Principal An’s words are equivalent to directly throwing Zhou Zhichen into hell. From now on, let alone the president of the student union, I’m afraid Zhou Zhichen is not even an ordinary member of the student union. Was expelled from the student union.

Director Gu couldn't help sighing in his heart. He usually has a lot of contact with Zhou Zhichen. He knows that Zhou Zhichen has the same ability as the city government. The future development prospects are definitely good. It is a pity that he gave himself to himself this time. Playing to death.

Of course Director Gu didn't say anything. The decision was made. If he was helping Zhou Zhichen, it would not only have no effect, it might also cause dissatisfaction with the principal. There is no need to do such thankless things.

Just listen to Principal An continue to say: "Also remember to soothe the emotions of those freshmen. Don't let bad emotions spread among classmates."


Soon the school issued a notice of punishment, this time it can be said to be vigorous and resolute, because the school can no longer tolerate such things.

Under certain circumstances, the school is like those stars in the entertainment industry. Once a scandal occurs, the impact will be very large.

So this time it must be brutally attacked, which is equivalent to a warning to everyone, otherwise the group of students will do something in two days, no one can stand it.

The first is the guy Song Chengyi. This guy is not a good thing at all. With his status as an international student, coupled with his taekwondo, it can be said to have caused a lot of trouble in school.

The school has always tolerated him, some minor mistakes, it would be inappropriate to deal with him, after all, he is a foreigner, and his identity still has some special characteristics.

However, this time he was considered to be more serious, and immediately angered the leaders of the school. This time he would not let him go, so he was expelled and let him return to China.

In other words, this guy came to Ningcheng University for two years, and in the end he didn't even get a graduation certificate, so he had to return home in despair.

When he confessed to Zhou Zhichen yesterday, he didn't expect so much. He just wanted to transfer the hatred value. Who knew he had pitted himself.

If he knew in advance that there would be such a result, he would rather be severely beaten by Su Ming than did what he did yesterday, but unfortunately there is no such thing.

As for Zhou Zhichen, he didn't get much better off the game. It worked so hard to climb to the position of student council president, but he disappeared all at once.

He was only elected as the president of the student union after the junior year started. It can be said that it hasn't been a few days. As a result, he was taken directly. It is estimated that Zhou Zhichen must be the shortest-lived student union president in the history of Ningcheng University.

More importantly, he was also directly expelled from the student union, which means that in the future, all affairs of the student union have nothing to do with him. It is basically impossible to make a comeback.

I have been in the student union since my freshman year. Over the past two years, I have spent a lot of thought, but in the end I didn't get anything. It is inevitable that people feel a bit tragedy.

Of course, no one sympathized with Zhou Zhichen. On the contrary, after most people listened to it, they clapped and praised. The school's handling of this incident was very pleasant, and this disgusting person was punished due to it. .

It is said that when Zhou Zhichen learned of the news, he was still lying on the hospital bed in the school infirmary. As a result, he almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood. As soon as he closed his eyes, he fainted and he was taken directly to the infirmary for rescue.


Of course, the impact of this kind of incident on Su Ming is minimal. At best, Su Ming has become more famous in school. Basically, if he goes out, basically many people can recognize Su Ming.

The military training stopped for about five days and then started again. It is impossible to cancel the military training. This is an annual task of the school. If it cannot be completed in time, they will not be able to explain to them. of.

The school recruited a group of instructors again, the military training restarted, and everyone once again entered a life of hardship.

But what's cooler is that Su Ming doesn't need military training, it's not that Su Ming himself asked not to use military training.

Instead, the school’s leaders personally approached Su Ming and said that Su Ming’s physical fitness was outstanding and he did not need to exercise anymore. Su Ming was allowed to move freely during military training.

In fact, this reason is completely nonsense. It is purely because the school leaders are already afraid of Su Ming, for fear that after the military training restarts, they will continue to do something and it will not hurt.

That's why he came up with such a bad reason to stop Su Ming from participating in military training.

Su Ming also knows what's going on, but I don’t want to see it through How can Su Ming refuse this kind of good thing casually? It just happens that military training is a waste of time. Su Ming can't learn anything, so let one The ancient warrior went to military training, which was originally a joke.

So in the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of these beasts in the dormitory, Su Ming lay quietly in the dormitory, reading novels and playing games, and had a happy life.

When I think of my classmates all working hard in the military training under the sun, they are exhausted, but I am blowing the air conditioner here leisurely, Su Ming feels... it seems even better.

Su Ming immediately took a look at the system. It seemed that he hadn't sorted out the points for a long time. After looking at it, he found that there were already a lot of points.

In the military training, he taught that Li Dafu got 50 points, and in the task of curing the dragon **** before, he got 90 points, plus the remaining 20 points, Su Ming still has a total of remaining points. 160 points are enough for the draw.

After seeing that there were enough points, Su Ming felt very lonely. Indeed, it had not been a long time since the lottery was drawn. The last lottery was in the ancient ruins, and it has been a long time.

Anyway, I was idle and had nothing to do. It would be better to draw a prize directly, so Su Ming directly called Xiaona out: "Xiaona, I have enough points now, let me draw the prize quickly."

"This draw will consume 150 points from the host. Does the host confirm the draw?"

"Confirm the lottery!"

The interface of the lottery is still the same as before, without any changes, the huge interface is constantly scrolling.

"Time is passing--"

When the picture was about to freeze, a sound that seemed a bit erratic suddenly appeared.


Su Ming was stunned for a moment, but he immediately judged that this hero is the guardian of time, also known as the old man of time.

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