Shen Muke knew very well that Su Ming was tricking her on purpose, but this was Su Ming's consistent style. Shen Muke has been with Su Ming for so long and is now very used to it.

I saw Shen Muke's face flushed, bit his mouth, and then said to Su Ming: " do you want to motivate you?"

Su Ming just said it casually. In fact, he himself didn't know what to say. As for pro-Shen Muke, this kind of thing might have been a condition before.

But Su Ming and Shen Muke have already reached that point a long time ago. If they say that, it seems a little unnecessary, and Su Ming won't feel much motivated.

So Su Ming deliberately said: "This time I will give you a chance. Tell me how to motivate me. Let me see if you are sincere!"

Shen Muco gritted his teeth and didn't know what to say to satisfy Su Ming. Then he thought about it for a while and said, "Well, if you can get into Ningcheng University with me, I will let you kiss me. a bit!"


Su Ming couldn't help feeling a little funny when he heard Shen Muke's words. He said that if I really wanted to kiss you, I still need to make an agreement with you in this minute matter. This is not half a year ago.

Shen Muke smiled directly when he saw Su Ming, the whole person was a little embarrassed, and he looked at Su Ming fiercely, and said: "What are you laughing at? Are you not satisfied with what I just said?"

"Of course not satisfied—"

Su Ming said without thinking, and continued: "If you let you kiss me, wouldn't it let you take advantage?"

"Su Ming, you shameless————"

When Shen Muke heard this, his face blushed, and he was accidentally given a routine by Su Ming, and then Shen Muke directly pinched the tender meat on Su Ming's waist tip and pinched hard. .

Su Ming screamed in pain, and then quickly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong!"

I don’t know where Shen Mu learned this trick recently. Now I have started to pinch Su Ming’s meat regularly. People with girlfriends should be able to experience the sourness. As for single dogs, just Go ahead and play.

"Hurry up and tell me what to do!" Shen Muke pinched Su Ming, then stared at Su Ming and said, this look still looks very cute.

In fact, Su Ming was deliberately teasing Shen Mu to play a little bit. Without so much thought, feelings have to develop slowly. It is not enough to always use this trick, so Su Ming said: "I haven't thought about it yet. it is good."

"But I can't just bargain you off like that." Su Ming said: "If I enter Ningcheng University together with you, then you have to promise me one thing, you can just say anything to me! "

"Okay, let's just say that. Su Ming, you have to read carefully when you go home. It will be a month before the college entrance examination is fully completed." Shen Muke directly nodded and agreed, still wanting Su Ming to review well.

After all, no one is accurate in the exam. It is very important to perform on the spot. No one dares to say that he can get a good score in the exam. So if Su Ming hasn't reviewed it, Shen Mu can be worried about Su Ming. State.

As soon as Su Ming heard this, he looked at the date and found that it was already in May, and the college entrance examination was in early June, and the whole country is indeed full, and there is still a little more than a month. The days are really fast.

The last time I got the League of Legends lottery system was when I made up the summer vacation last year. So long passed in a blink of an eye.

Only he knows the secret of Su Ming's exam, and he can't tell such things, so Su Ming is very relieved that there should be no accidents, but to make Shen Mu feel relieved, Su Ming still speaks: "Don't worry, no Question, I will definitely review it during this period of time. If I don't like Ning University, I will come to see you."


Seeing Su Ming's serious face, Shen Muke couldn't help but smile, and then the two of them walked and talked. Su Ming sent her to the door of the vegetable shop. Just go back by yourself.


At night, Cheng Ruofeng called Su Ming and asked Su Ming to go out for dinner. This is not surprising, because Su Ming knew why Cheng Ruofeng asked for himself. Last night, Su Ming told Cheng Ruofeng some things to do.

When we arrived at a street food stall, neither Su Ming nor Cheng Ruofeng were that particular kind of people. They could basically eat them in any restaurant, as long as they were not too hygienic.

He ordered a few snacks, and then Su Ming said, "Do you have a clue about what I asked you to check?"

"I found some clues, let me tell you."

It turned out that when leaving from Monday yesterday, Cheng Ruofeng drove Su Ming back. Su Ming had been thinking about the ancient warriors, so he asked Cheng Ruofeng to check the origins of these people. Today, Cheng Ruofeng is looking for them. Su Ming is here for this.

Cheng Ruofeng continued: "I have been using various resources to check the few people from yesterday, but I didn't find too many people. Those few people seemed to pop up suddenly, even in the police station's database. Inside, there is no record of them throwing away!"

Su Ming’s expression did not see any changes. In fact, Su Ming could also guess these things. The origins of those people were a bit mysterious. When Su Ming asked Cheng Ruofeng to investigate, he didn’t have much hope. Give it a try.

"But it's not that I haven't found The guy who beat Long Mao yesterday, named Ouyang Shuo, accidentally met Song Zhe, and the two became good friends! Cheng Ruofeng said, this is the only useful information he has investigated.

Su Ming nodded. Yesterday he was wondering about this. How did Song Zhe get involved with those ancient warriors. After a long time, Su Ming said directly: "Okay, you Then check it, if you have any information, tell me, let's eat."

Seeing that the waiter had already brought the dishes, Su Ming directly picked up the chopsticks and said.

While drinking, Su Ming glanced at Cheng Ruofeng, but with this inadvertent look, Su Ming sensed something was wrong.


Su Ming was a little puzzled at this time, because Cheng Ruofeng's face seemed to be something wrong, his complexion was ruddy, and the hall was flushed even more.

I haven't drunk much yet. Cheng Ruofeng couldn't have drunk too much. It seemed that something good should have happened, otherwise it couldn't be this way.

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