiled slightly. "This is a redface hospitality car. The accommodation for the three has been arranged. This is a hotel just bought by redface."

The dc special zone is also full of land and government. There are government agencies and scientific research institutes everywhere. Senior officials and noble people know where they are. It is the target group of redface, so redface has already opened up to Washington.

As soon as the luxury sedan started, it was seen that a black sv followed each other, and Qin Yafei laughed again: "And the bodyguard treatment? This is what the president embarks on."

"It's free. It's an agent from the U.S. Overseas Technology Surveillance Center." Lao Ma smiled slightly. "I don't know. It seems that some agents from the Secret Service really did, but the electromagnetic interference vehicle in the back was indeed with the Secret Service. The same one. "

"This is the first time I have come to the United States. I heard that the security of the United States is not good? But you don't need such a big battle." Wang Wanqiang scratched his head, with a grimace, and this treatment soon caught up with the so-called national leaders. Then, "Mr. Muller is really incredible, it really is a hand-to-hand character ..."

They came here this time to make plans for hard work, and to talk about a particularly sensitive business in an unfamiliar place of life, it would be tantamount to snatching food.

Lazy **** Yafei and He Qingchuang are basically operating. Nanming does not intervene in their management. They came to the United States on the basis of interests. Because of the long distance between the two core businesses of "Lazy God Technology" and "Lazy God Service" in terms of operation, I don't know much about the influence of Nanming.

I thought that when I arrived in Washington, I would start from scratch with a black eye.

Who would have thought that the old horse around him had such great influence in the United States.

To be honest, when in the mainland, Lao Ma was just a steward beside Nan Ming, who was low-key and modest. Qin Yafei saw him in such a pomp. In fact, these two praises are a bit ironic.

He said in his heart that my lazy **** Yafei is also an important part of the lazy **** system. My pomp is not so big. Your old horse is just a housekeeper. So where is the big pomp?

But after listening to this moment, the shock in my heart, this old horse, how much influence in the United States?

There are special agents to protect it?

"You're boasting the wrong person, these are the contacts of President Nan." Mr. Lao laughed. "Well, the overseas technology monitoring center is an institution set up by the United States specifically to study the technology of the lazy **** system. The method used by President Nan is basically equivalent to President Nan's private military in the United States. You can think of it as the special service of President Nan.

The Overseas Science and Technology Monitoring Center is the original otmc. Its main leaders, Grant and McGovern, are like the secret service directors of Nanming. They are closely related to bi, and once became the fastest-growing government agency in the United States.

It is an institution affected by Nan Ming's "empathy" and "dedication" authority. All agents will automatically **** the lazy gods. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the "special service bureau" used by Nan Ming.

However, in the recent period of time, as time went on, Nanming developed too many technologies, causing the "big sister's hose" seized by otmc to no longer be as fragrant as before. Decreased, after all, when they grab the technology of the lazy gods, the only technology that the lazy gods can take is 3D printing and dynamic exoskeleton.

Now that their ambitions have been reduced, the role of "dedication" and "empathy" has also diminished, and the development of otmc has stagnated, becoming an ordinary one in many US government departments.

But even so, that's awesome, it's just a heifer taking a big top!

Qin Yafei's three mouths were open-mouthed, but Nan Ming still has such influence in the United States?

"Even if Mr. Nan is in China, he doesn't have such influence." Qin Yafei wondered.

Seeing the three of them, I did n’t believe it. Old horse lowered the window and waved his hand. An sv behind immediately followed, and a big man with black sunglasses and a navy suit asked: “What can I do for you? ?"

"Show this gentleman your badge." The old horse said to the man.

Grand Han took out a certificate from his arms, with a badge similar to a police badge, with the letters "otmc" written in the middle.

In the United States, the badge basically represents the right to enforce law. Not only is a government department, but also the FB, the Tobacco, Guns and Explosives Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies have law enforcement power, you can take handcuffs at any time Shackle people and throw them into prison.

"Tell this gentleman about your duties."

"Study on the technology of Lazy God Technology, protect the safety of Lazy God Technology, and exclude any threat to Lazy God Technology at all costs, sir!" Said Dahan.

Lao Ma nodded, closed the car window, and said to Qin Yafei: "The young men recruited by the Marine Corps are murderous and do not blink. After the last attack of President Nan in the United States, there were at least a hundred people every time he came to the United States. protection."

Qin Yafei and others have only two words in their hearts, I rely!

"If I were President Nan, I would have already emigrated to the United States." The old horse smiled and said, "Unfortunately, President Nan does not seem to agree with this."

If Nan Ming planned to emigrate, I am afraid the United States would have welcomed with both hands and feet.

And Qin Yafei, suddenly realized that why Nanming always pitted the United States, but still lived very nourished, the original American nails have already penetrated the heart of the United States.

"General Nan is so influential in the United States. Our lobbying may be simpler." Qin Yafei nodded again and again. "I don't know if Mr. Muller is familiar with the influential people in the government, especially the military. They should It ’s the legislator, please help us introduce ... ”

"They are all arranged." Lama Haha smiled and said, "Relax, this time you come to the United States, as long as you are ready to enjoy the mountains and rivers, don't worry about work, leave the rest to me."

Although the old horse was overwhelming, Qin Yafei did not dare to be too big after all, saying: "After all, it is a tens of billions of big business, and it involves sensitive aerospace and military industries, so we must be careful ..."

Moreover, they actually heard about it from special channels. The fact that the United States is about to build a super-engineering project called "Earth Rockcutter" is still confidential, and it has not even been decrypted by the United States.

But involving huge profits of several tens of billions of dollars, the news leaked out like a ventilated sieve. In some rich circles, it has long been known.

The old horse smiled unwillingly. Under the agent's opening, Hao Jia galloped all the way and swaggered across the city. A few moments later, he came to the front of a hotel that looked quite historic.

The hotel is not large, but it looks like it has a lot of background. The next few blocks are the street park and museum, the environment is very elegant.

After getting out of the car, there were already seven or eight men and women waiting there. They all seemed to be at least 50 years old. Everyone was dressed in a smart suit and looked like a lawyer on TV.

"Let me introduce it to you." Lao Ma introduced Qin Yafei: "This is a member of Batista, an important member of the military committee, and this is a member of the parliament. ... "

Qin Yafei shook hands with these people one by one, let alone the emotion in my heart.

These people, if they are in the country, are estimated to be leaders at the national level and can be included in the sequence.

But they are standing here waiting for them?

What exactly is going on?

This congressman in particular is a person who had made a special investigation before Qin Yafei arrived and wanted to work hard to get online.

Because the earth-crawler plan is what he worked hard to push forward. Without him, nasa would not be so bold to launch such a radical plan.

But he did not expect that he had just waited beside the car.

In the order of Lao Ma's introduction, the status of this MP seems to be still below MP Batista.

He sincerely said, "It's really an honor to meet with you."

"Everywhere, it's just for the service of the Nanming Demon King." Councillor Batista smiled.

"What?" Qin Yafei was a little hesitant.

He clearly heard that five very standard, well-characterized Chinese characters, "Nanming Devil", were spit out from Mr. Batista's mouth.

"Hehe, everyone please." Lao Ma broke the topic. Although Qin Yafei knew Nanming's peculiarities, he didn't know what was behind it.

These members are all members of the old version of the "Avengers League", which was instigated by Miss Abbey at first, with Lao Ma as the core.

They learned about the existence of authority because of Miss Abi ’s seditious authority, and because of the indoctrination of Miss Abi, they knew the so-called “Nanming Devil”, knew the power of authority, and knew that it would destroy the world Terror exists because of fear and hatred for Miss Abby.

However, these people are only a part. After Miss Abi released all the instigated people and disappeared, some of the instigated people had already left the circle. They did not think that Nan Ming was the real demon king, or that The devil is just a legend, or he has no awe for the "annihilation" that will appear in the endless future.

In any case, after losing the common enemy of "Miss Abby", this originally loose version of the Avengers Alliance has begun to centrifuge, and the ones who can appear here are the ones that Laoma trusts more.

Qin Yafei turned quickly while walking with the old horse. After a while, he lowered his voice and asked the old horse, "Why are the people who are advancing the plan of the earth throwing machine here? Earth throwing machine, not to take Come to compete with Lazy God Technology? Isn't the earth throwing stone project actually related to Nan? "

The old horse immediately laughed.

Qin Yafei knew for a moment.

Signaled a few American politicians to go ahead, Lao Ma was a few steps behind, and laughed: "General Nan has never been able to obtain the legal flying rights of domestic airspace, so he can only be second best, after all, the altitude of the airspace is limited."

Qin Yafei froze and then understood.

Airspace, in the traditional sense, refers to the atmosphere. In international practice, this altitude is 100 kilometers. Beyond 100 kilometers, it belongs to outer space and is shared by the whole world, just like the high seas.

Nanming has almost no disadvantages in the world. The Silencer even obtained the flight qualifications of the United States. It is only available in China. Every flight must go around the mainland.

For others, they may find ways to persuade the authorities, or accept certain conditions, or use other means to obtain this privilege.

But Nanming's thoughts are a little different from others.

I ca n’t fly in airspace. I ’m flying outside the airspace.

More than 100 kilometers above the ground ~ ~ How do I love to fly in the sky, how can you control it?

This is also Nanming's silent protest to some people in the country.

In peacetime, all the flying stars are satellites. Even if you stare at you in your head, you have to bear it. I just look at you brightly. I just fly over your head. Can you manage it?

Does it make sense to wait for me to fly above your head and worry about airspace?

This is how Nan Ming is using technology to force politics.

"The development of the aerospace industry may be the next focus of the lazy gods. Any new field cannot be developed by a single company, so Nan always has the rhythm." Qin Yafei felt that he understood.

"Actually, I feel that Nanming felt that it was flying too slowly in the atmosphere, and it was troublesome to come to the United States." Lao Ma laughed. (To be continued.)




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