
Seeing coach Sima's typing, Qin Nuo typed a number one faster than Wu Ming.

In the League of heroes, this means to confirm. After a while, Wu Ming also gave a number one.

After confirmation, coach Sima clicks the start button and they enter the room together.

This time, we use the blind selection mode. We don't need ban heroes, we can also choose the same heroes. Without the restriction of heroes, this will test the real level and psychological game of the two players.

But Qin Nuo didn't care. No matter what Wu Ming would choose, he directly chose Jianji, a single hero in melee.

"Nuoshen is not Zhongdan. How can he fight Shangdan hero?"

"Jian Ji's hand is too short. If you choose a long-range mage and ADC, it's not hanging."

"What do you know? It's called self-confidence. How can you and I guess what LPL first people think?"

"Wu Ming definitely chose long-range handlebar, but he didn't know what nuoshen chose."

Seeing that Qin Nuo directly chose Jianji, everyone exclaimed. Although Jianji has a strong single ability, it's only later.

Like the normal solo mode, one blood one tower, one hundred soldiers, it's estimated that the competition will be over at the latest at level seven or eight. Jianji hasn't made any effort at this time.

On the other hand, after thinking for half a day, Wu Ming did not take the long-range hero, but directly locked Nuo's hand. He was also a melee hero.

This can make a lot of professional players and coaches do not understand, it is clear that two excellent single player, in solo match, they picked up the single hero, it is really hard to understand.

In fact, it's also very simple. If Qin Nuo takes the long-range mage, he has 100% confidence to win the solo competition only by relying on his basic skills, but it's too boring and not shocking.

Only by using this kind of warrior hero, through hard operation, can you really prove your strength.

"Ding! Once a special task has been triggered, please ask the host to win this solo game. After winning, you will be rewarded with 10000 reputation. If you fail, the corresponding reputation value will be deducted. "

After Qin Nuo had chosen his talent, he was bored to speculate what kind of hero Wu Ming might use and how to deal with it, but there was a systematic voice in his mind.

To win this solo competition, the reward for 10000 people's reputation is not so good, but it's better to have something than nothing. After all, it's not for nothing.

At the end of the countdown, the heroes of the two sides are shown on the public screen. Jianji and nuozhou are old rivals on the road. Now they meet in the professional arena, and they are especially envious.

If it's the old version of Jian Ji, it's really hard to fight Nuo Shou. However, since the S5 version of Jian Ji was revised, she has been able to compete with Nuo Shou. Of course, it's the kind of Jian Ji with a little proficiency.

Jianji has been mixed with praise and criticism since the revision. If she can play, she feels stronger than before. If she can't, she feels that the hero has been remade.

This redo, in fact, only lowered Jianji's lower limit, while greatly improving her online. The previous way of no brain R and then five kill is intolerable by fist.

After all, the crispy experience on the opposite side is extremely bad. The basic task of fists is to balance the heroes. This situation is definitely not allowed to exist.

Qin Nuo's sword is a conqueror, Summoner's skill is igniting and weakness, while Nuo's sword is a storm knight, Summoner's skill is galloping and weakness.

Wu Ming's intention is very obvious. He just wants to take advantage of the high moving speed and take Nuo hand away through a wave of five layers of blood anger to make a quick decision.

In addition, nuozhou is not only the most skillful hero for Wu Ming, but also a belief of his.

When he first came into contact with the League of heroes, he fell in love with this muscular man at a glance, so from level 1 to level 30, he used the hero of nuohou.

And he really entered the team of professional players, that is because he made a video with norhand. The wonderful operation of chasing five people was seen by a team coach, and then invited him to join the youth training team.

From then on, he began to make a fortune in the professional circle. For him, it was a hero who changed his fate. Although he seldom played Nuo Shou again after winning the single.

But at the critical moment, what he trusts most is the hero Nuo Shou.

Of course, other people don't know his past. What they are discussing at this time is Jian Ji and Nuo Shou. Who are the two heroes better.However, the public says that the public is reasonable, and the old woman says that the old woman is reasonable, and no one will agree with anyone. But there is only one consensus among them, that is, whoever is strong in operation will have opportunities.

Although it's nonsense, it's quite reasonable. Apart from the absolute restraint relationship, there is really no strongest hero, only the strongest summoner.

After entering the game, Qin Nuo didn't buy the equipment first, but made a sentence in all channels: "come on the road.".

After Wu Ming saw it, he also understood Qin Nuo's meaning. The middle route was short, and he could escape to the bottom of the tower with a flash. If not both of them were hard headed, it was difficult to kill.

But it's not the same on the road. There are three bushes on the road. It's easier to get stuck in the field of vision, and the line is much longer than the middle road. If you accidentally push the line too deep, it's easy to be chased to death.

However, it's a long way to go, which is obviously more advantageous for norshou, who has brought the storm knight and trot. After Wu Ming bought the equipment, he went straight to the road.

"Tut Tut, the two top single players of LPL actually played the single hero. Brothers, I don't need to say more about which position to practice."

"Both of you are very hot tempered. You don't need the middle route. Go straight to the road. It's a purgatory there."

"What's more amazing is that both Jianji and nuozhou go out with Duolan Jian. That's why they are indifferent to life and death. If they don't agree, they will do it."

Other people began to discuss it in a low voice. Compared with Qin Nuo and Wu Ming, they were more excited. After all, this was the first official solo in the base, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Jian Ji and Nuo Shou come to the line and immediately take a look at each other's clothes. They also have a certain understanding of the opponent's thoughts. They are both the losers.

After three or four seconds, Jianji's passivity began to take effect. A half arc circle appeared at the foot of Noh's hand, but it was on the side of Noh's hand. The position of the first passive refresh was very bad.

Qin Nuo retreats. If the first level Nuo hand learns from W, it's true that it's true for anyone in Ping A. if he gets angry, Qin Nuo will have to go back to the city.

That level is also too bad. Qin Nuo never does business at a loss. Without looking at Nuo's hand, Qin Nuo slowly returns to the bottom of the towe

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