Seeing that Professor Zhang, who was the most difficult to deal with, was relieved to say nothing, Ankang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Other people, if you have any different opinions, speak up and listen."

No one spoke for a while. Those people who came to the meeting were old fried dough sticks. Most of them came here to paddle and beat soy sauce.

Basically what the principals said, these people would just follow along, and everyone can see that even if they put forward their opinions, they will be persuaded by Ankang in the end. It’s not necessary, it’s just a form, and there will be no one. She jumped out and said stupidly.

After being silent for a while, Director Gu said: "You can't expel him, but you can't be punished at all. In that case, you can't explain to other students. If someone makes a mistake in the future, you can't be punished. Yes, otherwise someone will definitely criticize it."

After listening, Ankang nodded. It made sense, and it was indeed like this. So Ankang directly said: "It's impossible without punishment."

"Just give him a warning and let others take warning, and don't do anything like this again in the future."

Ankang continued: "At the same time, the military instructors conveyed our apologies to them. It is their business to accept or not. As far as I know, this fight is not only the responsibility of the students."

"It happened to take advantage of this opportunity to cancel cooperation with them and find other instructors to ensure that the military training goes on normally."

After a few instructions, the meeting ended directly.

Out of the meeting room, Su Ming and their counselors still felt a trance. This time they came to participate in this so-called emergency meeting. In fact, he was only here, and there was no chance to speak at all.

But this is not the point. The point is that the situation has changed drastically. Su Ming has changed from expulsion to warning. This is not a concept at all.

Until this time, it has been two minutes since the instructor has been out, and the counselor still feels dizzy. There is a feeling in a dream. Why did the situation reverse?

But after thinking about it carefully, through some detailed memories, the counselor immediately thought of what was wrong.

No wonder that when I talked to Su Ming today, the kid didn't seem to be anxious at all, he was calmer than anyone else, and he said nothing until the end, who knows if the situation will change.

He didn't understand what it meant at the time, but now he understands it, and it's a bit of hindsight.

Obviously that kid has a background, I guess he has confidence in his heart, he has already thought about what to do, and he will be so calm.

However, the counselor was also happy for Su Ming. After all, he didn't want to see his student being expelled. In that case, his reputation would not be pleasant. Now everyone is happy.


In the early morning of the next day, there was nothing too much, because for the freshmen, there was no military training today, so everyone was nothing.

However, some people's hearts are still tugging, because Su Ming's punishment notice has not come down.

But the school didn't let everyone wait too long. At about nine o'clock in the morning, it directly issued the notice of punishment.

"Chu Xue, take a look quickly, Su Ming's penalty notice has come down."

In Zhang Chuxue's dormitory, Zhang Chuxue was still lying in bed and couldn't get up. One of her roommates stared at the phone screen, as if they had discovered the New World, and hurriedly called out.

Zhang Chuxue became excited immediately. Looking at this posture, people who didn't know she thought she had won five million. Seeing that she was very busy, she got up quickly.

Hurriedly asked: "Where can I read the notice of punishment?"

"Look directly at the group in our class, the instructor sent in."

Sure enough, Zhang Chuxue opened the class group to take a look. It was all right. The counselor sent a series of texts, beginning with "Ningcheng University's notice of punishment for freshman Su Ming."

However, after a brief glance, Zhang Chuxue was completely dumbfounded, as if the whole person was struck by lightning, it seemed that there was no reaction at all.

The whole notice was different from what she had imagined. The previous was normal, and Su Ming's behavior was severely criticized.

However, the painting style changed later, pointing out the instructor's provocative behavior, and saying that Su Ming made a mistake for the first time.

Anyway, he said a lot of things to explain Su Ming, and the final result was that Su Ming warned him once, and the next time he was directly expelled.

Although the word "expelled" appeared, but it said there will be another time, obviously this time Su Ming will not be expelled.

And it's just a warning. It's even more minor than the record. If you don't record it in your personal file, it doesn't hurt Su Ming at all.

The happy mood suddenly Zhang Chuxue, who was sitting there, seemed to be poured a bucket of ice water from head to toe.

"Chu Xue, this is different from what you said. Su Ming was not fired, so he was warned and punished once." The roommates also looked at Zhang Chuxue strangely.

"Impossible, Su Ming should have been expelled, is there a problem with this notice." Zhang Chuxue couldn't figure it out.

The roommate said, "That won't be the case. After all, the counselor personally sent it. Would he still send fake things to deceive us.

"It's hard to say, it's probably the wrong copy. Chuxue, please go to the school's official website to check it out." A girl from the dormitory comforted Zhang Chuxue.

Zhang Chuxue realized that if there was a notice, the school's official website would definitely be available, so he hurriedly opened the school's website and saw the eye-catching headline when he opened the webpage.

It's just that after opening it, the content is exactly the same, because the instructor copied it from the official website, how could it be wrong.

The last glimmer of hope in Zhang Chuxue's heart was shattered. At this time, in her heart, she couldn't figure it out except for it, which was different from what Zhou Zhichen said.

So Zhang Chuxue immediately got up from the bed and quickly washed and changed clothes and dressed up. Normally, she would have to dress up for at least half an hour if she went out. She went out in just a few minutes today. She had to ask Zhou Zhichen to ask for more information.

"Zhou Zhichen, come down to me, I'm downstairs in your dormitory." Zhang Chuxue almost roared when she called.

Zhou Zhichen came down very quickly. Seeing Zhang Chuxue's appearance, he said strangely: "Senior Chuxue, what's wrong with you, you ran out without combing your hair, so I want to see me."

Zhou Zhichen wanted to make a joke with Zhang Chuxue, but Zhang Chuxue was not that interested, and said loudly, "Zhou Zhichen, you are a big liar."

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