First-come-last-come this kind of thing can only be talked about in ordinary times, even ordinary people may not be able to abide by this rule, let alone ancient warriors who can ignore ordinary rules.

Although Su Ming has not really come into contact with the ancient martial arts world, Su Ming uses his own mind to think about it and understands that the ancient martial arts world has a "first come, first come" rule? This special mother is pure nonsense.

The ancient martial arts world is very cruel. It is similar to the rules in the animal world, that is, the law of the natural jungle.

If you are strong and have a big fist, then you have a relatively large right to speak. Otherwise, where do you have the right to speak, if you are not strong and there is no big backing behind, you will definitely kill you if you want to kill you, and want to steal your things. Just grab your things.

As for things like laws and morals, they don’t exist at all, and there is no such thing as the existence of police organizations in the world to maintain order.

So after listening to this guy's words, Su Ming felt funny for a while, this guy really thought he was so cheating.

The expression on the face of the guy wearing the straw hat was a bit embarrassing for a while, he wanted to scare Su Ming, but who knew it didn't have any effect at all.

But he couldn’t be afraid of Su Ming. Although Su Ming would pose a certain threat to him, how could he be persuaded, so he just listened to this guy with a cold snort, then said, "So what? , Can you threaten me in the early stage of microcosm?"

Su Ming had already seen his strength for this guy, and Su Ming was not surprised at all. He had already used his vitality just now, so Su Ming knew it well.

Su Ming doesn’t care about the problem of this realm. Anyway, realm does not involve the issue of combat effectiveness. Su Ming always ignores the realm when fighting, and he is not one or two higher than himself. Su Ming is not too embarrassed to fight with others. , There is a suspicion of bullying.

I saw Su Ming smiled weirdly, and then said, "What happened in the early stage of the microcosm, you are the confidence that you pretended to force me in the middle of the microcosm?"


The guy wearing the straw hat was really taken aback now, as can be seen from the drastic change in his face, Su Ming's words really frightened him.

It's unscientific. Although he used his vitality when he shot a wolf into the air just now, his realm is higher than Su Ming.

A very basic rule is that when the vitality is stimulated, people with high levels can see the level of people with low levels, and people with the same level can also see it.

But if your opponent is lower than the opponent, it's like encountering a higher-level Boss in the game. When you check the attributes, there are a series of question marks, which are not visible at all.

To be reasonable, Su Ming's realm was lower than him in the early stage of entering the micro realm. It is impossible to see his realm, but things really happened like this, which broke his usual common sense.

" do you know that I am in the mid-micron state?" The guy wearing the straw hat was full of horror. Although he didn't know about the skills, he had already begun to guess in his heart. Maybe this kid had some special methods. Or a magic weapon, you can check the realm of people.

If this kid is captured for a while, and if this method is used to force the question, it will be of great help.

When the guy in the straw hat thought of this, he couldn't help licking his lips. It seemed that he had an idea in his heart. Anyway, if Su Ming wanted a young wolf, he couldn't give it to him, so killing Su Ming was inevitable.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming said at this time unexpectedly: "I deliberately guessed it. Looking at you like a bear, the realm will not be higher than mine. It really is in the middle of the micro realm, and I guessed it. Up!"


The guy wearing the straw hat almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood and vomited it out directly. After a long time of speculation, it turned out that this kid was blindly blinded. This guy couldn't accept this fact at all.

" dare to deceive me?!"

When I thought that I was defrauded by Su Ming just now, and I didn't realize it at all, my realm was defrauded. This special lady was really too angry.

So the guy wearing the straw hat suddenly raised the vitality of his body, and then directly attacked Su Ming. It was obvious that he was so angry that he was ready to do it.

Anyway, you have to fight sooner or later. It's better to do it directly. The guy in the straw hat is afraid that he can't help vomiting blood if he says a few words to Su Mingduo.

"It just happened to have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Su Ming saw that this guy was suddenly in trouble, he was not surprised and rejoiced in his heart, he was already waiting for him, so Su Ming directly raised his hand, three dark vitality bullets that had already condensed, all of them I smashed this guy If you use other methods, such as going directly up to fight in a hand-to-hand fight like this, Su Ming is also worthy of him, because he has too many skills. There are endless tricks in the fight, making the enemy unable to parry at all.

But it is undeniable that Syndra's ultimate move is definitely one of the easiest methods. Just throw it away and it will have an immediate effect. Su Ming doesn't need to move.

"Bang, bang, bang--"

It was still the same as before, and three dull sounds rang out, and three dark vitality bullets exploded on this guy wearing a straw hat.

Syndra's ult has been used several times before, and Su Ming also has a rough estimate of the power of this skill.

The former top overseas master Jiang Linzhu was directly inflicted to death by Su Ming using Syndra's ult. At that time, he was an ancient warrior who had just stepped into the early stage of the micro-level, and his Taoism was still relatively shallow.

And the last time it was used on the guy Ouyang Tianhua, that product was also the only one who ate Syndra's ultimatum twice. Although he was seriously injured, he did not die twice. After all, it was in the middle stage of the microcosm, and it was certain It’s impossible to kill directly with the protection methods.


The guy in the straw hat in front of Su Ming, his body was like a broken kite. After struggling in the air for a few times, he flew out suddenly, and then landed directly on the ground, vomiting blood looking miserable Look like.

"Ahem, this...what is this trick?"

The guy with the straw hat had horror in his eyes, incredible, he was already badly injured before he was beaten in a round. Is this guy in the early days of the microcosm?

When Su Ming saw that this guy could still vomit blood, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

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