After a long circle, he finally returned to the previous topic. Su Ming didn't forget what he wanted to do. He really wanted to know what Lin Wufu came to Ningcheng for.

The more you don't know, the more you want to know if you are interested. For example, the goddess you secretly loves suddenly glances at you and is noticed by you.

Then you must be wondering, why the goddess should look at you, what was her mind at the time, and one day she would be entangled in her heart.

Su Ming was in this state at this time, feeling like a cat scratched in his heart. He wanted to know what happened to the sudden emergence of so many ancient warriors in Ning Cheng.


Lin Wufu's expression changed again. It was indeed flicking Su Ming just now, but after Su Ming saw it through, it also showed that it would not work to fudge Su Ming casually.

And since everyone had already spoken out at this time, Lin Wufu didn't intend to lie to Su Ming, but this matter was so important that he couldn't say anything casually.

So he gritted his teeth, Lin Wufu said, "Brother Su, I'm really sorry, I didn't just lie to you casually."

"Because this incident involves the secrets of our family, I came with a mission this time, so I really can't tell you, please understand me." Lin Wufu said helplessly.

Looking at Lin Wufu’s expression, Su Ming can also tell that this guy is not the kind of treacherous person. Since he said so, it means that this kind of thing is really not easy to say directly, and Su Ming does not. Continue to force him.

What other people don't want to say, if you keep asking about it, it won't be so good. It's the truth that a twisted melon is not sweet.


Su Ming didn't continue to ask this. He chose to respect Lin Wufu, and then changed the question. I want to ask: "Do you know the Ouyang family? Are you with you?"

"You know the Ouyang family, did you meet them?"

Lin Wufu's expression changed a bit when he heard these words. It was obvious that the words "Ouyang Family" touched him quite a bit, which also showed that Su Ming had asked about the idea, and he must have known it.

Su Ming was also a little excited because of this. Now he had a chance to figure out the identities of those people, so he didn't hide anything, and continued: "I did meet their Ouyang family the other day."

"There are four people in total, three men and one woman. One of them is called Ouyang Tianhua and the other is Ouyang Shuo. I don't know the other two." Su Ming directly said everything he knew.

"That's right!"

As soon as Lin Wufu heard these two names, he nodded and confirmed, and said, "Those people belong to the Ouyang family, and their relationship with me is not very good. I belong to the Lin family."

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he said this, and he was even more sure that Lin Wufu was a friendly army, and that the enemy's enemy was a friend. This is an unchanging principle. In ancient times, fights were allied in this way.

Although Lin Wufu didn’t say it directly, Su Ming could have guessed it. It must be against those in the Ouyang family. There is no such good relationship between big families, because everyone is in a competitive relationship. There will be some friction.

To give a very simple reason, take the three major families of Ningcheng as an example. Before Su Ming intervened, the three major families were in a competitive relationship.

"Since you told me such an important news, let me tell you something too."

Lin Wufu thought for a while and seemed to have made a decision, so he said to Su Ming: "In fact, we are all members of the Guwu family."

"This Guwu family, maybe you people in the secular world, don't know very well, we are the existence beyond the secular world."

Lin Wufu's words seemed to open Su Ming's door to a new world, and Su Ming was extremely surprised. It was the first time Su Ming heard this kind of thing. No one told him this kind of thing before, so Su Ming was stunned. After a while, he continued to ask, "What is this Guwu family?"

It seemed that Su Ming had already expected Su Ming to ask this question, so Lin Wufu continued to introduce: "The Guwu family is just a relative term, just like your family in the world, a large group of people with a surname organization."

"It's just that the only difference is that in our Guwu family, almost all of them are given to the ancient warriors!" Lin Wufu said slowly.


As soon as Su Ming heard this, the whole person was stunned, and at the same time he couldn't help taking a breath of air, this... how is this possible.

You know that the ancient warriors in ordinary cities are really rarer than giant pandas. I have never seen a few Even before, Su Ming didn't even know the original. There is something like ancient warrior.

As a result, Lin Wufu said as soon as he opened his mouth, the members of the Guwu clan are basically ancient martial artists. What is the concept of this?

A family is not exaggerated. There must be dozens of people in a family. Adding some people with a lighter blood relationship is even more remarkable. As a result, the family members are all ancient warriors. This is definitely an exaggeration to the explosion. The news had a very big impact on Su Ming.

Su Ming felt that his breathing was a little difficult, and he opened his mouth with some difficulty, and then said, "You... are you sure that a family is an ancient warrior?"

"I know you may have some difficulty understanding."

Lin Wufu said: "But the fact is that this is true. Our Guwu family has inherited it, has its own unique cultivation techniques and secrets, and almost the child will be soaked in medicine from birth to wash him. The marrow cutting sutra basically begins to practice at the age of walking."

"So after I saw you, I was very surprised. I always thought that young ancient martial artists were only available in our ancient martial arts world. What I didn't expect is that there is a strange existence like you." Lin Wufu Said something.

It is true that Su Ming's strength in this early stage of the micro-level is still shocking him. It is very incredible that a person in the world without a systematic cultivation method can reach this level.

Lin Wufu also guessed that Su Ming might have some chances, and chances are very important on the way of cultivation. It is very possible that you will be hit by a secret book on your head while walking, and then you will embark on the road against the sky.

It's just that this kind of thing involves personal secrets, Lin Wufu will definitely not ask, asking others the secrets of cultivation, this is a taboo in the ancient martial arts world.

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