Qin Nuo has been waiting for the shield of his passive ronin way.

When Yue Yu pushes the snowball out of the defensive tower, Qin Nuo's passive accumulation of ronin's way is just completed.

He stepped forward and rushed to the snowman. Behind him was the released wind.


Qin Nuo was shot away, and he barely survived relying on the shield of ronin's way.

The snowman was also shot away and survived with a bite of Q skill.

At this time, both of them have less than 50 health points left. Whoever starts a common attack first can take the other away.

But it's all in Qin Nuo's calculation. How can a Nunu with a wild sword attack faster than a shoe with an attack speed.

Lucky knife down!

Nunu gave his precious head.

"I'll come to you later. I'm a fool in the middle of the road!" Yueyu scolded angrily and gave Qin Nuo a head for no reason.

This time, Qin Nuo is the ultimate one hit two double. The coaches and managers are stunned by the wonderful operation.

"Why is this player so fierce, one hit two can double, whether it is operation or consciousness is the top level."

"He got the LPL League in this state, and those professional players didn't let him down

"Why did I get the shadow of Nuo God on him? There's something about Dragon sting."

Coach Sima was flustered when he heard the last sentence and quickly explained: "the child often watches the live broadcast of nuoshen in the base, and naturally he has learned some fur."

All of a sudden, so it is. No wonder this child's operation is so delicate, just like the second generation of nuoshen.

The golden hand, who was killed, looked at the screen and was stunned for a long time. Qin Nuo's set of operations may not be able to do by himself. There is no omission in the damage calculation.

He has never heard of such a number one figure among the youth training players.

"Damn, I don't agree with you. I'll kill you only once later. You know, I'm a golden hand, and I'm a member of those crazy teams. I..."

Before he could say the last word, he was shocked by what happened in front of him. Qin Nuo didn't choose to go home.

I went to the river and ate a bunch of fruits. I came back to the line again. My health value was about one third.

This naked provocation makes the hand of gold angry. It's not human. Qin Nuo regards him as something, and even tries to provoke himself in this way.

It's OK to kill two people in a fight. What do you mean if you don't go home? Do you feel that you have this life value? Can't Giggs kill you.

Gold's hand back to the line is to bombard Qin Nuo. He has been completely angered. Q skill is used to bounce bombs, e skill is used to blast minefields, and he smashes them to Qin Nuo.

But Qin Nuo's walking position is like a carp crossing the river. He passes through the flowers without touching the sound of the leaves. The set of skills of golden hand can only be hit by passive ordinary attack.

He was also blocked by Qin Nuo's ronin shield. Qin Nuo was unharmed.

Coaches and managers also noticed the smell of gunpowder in the middle, they are happy to see this scene, the more they are like this, the more they can give play to their hidden strength.

They will be able to better judge the value of these two people.

As for the hand of gold, needless to say, it is already a new generation of supernova, which has been supported by many teams.

Qin Nuo is not the same. They still have the chance to sign the new man who has surpassed the golden hand.

But online capabilities don't represent all. They want to see more, more amazing operations, and the power hidden by them.

Qin Nuo's level 7 military line is to his own side. Gold's right hand on the opposite side made a mistake. It was too close to the military line, which made Qin Nuo smell the opportunity.

He immediately steps forward and moves to the hand of gold. The hand of gold gives up the w skill and wants to beat back Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo releases the wind wall and confiscates the opposite w skill. The two wind slashes have been accumulated.

Between Qin Nuo stepped forward to chop close to Giggs, in the process of releasing the chop, he pressed the chop steel flash, and a circular hurricane blew Giggs up.

After the ordinary attack, he immediately released the big move, gave a big drink, and flipped to Giggs' head.

"It's a long way to go, only sword for company!"

When the big move falls, a crack appears at the foot of Giggs. After landing, Giggs immediately explodes.The golden hand was shocked and quickly handed over the flash. Qin Nuo had another Q flash, and the tragedy happened again.

One third of Qin Nuo's blood killed Giggs with a q-flash.

In this regard, the opposite of the middle road is completely cracked, three times in a row was killed alone, or professional players.

It's true that the news is so strong that even the hand of gold can't bear it.

How to fight? Qin Nuo went home with a yellow fork and two attack speed swords, and his level directly crushed the two opposite levels.

But on the opposite side of the road and the next road all came the good news, opposite dead song with the help of the snowman and Yu one by one realized the exchange.

But the total return said that Yu Yiyi was at a loss, because there was a snowman who could help dead song clear the line. After several times, Yu Yiyi had been suppressed by the opposite side for 20 times.

Not to mention the next road, it was completely destroyed by the opposite side. Under the defense tower, Jin and jiela dare not show their heads.

In less than 15 minutes, they gave away five heads, which was no better than the golden hand in the middle.

Playing wild wine barrel also lost direction, there is no chance of gank on the Middle Road, the line has been pressed on the road, the key is the snowman squat.

Needless to say, when he went, he just sent the three killers. There was no need to go.

With the fall of the next tower, the explorer and Nami on the opposite side began to move towards the middle, suppressing the growth of qinnuo.

Seeing the change of line on the opposite side, Jiutong immediately began to cooperate with the next pair group and launched an attack on Bruce Lee.

However, this action was found on the opposite side. For a moment, the surrounding area of xiaolongkeng began to gather, and a group battle was about to start.

Qin Nuo didn't choose to go back to the middle road after returning home, but went down the road.

In the grass of the next road, cat, cover teammates to fight Bruce Lee.

The snowman pushes the snowball into the battlefield. The bucket counsels him and stops his action.

After selling jiela, she retreated down the road. Jiela didn't want to die. She gave up the flash, and then she left the battlefield.

"You're just counsellors. You're still not a man. You're half in charge of blood. What are you doing back there?" Although Yu is on the road, he has been observing the situation.

Seeing the behavior of selling wine barrels to his teammates, Yu Yiyi scoffed.

The wine barrel was said by Yu Yiyi, a girl who was somewhat unconvinced. In order to prove himself, he killed him again.

After jiela left, the Explorer became the target of attack.

As soon as Giggs's escape skill crippled the explorer, kasha walked over and took away the explorer's head like a soldie

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