Su Ming was stunned for a moment. I really didn't think about this question. If Professor Li took the shot, he would definitely not be expelled.

But if this happens, if the school doesn't deal with it at all, it's not justified, or it's hard to convince the public at all, otherwise, how should it deal with others in the future?

So Su Ming said: "The school felt that I was the first offender, so it was a little bit merciful to my subordinates and gave me a warning. If there is another next time, I will be expelled. I'm lucky."

"That's good, that's good, as long as it's not fired, that's good!"

The three people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. The cohesion of a dormitory was reflected at this time. At least these three people were really worried about Su Ming.

The fat guy patted his hand and said, "It's fine if there is nothing wrong. Just now in the class group, I have been talking about this matter. The discussion was so modest that none of us dared to speak."

"The class group is also discussing, what did they say?" Su Ming asked curiously.

"You should read it for yourself, and you have said a lot. Anyway, you are basically discussing the matter of your dismissal, and I can't say it myself." The fat man said.

Su Ming was bored at this time anyway, so he took out his mobile phone, and found that there were more than one hundred unread messages in the group that opened the class, so he pulled it directly to the top, and looked down. .

"Someone outside today said that Su Ming is going to be expelled from school, is it true?"

"Of course it is true. The news that Chuxue brought back was heard internally. Su Ming was fired. It is already a certainty."

"Isn't it, although I made a mistake, it is the first time after all, it would be too cruel to expel it."

"This can't be called a mistake anymore. If he beats an instructor, it's okay to say something, but if he beats so many instructors, the bad effect is too great and he must be expelled."

"It's true. From the perspective of the school, think about it. If you don't give Su Ming a little heavier punishment, it is really not easy to explain. After all, our military training has been cancelled because of this."

"It's a pity, Su Ming looks good, but he was fired."

"If I remember correctly, we only had two days of military training. He was expelled. It is estimated that the history of Ningcheng University will be created. The fastest expelled student in history."

"666, this record is afraid that no one can break it for a while."

"What's so pitiful, if you do this kind of thing, you have to bear the consequences, otherwise he will give the limelight."


Su Ming looked around for a while, and basically said everything, some who regret Su Ming, some silently eating melons to watch the excitement, and some gloating and cynicism. This is also a normal phenomenon.

But Su Ming didn't say anything, just diving silently. It is estimated that he has not been expelled. A large part of the people will be disappointed now.

Wang Tao is not very good-tempered. He can't stand some people in the group for a long time, but he can't say anything.

Because if it was true that Su Ming was expelled, he would not have the confidence to go out and argue with others. It is estimated that if he helped Su Ming speak, he would be directly besieged, so Wang Tao and the others abruptly resisted it.

It's all right now. Once I heard that Su Ming hadn't been expelled, the situation was naturally different, so Wang Tao said, "No, I have to say a few words in the group and let them stop, it's not over."

"Forget it, they are all in the same class with their general knowledge." Su Ming said.

"What's wrong with a class, can a class be able to talk nonsense? If you want to talk nonsense, I used to tore their mouths one or two."

While Wang Tao was talking, he directly took out his latest fruit phone and cracked a series of words. After a while, Su Ming saw it.

"Listen to me. Su Ming has not been expelled from the school at all. They are just false rumors. I hope everyone can have some distinguishing ability, and others have said."

"If anyone else said about this, and I saw him, I wouldn't let him go." Wang Tao's tone of voice was very strong, which was in line with his usual temper.

At the same time, behind such a large string of words, Wang Tao still remembered everyone Aite, and ensured that as long as they were in this group they could see it.

Su Ming suddenly thought of an embarrassing thing. It seems that the counselor is still in this group, but the counselor rarely comes together when everyone is talking, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

After Wang Tao finished speaking, he really calmed the others. Everyone knew what kind of temper Wang Tao was. Even the instructors dared to confront people, maybe how to deal with It was pretty good There was no sound in the lively group.

Of course, not everyone is afraid of Wang Tao. For example, Zhang Chuxue, when Zhang Chuxue saw Wang Tao speaking for Su Ming, she was upset.

So he spoke directly in the group and said: "You are Su Ming's roommate, you must speak for him. Why do you say that everyone is talking about rumors, and show evidence."

"This bitch, you really want evidence from me. The counselor himself said, isn't this evidence yet?" Wang Tao cursed, and at the same time a few fingers quickly pressed on the screen.

"not good----"

Su Ming's expression changed abruptly. How could this be a counselor? Su Ming was just using the name of a counselor, and the counselor did not say that Su Ming could not be fired.

If the counselor is really alarmed, I am afraid it will be embarrassing for a while. After all, the counselor is also in the group. Who can guarantee that he will not look at it.

So Su Ming hurriedly reached out and blocked Wang Tao's phone screen. Wang Tao stopped and said, "What's wrong with Su Ming?"

"Don't talk about the counselor directly."

"Why, I don't say they don't believe it."

"All it takes is that they don't believe it."

Su Ming smiled and said: "Zhang Chuxue didn't know where to get the news. I was extremely certain that I was fired. I can just dig a hole and let her jump in."

"I see, Su Ming, you want to cheat Zhang Chuxue." The fat man was the first to understand Su Ming's meaning and said excitedly.

Su Ming didn't speak, but the not-so-simple smile on his face had exposed himself. This Zhang Chuxue is not a good product, and it is time to clean him up.

Wang Tao must have understood. He was very excited for a while, rubbing his hands, and said, "Su Ming, what do you mean by that?"

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