Cheng Ruofeng had heard of these conditions in the hospital to some extent. No matter how big the hospital was, it couldn't hold back the large number of people in China. Almost every day and all the time, people were sick and needed to be hospitalized.

So in the case of very limited medical resources, this will inevitably lead to such a situation, even in large hospitals like this, in many cases even registration is very difficult, and so many scalpers are produced.

Cheng Ruofeng listened for a while and understood what was going on, and said: "Why is my second aunt suddenly injured? Where is she, take me over and see."

In any case, this is Cheng Ruofeng's relative. Since he already knew about it, Cheng Ruofeng couldn't say it and didn't say anything, just left like this. It would be too shameful.

"Your second aunt is in the inpatient department on the eighth floor, I'll take you up with you." Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle still looked quite honest, and didn't say much, so he said directly to Cheng Ruofeng.

Cheng Ruofeng nodded when he was rushing to Miao Yu, and he immediately noticed when Miao Yu, quietly following the second uncle Cheng Ruofeng, and took the elevator upstairs.

Cheng Ruofeng’s second aunt stayed the same way because there were no beds in the hospital. Basically, if there were no wards for the time being, they would be in this state. Don’t look sparsely in the corridors, but if you count them carefully, the patients Still quite a lot.

"Ruo Feng is here. Just now when I was paying the money downstairs, I just ran into Ruo Feng." Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle came over and said immediately.

In addition to Cheng Ruofeng’s second aunt lying on the small folding bed of the transaction, there is also a person who seems to be quite young. This is the second uncle Cheng Ruofeng’s son and the cousin of Cheng Ruofeng, slightly older than Cheng Ruofeng. A little bit, named Cheng Song.

Cheng Ruofeng's second aunt and Cheng Song, after seeing Cheng Ruofeng, were obviously very surprised. If you count it carefully, you haven't seen Process Ruofeng for almost ten years.

It was a little surprised to see the real person so suddenly. I didn't expect that someone I hadn't seen for many years would suddenly ran into it today.

"Ruo Feng, you... why are you in Ningcheng?" Cheng Ruofeng's second aunt was taken aback, and then asked.

Cheng Ruofeng smiled and replied, "I have lived in Ningcheng, and my work is here."

"Aren't you working as a soldier? Why did you suddenly work in Ningcheng? Was it assigned to you by the army?" the second uncle on the side asked.

"I am discharged from the army, and I don't have any clues. I just want to go around and eat." Cheng Ruofeng said lightly.

He is not the kind of person who likes to pretend to be forced. Otherwise, he will directly reveal his current identity. In other words, he is also a manager of a company. It is still very good to say it. However, Ruo Feng just said it lightly. Just eat food.

"Retired from the army, how did I hear that you seemed to be expelled directly?" Cheng Song on the side said in a strange way at this time.

Someone had gone to the army before on their side, so some information about Cheng Ruofeng was sent back, saying that Cheng Ruofeng had been expelled from the army because of a big mistake.

It's just that this news has not been confirmed, and no one knows whether it is true or not. Who knows that Cheng Song actually said it directly.

Anyone who knows a little bit of humanity and sophistication knows that you can't just expose a person's shortcomings, even if you know it in your heart, you can't say it casually. Such words will cause other people's dissatisfaction.

This is not because Cheng Song's EQ is low and unreasonable. The main reason is that he doesn't deal with Cheng Ruofeng. The relationship between the two is not very good. It can even be said that Cheng Ruofeng and his second uncle's family are not doing well.

This will start from the past. Cheng Ruofeng's life experience is not very good. He grew up in a small town under Ningcheng, and he can barely be regarded as a Ningcheng person, but the family conditions are not very good.

As a teenager, Cheng Ruofeng suffered a family accident. His parents all left in a car accident, and the driver escaped. The technology of that era was not as advanced as the modern one. In the end, he was not caught, and he did not even have a compensation.

Cheng Ruofeng was so helpless, he could only go to his own relatives. Speaking of Cheng Ruofeng, there were few relatives, and his second uncle was relatively close, so Cheng Ruofeng went to live with his second uncle.

The days under the fence were not very good, and the second uncle’s family situation was not very good. In that era, it was good for a few members of a family to have enough to eat. If Cheng Ruofeng is alone, it is equivalent to an extra burden. .

It's okay to live like this for a day or two, but problems will inevitably occur after a long time. The second uncle is okay, a good farmer, but the second aunt is a bit careless.

Although I didn't say it directly, the performance was still very obvious. I could see that Cheng Ruofeng was unhappy. In the end, I couldn't help it. My second aunt couldn't stand the quarrel every day. So my second uncle asked Cheng Ruofeng not to go to school and go out. Let's have a meal.

Cheng Ruofeng, a teenager with strong self-esteem, was naturally hurt. He also knew what the second uncle meant. He packed his luggage and left in a fit of anger. Later, by chance, he went to join the army.

There was no free time in the army, so Cheng Ruofeng hadn't been back to his second uncle's house for a long time. Other relatives were also distant relatives and had not been in contact for a long time, so Cheng Ruofeng had almost nothing to do with his relatives.

If it weren't for the second uncle by chance Cheng Ruofeng would not have thought of looking for them.

Today, Cheng Ruofeng is no longer the one he was back then, and his mentality has matured a lot, and the grudges in his heart have disappeared.

Although the second uncle’s family did not do the right thing, but there was no way. The second uncle was forced to do it at the time. Cheng Ruofeng could understand it. Most rural women at the age of the second aunt are stubborn, especially at home. The situation is not good.

It's been so many years, and now Cheng Ruofeng is alive and well, maybe they should be thankful to them back then, it's boring to care about.

Because of Cheng Song’s words, the atmosphere became a little awkward, and the second uncle next to him immediately said: “What are you talking about here? Let you go to the doctor to arrange a bed. Have you gone?”

"Why didn't I go, the doctor didn't want to see me at all, because there was no ward." Cheng Song immediately retorted.

Cheng Ruofeng glanced at the second aunt who was still injured lying on the bed. After all, she was a relative, and Cheng Ruofeng couldn't stand by, so she said, "I'll ask if I can make arrangements."

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