Su Ming was so depressed. In fact, he himself didn't expect that Qin Shiyin would have such a big reaction just now. At first, he thought it was because of his skill.

However, after a few seconds, Su Ming realized that something was wrong, and the intensity of the reaction shocked Su Ming. It was definitely not just a simple reaction, because the reaction was too big.

So Su Ming stopped his actions and quickly glanced at Qin Shiyin, fearing that something might happen, so Su Ming said directly: "Shiyin, what happened to you just now, the reaction is so big!"

It's not the first time that Su Ming has experienced this kind of thing, so he still has some common sense in his heart. After all, he watched so many wonderful blockbusters with Jiang Xiaojun back then, and he still had some small research on the human body structure.

The more important thing is that Su Ming knew in his heart, after all, he had actually fought with Lin Yingzhu before, and Lin Yingzhu's reaction was not the same as Qin Shiyin's.

But Lin Yingzhu's response was normal, and Qin Shiyin's this was really scary, and Su Ming's momentary effort was really a little scared.

Qin Shiyin's face was still ruddy, and his mouth was panting. If he didn't know, he thought that Qin Shiyin had just sprinted for a hundred meters, and he was so tired.

It seemed a little hard to tell, but seeing Su Ming's surprised look, Qin Shiyin still said, "I don't know what happened just now."

"It was when you got me just now, and... and then a very comfortable feeling spread up, and gradually spread throughout the body, so numb, the whole body seems to have no strength!" Qin Shiyin said. Said.

It's just that Qin Shiyin's face became more and more rosy when speaking, and it seemed to be more attractive than before.

Su Ming understood it as soon as he heard this. How could Su Ming still not understand the detailed description. This is clearly the feeling of a woman reaching the highest peak, which is still somewhat different from a man.


But if this is the case, the problem will come, it is not scientific, it is not scientific at all.

To reach the most pleasant level, it must be done by Su Ming. Su Ming knows that he is very strong, but he can't be so strong, but after a few kisses, he made Qin Shiyin like this.

Su Ming was very puzzled, but I still gave myself a self-comfort. It is estimated that everyone is different, and Qin Shiyin is more sensitive, so he will react so quickly.

It was just a small episode, and Su Ming didn't take it too seriously. After all, business can't be delayed. At such a wonderful moment, every second of Su Ming's delay felt very wasteful.

"Let's go ahead, don't waste time!"

After Su Ming finished speaking, he hugged Qin Shiyin again and started to move with his hands.

Qin Shiyin's body can't lift the strength now, and the two of them are in this state now, how can Qin Shiyin be shy, there is no resistance at all, just let Su Ming just do whatever it takes Did it.

Su Ming's current skills are incomparable to the kind of superb old drivers, but it's not bad. He continued to act on Qin Shiyin, and dropped his hands.

"No, Su Ming, I can't do it anymore. Stop it!"

Who knows that it hasn't been a minute yet, Qin Shiyin actually spoke again, and the voice is still the same, there is pleasure and pain, and he can't say anything later, he called directly, and then the whole body trembled violently.

"I wipe--"

Su Ming was really dumbfounded now. He didn't move for a while and just froze there. After three seconds, when Qin Shiyin's panting voice calmed down, Su Ming asked, "What's wrong, you... …You don’t feel the same way again, do you?"


Qin Shiyin felt embarrassed about this kind of thing. Although she was very comfortable in the few seconds just now, she felt it was the most comfortable moment in her life, but after that, she felt shame in her heart.

Su Ming asked so directly, and Qin Shiyin couldn't ignore Su Ming, so he nodded directly and acknowledged it.

Su Ming is really dumbfounded now. It’s too weird. I didn’t do anything, and I haven’t gotten into the topic yet. It’s just to adjust the atmosphere. Qin Shiyin’s reaction is too big. Right?

"Su Ming, I can't do it anymore. I feel that if I continue to do it like this, I can't do it anymore. Now the whole person has no strength!" Qin Shiyin took a second breath and said to Su Ming.

Before, Qin Shiyin had only a half-knowledge about these matters between men and women. What she didn't understand was very After all, she couldn't be the same as Su Ming. If you have anything to do, just watch a movie.

I have heard that this is a wonderful thing, which can make the soul sublime. Today Qin Shiyin has realized it. The beauty is indeed wonderful, but Qin Shiyin did not expect to be so tired.

If she kept going like this, wouldn't she be exhausted? She couldn't stand it at all.

Su Ming fell into silence for a while, and there was no emotion like anger. It just felt a little strange. At the same time, Su Ming was also very able to understand Qin Shiyin's state at this time.

As the saying goes, there are only exhausted cows and no bad farming. It is usually men who say this, and it is the man who is incompetent to save himself some face.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, as long as you do too much, you will feel very tired. It has nothing to do with gender.

For example, when he was with Lin Yingzhu before, Su Ming himself was extremely powerful, and often several times a night, when Lin Yingzhu couldn't stand up, he would beg for mercy.

In less than three minutes, Qin Shiyin has already done it twice in a row, and it is indeed impossible to continue. If it continues, it is estimated that Qin Shiyin will definitely be unable to stand it.

Su Ming glanced at Qin Shiyin who seemed to be very tired next to him, sweating, and the doubts in his heart continued.

It's too abnormal, this situation of Qin Shiyin is absolutely abnormal, normal women can't be this reaction.

It can't even be described as a sensitivity. It can only be said that Qin Shiyin is particularly sensitive, and it is still too sensitive.

Seeing Su Ming stopped talking there, and there was no expression on his face, Qin Shiyin said: "Su Ming, why are you not talking anymore, are you angry?"

Su Ming came back to his senses, glanced at Qin Shiyin, and then said: "Shiyin, you seem to be sick!"

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