It is no wonder that Ouyang Shuo was so surprised. You must know that things like the realm of ancient martial artists are very confidential. Only when you show your vitality in your body can other people notice it.

Moreover, the person who can detect it must have a higher realm than you. If it is a person with a lower realm than you, it is invisible.

But the problem is that Ouyang Shuo has never revealed his vitality at all. Just hitting Cheng Ruofeng's slap, Ouyang Shuo only relied on his own body, and the bodies of ancient warriors were very tyrannical.

So the question comes right now, why can Su Ming see his realm? Could it be that Su Ming has been tyrannical to the point where he can look at his realm at will?

However, after this idea came out, Ouyang Shuo immediately rejected it by himself. This is absolutely impossible. If there is that kind of strength, the realm is at least a few higher than Ouyang Shuo, which is the kind of unfathomable. Realm, only a few old monsters have that kind of strength.

And Su Ming looks too young, his age is about the same, it is impossible to achieve that kind of terrifying strength, if he possesses that kind of strength, a single thought could wipe out Ouyang Shuo.

Ouyang Shuo might not have thought of killing him. Su Ming is different from normal people. He has such a bug in the system. Quinn's skills can directly check the realm of others in any state.

Su Ming smiled, he naturally understood why this Ouyang Shuo was so surprised, this is the effect Su Ming wanted, so Su Ming said: "How did I see it, why should I tell you?"

"Huh, pretending to be a fool!"

After a brief panic in his heart, Ouyang Shuo immediately reacted, and he was not so scared anymore. He didn't believe that Su Ming had a particularly terrifying strength.

As for Su Ming's level, it will only be clear after the real fight, so Ouyang Shuo took the lead, raised the vitality in his body, and blasted Su Ming directly with a domineering punch.

Su Ming glanced at this guy, and didn't move for the time being. It seemed that he didn't plan to face it up directly, nor did he plan to dodge.

After knowing the strength of this guy, Su Ming didn't have much to worry about, and he didn't plan to fight back, letting this guy fight, because Su Ming wanted to try the power of the chain mail.

Just now, when Su Ming was silent, he directly put the chain mail on the equipment. It was not really making Su Ming put on his body from the head like wearing clothes. That way was too low.

All you need is a heartbeat, and the system will automatically equip Su Ming, just a breath of effort.

After being equipped with chain mail, although it seemed that there was no change on the surface, Su Ming had a very heavy feeling, as if his body was surrounded by a layer of hard steel.


Ouyang Shuo hit Su Ming's body with a heavy punch, and he made a very dull sound, which made it sound unbearable, and his heart trembled. It seemed that he was feeling pain for Su Ming. I don’t understand why Su Ming. Stand there and let Ouyang Shuo fight.

At first, Ouyang Shuo was quite proud. He said that this guy would not even hide, and it was probably nothing. Who knew that after a punch, Ouyang Shuo's expression suddenly changed.

There was something wrong. Ouyang Shuo had already noticed something was wrong. After a punch, Su Ming didn't react at all. He didn't change his face and heartbeat. This seems too abnormal.


Su Ming suddenly moved his body, causing Ouyang Shuo's fist to retract, and the whole person also took two steps back again and again.

Looking at this Ouyang Shuo, Su Ming was thinking about how to deal with him. To be straightforward, he could use Syndra's ultimate ability to summon the Dark Vitality Bullet, which could kill this guy in an instant.

But Su Ming didn’t plan to do that. First of all, it was too violent. It seemed a bit bad to kill people in public. Second, it was the most important thing. The troll's ultimatum hadn't been used for a long time. Su Ming didn't plan to just give up a living one. aims.

If possible, Su Ming really wanted to summon the Demon Marsh Frog. It has been a long time since it came out last time, and it should come out to breathe.

Let it play against this Ouyang Shuo, Su Ming can save his energy and watch the show, and by the way, he can also see the real combat power of the Demon Marsh Frog.

But there are still too many people around here, and it would be too exaggerated to summon a weird creature like this, and it might scare people. It wouldn't be great if it got on the news.

So Su Ming held back, and even Su Ming, the blade of the ruined king, was not ready to use it. Let's face this Ouyang Shuo head-on.

Anyway, there is such a good protective equipment as chain mail, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After experimenting with the power of the chain mail, Su Ming would definitely not stand stupidly here and let Ouyang Shuo fight. After Ouyang Shuo stepped back a few steps, Su Ming immediately opened the Iron Fist of the Leather City Marshall, and added The vitality in the upper body was smashed by Ouyang Shuo with a tooth for a tooth.


After the punch passed, Ouyang Shuo raised his arms to block, and forcibly blocked Su Ming's punch, but the whole person also took two steps back. It can be seen that Su Ming's punch is still full of impact. of.

"Ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Shuo sneered twice at this time, and then said: "It turns out that you are only in the early stage of the micro-level. UU reading and me are here to install a big tail wolf."

After Su Ming lifted the punch of the vitality in his body, he even exposed his realm. Ouyang Shuo naturally noticed Su Ming's realm right away, just like him, he was in the early stage of the micro realm.

As a result, the last worry in Ouyang Shuo's heart disappeared. He was in the same state as him. After pretending for a long time, he almost frightened Ouyang Shuo. Who knows that Su Ming is nothing more than that.

Immediately, Ouyang Shuo didn’t care much anymore, and rushed forward. The two of them fought together and formed a very powerful aura, which made the people around them retreat quite far, so they didn’t even dare to approach. There is a lot of space.

Anyone can see that this is a fight between two masters. If anyone doesn't have eyes close, he will probably be out of luck.

Seeing that Su Ming was in the same state as his, Ouyang Shuo began to feel relieved, and he didn't worry much. He still had the power to fight Su Ming.

But when the fight really started, Ouyang Shuo was surprised to find that he didn't seem to be Su Ming's opponent. After three minutes, he was defeated by Su Ming.

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