The **** was obviously not what Su Ming thought. He just said a few words and left. He stopped and stayed here, seemingly interested in Xiaohui.

Xiaohui's appearance can't actually be called a beautiful woman. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a man to have any dangerous thoughts about her.

It’s just that the lights here are dim, so you can’t see clearly at all. No matter what woman you are, I’m afraid that as long as you are a woman, you don’t care about that much.

Not to mention this nigger. I don't know how long he has been here. He became interested in Xiaohui and said, "Beauty, come and have fun!"

While talking, this guy stretched out his hand directly, trying to touch Xiaohui's face.

I have to say that foreigners are more courageous, and they started to use it while talking, but this courageous, some inferior, it is a thing that makes people despise that it is courageous.

Xiaohui was shocked, never expected to encounter such a thing, but after all, it was from the Dragon Soul. Xiaohui couldn't even be afraid of this kind of scene. Xiaohui who reacted all of a sudden, immediately mentioned next to her. The password box of, intends to hit the nigger's hand.

It’s just that Xiaohui’s movements were a little slower, and the lockbox was lifted. Su Ming shot it, grabbing a dirty hand that extended the nigger, and staying at a distance of about ten centimeters. Go on.

Su Ming was definitely able to deal with this kind of thing, and he couldn't really sit back and watch, because this kind of behavior was too disgusting, let alone a nigger, and it made people feel sick.

In fact, even if Su Ming doesn't make a move, it is estimated that several other people next to him will make a direct move. After all, the people present have two brushes.

After the **** was blocked by Su Ming, he scolded: "You crap, let me go quickly, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

It's a pity that he said a lot of so much, which is equivalent to saying in vain, because Su Ming can't understand what he is talking about.

Bai Hua didn't translate it either. There was no need to translate these nonsense. Su Ming would probably be able to guess it. This **** looked anxious, and what he said was definitely not good.

"Why don't you let it go?"

At this moment, the other hand of the **** suddenly pulled out a black pistol from his body, with a silencer on the muzzle, directly aimed at Su Ming's head.

All of a sudden everyone froze, and never expected that this **** was armed with weapons, no wonder he was so rampant.

However, if you think about it for a moment, it is not difficult to understand. There are two kinds of people who smuggle. The first is the poor, who want to change to a better country and eat a lot of food.

The second type is the kind of bad deeds, such as those with human life and the like, wanted criminals, or with some crimes, and they cannot enter the country through legitimate channels. In that case, they may directly take their own The identity is exposed.

Those with special reasons like Su Ming are exceptions, after all, they are a minority.

And this nigger, with all his guns on his body, looks like a poor man, obviously not a good thing.

No wonder the people in this cabin seem to be very jealous of him. Everywhere is the weak and the strong. There is a set of natural rules here. It is estimated that this guy was already bullying other people before Su Ming and the others came.

The Fierce Wolf and the others were a little anxious for a while, and they didn't dare to move. After all, Su Ming had already been shot to his head. A slight movement of the trigger estimated that Su Ming would be gone.

Even if the fierce wolf is an ancient warrior, it is not necessarily easy to act rashly at this time, let alone other people, the situation is a bit rigid.

Su Ming was not so anxious, except for the moment this guy took out the pistol, Su Ming was slightly surprised, and the rest of Su Ming had no fluctuations in his heart.

It seems that Su Ming hasn't cared about things like guns a long time ago, and there is no threat at all. In Su Ming's eyes, this real gun is no different from a toy gun.

Su Ming slowly raised his hand, and the hand that grabbed the **** was also released. Both hands were raised. This is a surrender posture, a universal surrender posture.

The corners of the nigger's mouth slowly rose, and his trick had already scared many people. When he first entered the cabin, a few people crossed him. After he fired a shot, they all came down.

It is indeed like this now. As long as the gun is involved, it is a matter of life and death, and basically everyone has to be afraid.

"You guys, let me go and let this chick follow me tonight. If I feel comfortable serving me, I can let you all go."

"You all know here that after boarding this ship, you no longer belong to any country, and no one will care about you if you die." The **** was still threatening.

"Haw said something crookedly."

Su Ming couldn't understand what he was talking to himself, but Su Ming didn't need to understand. Suddenly he moved his hand suddenly and unexpectedly snatched the gun just now Raising his hand, Su Ming was just to lower his alertness, and then snatched the gun by surprise.

The reason for doing this is because I am afraid that if I rob him directly, this product will react faster and shoot directly. When the muzzle is turned a little bit, it is very likely that Xiaohui and the others will be injured by mistake.

Soon after Su Ming did a cruel thing, he squeezed it casually with his hand, and he could clearly see that the gun was squeezed crooked by Su Ming, which was almost like a twist.

Then he threw the gun directly on the ground. This thing has been scrapped, which is equivalent to a waste.

The **** was stunned, but after reacting, he immediately hit Su Ming with a punch. It was obvious that he wanted to prevent Su Ming from hitting him, and offense was the best defense.


Without any suspense, the **** was knocked to the ground by Su Ming, and the bottom of the entire cabin shook.

After the **** got up, he was completely scared now, and he ran straight away, and ran if he couldn't fight. This is also a truth that people all over the world know.

Seeing the fierce wolf still rushing to chase the nigger, he was caught by the white birch on the side, and shook his head at the fierce wolf.

"Why don't you let me chase him, this kind of trash, he must be killed."

"More things are worse than less things. Just give a lesson. It really kills people. The corpses can't be dealt with. It smells bad here. Don't forget our mission."

Su Ming more agrees with this statement, because the task is still the most important thing, and the wolf did not say anything.

It's just that Su Ming didn't notice. After the **** ran to the side and squatted down, he stared at Su Ming with hatred for a while.

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