Lazy God Possession

Vol 2 Chapter 962: : Dirty PY Deals

"No!" The crowd closed their eyes subconsciously. The Silencer hovered at a height of more than one hundred meters above the ground at this time. As long as a few seconds, the Silencer would fall to the ground and become a part.

The security and emergency personnel at the airport had already taken the road and rushed to the rescue!

The politicians' bodyguards rushed frantically towards their respective protection targets.

But after a long time, the audience did not hear the impact, and opened the eyes of the audience, and saw that Silence still hovered there quietly.

"What the **** ..." Suddenly someone laughed with a "swipe": "Willn't it be performing magic? Who will help me to see, is there a thin line attached to the airbag above the silence?"

Everyone looked up, the airbag had been blown away by the wind, like soap bubbles floating away.

"That's the transparent support on the ground ..."

"How do you know there are supports in your eyes?"

"It's a visual illusion ..."

"I see. This is 3D projection!"

"It's maglev ..."

"It's unlikely that the earth's magnetic flux is too small. It needs a huge magnetic field to levitate in the middle. If Silence had such a large magnetic field, our belt buckle would be sucked away."

"A magnetic levitation track is buried underground?"

"Similarly, we are so close and there is no shielding in the middle. Metal objects will be affected. It should not be magnetic."

"So, antigravity?"

"You first define antigravity for me?"

"I just open my brain ..."

Regardless of whether the scientific speculation or the brain was wide open, when the sounds of speculation gradually subsided, everyone was stunned, or thoughtfully looked at the Silent Number hovering there.

The cheers have long disappeared. The performance scene of tens of thousands of people watching, seems to be silent.

No one came out to explain, and there was no explanation. This was obviously a flight show, but it was turned into a floating show by Silence.

But this mere suspension is enough to shock people to say nothing.

This is not a soap bubble, not a paper plane, but a ship of more than 2,000 tons. How does it float in the air?

No airbags, no wings, no thrusters.

It also doesn't look like magnetic levitation, because there is no abnormal magnetic field.

"Who can tell me, what exactly is this?" In the stands, the dignitaries asked their advisers and followers.

But everyone was silent and no one could answer.

Including several officials from nasa, they already knew that Lazy Technology had a completely different flying technology from the current technology, but they did not expect that Lazy Technology could use this technology on the Silent.

What is the technical gap between flying a car and a ship of more than 2,000 tons?

If this technology can be used on the Silence, can it also be used on aircraft, even on aircraft carriers?

At this moment, a light was shining on the silence, and two lines emerged in the space in front of the silence.

"Lazy God Technology"

"Technology · Orientation · Future"

At that moment, everyone suddenly understood.

This is the so-called "technology-oriented" strategy of Lazy God Technology, which is what Nan Ming said. Even if you take out the technology, you can't take it, you can't copy it.

Now, Lazy God Technology has shown this weird flying mode, and no one can guess its flying mode.

"Lazy God Technology, Technology · Orientation · Future", the simple ten words, hovering there, is the best comment on the recent troubles of Lazy God Technology.

In the silence, someone suddenly sneered: "Just hovering there, can't you fly! Don't put your wings back later!"

That voice attracted the attention of countless people, but when everyone looked at it, they all saw a blank face, and no one knew who said it.

But just after the sound fell, it seemed to respond to him in general, a blue light lit up at the bottom of the silence.

The next second, Silence moved.

It slowly flew to one side of the airport runway, and the huge hull shadow gradually covered the crowd on one side.

At this moment, the person shrouded in shadow and blue light had a strange sense of disobedience.

It seems that Silence is not a product of Earth, but from outer space.

It's like an alien spaceship in a science fiction movie, landing on the earth with a strange gesture.

After a brief silence, the scream burst suddenly, and under the silence, the crowd screamed wildly.

Silence slowly flew around the venue, so close to the ground that it seemed within reach.

The place it flew over was like a magnet approaching iron filings, and a series of dense arms stood on the ground in an attempt to touch it.

It flew there, where the arm was pointing.

The screams even broke through the sky, and many people even thought that maybe the waves of the crowd had lifted the silence.

The soft blue light was evenly scattered on everyone's face, like a dream.

The mech magic soldier converges its two swords and shields, hovering above the silence, like the loyal guard of the silence.

The suspended flight of the mech soldier is almost the limit of the modern technology's vertical take-off and landing capabilities. Its engine roar and the quiet mode of flight without the buzzing sound form a strange contrast.

Many people understand the subtext of Silence.

With your ability, you can't even create a mech soldier, and still want to compete with lazy **** technology?

Why does Lazy Technology give up commercial products and change to technology-oriented? It's because you guys are too wary, you can't beat it!

As far as your IQ is concerned, do you guess Lazy God Technology? It is better to catch up with your basic technology first.

After a circle around the field, the Silent returned to the center of the airport. The next second, the Silent accelerated towards the oblique upward. point.

Silence disappeared, leaving only the mech soldiers to stop there.

And the audience glared.

At this moment, it pulled out two swords from the back, and a flash of light flashed on the left-hand sword, and the words emerged: "In the future, the sea of ​​stars is waiting for us."

"It's not a commercial?" When everyone saw the words, they suddenly stopped. It wasn't an unscrupulous commercial?

how can that be?

This is not like the style of the small bench of the mech soldier?

Is Mr. Mecha Shenbing uncomfortable today and has a headache and fever?

Such small fresh text ...

But the sea of ​​stars, maybe Silence can really come true?

Suddenly, everyone's hearts were drawn to the endless distance.

The vast blue sky, the sun, moon and stars above it, the vast universe, the endless future, the endless imagination ...

Human fantasy since ancient times, the other side of the sea of ​​stars ...

If anyone can get there, it must be Lazy Technology, and it must be Silent.

At this moment, the words on the right hand sword of the mech magic soldier appeared again: "Right now, we only pay attention to Suning 818 Store Carnival."

At that moment, it seemed that everyone was sweating on the forehead ~ ~ Only the fanatics of the mech soldiers were still cheering: "Come here! Come here! My small bench, my advertising Cute God! "

But most people still have the right view of honor and disgrace, and at this time their instincts can't bear to see it.

"Let me go!" The battle between cats and dogs is not over yet, and a little lion? Who's in charge of this group of animal parties, can ads not be so disheartening!

What about my feelings? Where is my star sea?

Why is it broken?

Can i kill someone?

On the Silence, Travis grinned happily and pressed the calculator.

With every click, the money is credited. It's all money, it's all money. It seems like I can buy a big house in Manhattan again!

So happy so happy!

My big house!

The old horse came to him quietly and said, "Can you add a temporary ad?"

"Boss, although you are the boss, our advertising plan is full ..." Although he is also the master and father's boss, Cui Weisi will not speak easily.

"I have a $ 40 million penthouse at 1 Madison on 23rd Street in Manhattan ..." smiled Old Horse.

At Le Bourget Airport, the mech soldiers' small benches were displayed with a heartbroken advertisement. They folded their two-handed swords behind them and took off their shields.

A line of words appeared on it: "The journey of the stars and the sea! The third epic trip ferry ticket is in hot booking! Now bidding, you can give an additional follower ticket, only the top three!"

It is said that this time, the cheapest ferry ticket soared to 200 million US dollars.

In the mech warrior, the driver Chen Yong listened to the dirty py transaction coming from the microphone, and anxiously waited to hold the sword to kill the pair of dogs and boys.

Grandma, why is my salary so low for a month! (To be continued.) U more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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