This change was so sudden that people almost didn't expect it. Song Zhe and Li Dalei, both of them were dumbfounded. It can be said that they were very surprised.

Who would have thought that Ouyang Shuo, who was drinking with the two of them just now, suddenly became so fierce, just like a brute, he just cleaned up all the people.

There are dozens of gangsters, Song Zhe didn't say the specifics, but at first glance, it seems that there are at least 20 or 30 people.

Moreover, these people are still a little different from ordinary street hooligans. After all, they belong to the boss of Tan, and can be regarded as bosses of Tan. At least they can deal with ordinary people.

What's more, these people still have weapons such as sticks and weapons in their hands, and their combat effectiveness has increased a lot. Ordinary people may only be beaten when facing these hooligans.

As a result, Ouyang Shuo's performance really surprised everyone. When Song Zhe was about to despair, this guy suddenly rushed out, and within two minutes of effort, all these gangsters fell.

One person beat dozens of people. This kind of plot has only been seen in movies and TV series. Now it is rare to see such plots. So it is normal for Song Zhe to be a little shocked.

Ouyang Shuo's performance just now reminded him of a person, Su Ming. It seems that Su Ming's skill is so abnormal.

"Temian, bullying too many people, isn't it? Don't you dare to bully my brother, you don't want to be mixed up." After Ouyang Shuo finished the fight, he spit out and said very uncomfortably.

What's even more frightening is that after this guy finished hitting people, he didn't change his face and heartbeat. It was obvious that these dozens of people were very relaxed for him.

Boss Tan was taken aback. He hadn't expected this sudden change, and then Boss Tan realized that maybe he had provoked a master.

However, Kung Fu boss Tan reacted immediately, his complexion returned to normal in an instant, and he didn't seem to be too afraid of Ouyang Shuo.

Then I saw Boss Tan pull out a handful of black injuries directly from his body. The dark and hollow muzzle was aimed directly at Ouyang Shuo, and he immediately said: "Boy, you have two sons, you are not arrogant. Do you move another one and show me!"

Song Zhe and Li Dalei were so scared that their expressions changed immediately. When ordinary people saw a pistol as a killer, they would definitely be scared in their hearts.

As long as this thing is pressed down, a bullet is likely to be killed. It is definitely not as fun as it looks. At this time, Ouyang Shuo was pointed at with a gun by Mr. Tan, and it was very dangerous.

They had heard that Boss Tan had a gun in his hand before, and more than one person had said that, but they didn't expect that Boss Tan would bring him directly.

After seeing this thing, Song Zhe was excited before, and immediately cooled by more than half. No matter how powerful Ouyang Shuo is, I am afraid that he is not an opponent of this kind of hot weapon.

"Just this thing you want to deal with me?"

Unexpectedly, this guy Ouyang Shuo still didn't have any fear on his face. Instead, he showed disdain. He walked two steps forward and said, "I moved, what can you do to me?"

"You...are you looking for death?!"

Boss Tan didn't expect this guy to have such an iron head, and he warned him over and over again, but this person is not afraid, is he really not afraid or too horrible?

Song Zhe's face changed suddenly, and he immediately shouted: "Brother Ouyang, don't be impulsive, that guy has a gun in his hand, you are not his opponent!"

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Shuo didn't seem to hear it at all, and he just walked forward regardless, as if he was going to beat Boss Tan.

Boss Tan's face changed in an instant. He didn't expect that this kid had such an iron head, and the gun in his hand would have no effect on him? This is something that Boss Tan has never encountered before.

"court death!"

But Boss Tan is not a vegetarian either. He has been messing around on the road. He is definitely not a kind-hearted character. Seeing Ouyang Shuo's reluctance to persuade, he immediately showed a cruel expression and pulled the trigger directly.

With a loud "bang", fire came out from the dark muzzle. This Boss Tan actually shot, and he was still facing Ouyang Shuo's head. This guy is probably dead.

Song Zhe and Li Dalei were frightened by the loud gunfire, and quickly closed their eyes, as if they did not dare to watch the cruel scene.

Boss Tan's face is also full of fierceness. He is not a good bird in the first place. He will not shoot unless he is a last resort, but Ouyang Shuo refuses to listen to him.

If he didn't shoot, Boss Tan really couldn't beat that Ouyang Shuo. After all, he was a master who could beat dozens of people.

But in this age, skill is useful but not very useful. In front of hot weapons like firearms, it will become very miserable!

As the saying goes, no matter how high the skill is, one is afraid of choppers, let alone guns.

There are no people around here, even if someone is scared away by this group of So when Boss Tan shot, he didn't have so many worries.

"Do you really think you can deal with me like this?"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ouyang Shuo actually spoke, he stood there and spoke.

This opening scared Boss Tan so much. The look on Boss Tan's face changed drastically. He quickly stepped back and looked at Ouyang Shuo carefully, and said in shock, "You... are you all right?? ?"

At this time, Ouyang Shuo did not look like something was going on. He stood there unmoved, and more importantly, there was no trace of blood on his body.

This is not a toy gun. It contains genuine bullets. How could it be possible that after it was shot, it would be of no use at all. This is impossible!

I saw Ouyang Shuo's face full of disdain, and then moved his hand to the front, throwing out a golden thing, and everyone found that it turned out to be a bullet.


Everyone was shocked. This item... This item caught the bullet with bare hands. This is too nonsense. Is this an operation that normal humans can perform?

Boss Tan had an expression of seeing a ghost. He suspected that he was holding a fake gun. Someone could catch the bullet empty-handed and nothing happened. How could this be possible? !

Song Zhe was full of joy, he looked like he was taller, and he understood that without thinking about it, the person who can catch all the bullets at hand is definitely not an ordinary person.

This is more than a master, it is simply a fighter of the master.

Song Zhe even felt dizzy at this time. He didn't expect to be so lucky that he was hit by a big pie falling from the world.

PS: Please support me, brothers. Your support is the motivation for the author's creation. Poor Han Yeshenghua is about to suffer from depression.

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