"Cough, I'm sorry to interrupt. Let's go back to the topic just now. I've just looked through this book. I've almost remembered the general contents, but I have to ask you some details."

Although it's very cruel to interrupt people's good memories now, Qin Nuo can't resist his inner excitement. He has just read the rules of practicing Qi. Now he has many questions in his head, and the person in front of him is naturally the best teacher.

"What? Do you remember about that? It's impossible, it's impossible. It's more than 30 pages of content. No one can remember it after reading it. Brother Qin, you can't be careless in practicing this kind of thing. You must study it carefully, or you may be possessed by the devil if you are not careful. "

Qin Nuo's words almost took the cigarette out of he Qiang's hand. This energy training book has 30 pages of content, and there are no pictures. It's all written. Qin Nuo should have remembered the general content in less than ten minutes.

He Qiang doesn't believe it at all. It has been several years since he got the book and read it day and night. But even so, he can't guarantee that he can remember all the contents of the book.

Qin Nuo had long expected that he Qiang would not believe what he said, so he had already prepared his own method of self verification and said slowly to he Qiang:

"The first eight pages of this book are about what energy is and how to feel it. The ninth to the twenty second pages are about how to use it, Let Qi attach to your body. The last eight pages talk about how to make the energy in your body stronger. These are the three main parts of this book. Is that ok? "

With Qin Nuo's mouth constantly saying the content distribution of the book about the principle of practicing Qi, he Qiang has no action, because although the book has 30 pages of content, it has no title, and each part has only a simple serial number.

Qin Nuo is able to quickly tell which page the contents of each part of the book are on, which shows that Qin Nuo has indeed memorized the general contents of the book.

Thinking of this, he Qiang's heart is also a burst of fear. Just now, he trusted Qin Nuo not to run away with his book, so he was very generous to give Qin Nuo the book to read first. But what he didn't expect is that Qin Nuo's memory is so amazing that he can remember most of the contents after just reading the book.

If Qin Nuo quietly returns the book to him, and then says that he refuses the deal, he Qiang will lose money today, and his wife will lose her army. There is no way to take Qin Nuo.

Fortunately, Qin Nuo's character is exactly the same as he estimated. He is not a big traitor. This is a little comfort to he Qiang. Although his ability is not as good as the young man in front of him, he is very accurate in judging people.

"In that case, brother Qin, where are you confused? I must know everything. As long as I know it, I will not hide it."

After accepting this fact, he Qiang directly inquired about Qin Nuo's doubts. However, the knowledge of this book is too obscure to understand. In the dilemma of no one to solve the doubts, he just relied on his own understanding and practiced step by step according to the contents of the book.

Now, although he has made some achievements in it, he is still a bit awkward in actual combat, not as skillful as he imagined.

For example, in the competition with Qin Nuo just now, if he could mobilize his energy to resist in a moment, he would not lose so ugly.

He Qiang knows that he has been practicing for several years, and maybe he has just learned a little bit in the field of energy. But even so, it's actually a great achievement.

After all, he actually practiced step by step. He didn't know how many holes he had stepped on, but these difficulties were overcome by his strong perseverance. Therefore, he Qiang was much stronger than ordinary people by this alone.

"I have just seriously reviewed that the most difficult part of this method is to feel the existence of energy between heaven and earth. But what I want to know is, how can I feel the existence of energy? In other words, what does the existence of energy look like?"

Qin Nuo tried to feel the Qi around him according to the principle of practicing Qi, but his body didn't feel any difference from just now, so he had such doubts about how to feel the existence of Qi.

After listening to Qin Nuo's words, he Qiang also smiles. Young people are really young people. They are very anxious when they come into contact with new things. Soon after they get the book, Qin Nuo wants to know his success.But how can success be so easy? He Qiang remembered that he had practiced for half a year before he felt a faint breath of energy. However, this is a rare way for he Qiang to regain his confidence in front of the young man, so he was happy to show his ability in front of the young man.

Brother Qin, if you can feel the existence of Qi, the most obvious thing is that your fingertips will change color because of the existence of Qi. The darker the color of Qi, the higher the affinity of Qi for you. I learned from an ancient book that some powerful people can instantly use the energy existing in heaven and earth for their own use, And their whole body will turn red at this time. "

After he Qiang finished speaking, he spread out his hands, and then slowly closed his eyes, ready to mobilize the energy around him to show the new man the power of his predecessors.

Qin Nuo stares at the palm of he Qiang's hand and observes the changes on his hand. After about three or four seconds, he Qiang's rough fingers have already begun to change color slowly, starting to change from brown to light red.

It's just that the color is a little light. If Qin Nuo's eyes are not sharp, he can't see the difference of the finger. But it also shows that he Qiang's mastery of Qi is not very good.

"Haha, my talent is still relatively poor. I've practiced for so many years to reach this level, but don't underestimate this energy. If I had attached energy to my hand just when you were attacking, then I could still accompany you on several moves."

Looking at Qin Nuo's stunned eyes, he Qiang also felt ashamed

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