Luo Xiaoxiao worked overtime tonight, and it didn't take long for him to leave the police station. Although the police uniform on her body was taken off, Luo Xiaoxiao's police badge was still with him.

As soon as I took it out so directly, I exposed my identity. Suddenly, other people looked at Luo Xiaoxiao's expression differently. Such a young girl turned out to be a jǐngchá, she did not look simple. Yeah.

Traffic accidents are usually handled by people from the traffic police department, but they happen because of a car accident. Even if you call the police, you can’t come so quickly. Luo Xiaoxiao will deal with it temporarily.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this image is different. At least most people, once they see that Luo Xiaoxiao is jǐngchá, they dare not say anything in their mouths.

There were also those two drivers, they weren’t mad, and they immediately confessed. The driver with a heavier accent said, "Ask him, I drove well, he drove The car rushed out directly from the side and snatched my way."

"If I hadn't reacted faster and stepped on the brakes, it is estimated that his car could be smashed into scrap by me, and the people would be gone. Comrade jǐngchá, come and judge me. If it is true If something goes wrong, who is to be blamed at that time, I have been honestly observing the traffic rules."

Su Ming understood that the driver with a heavy accent was the driver of a large truck. Hearing what he said, it seemed that it should not be his responsibility.

No wonder Su Ming said that no life was lost. Generally, if it was a large truck and accidentally hit a car, the car would have disappeared long ago. The two sides are not heavyweights at all. A hundred catties person, who do you think will suffer in the end?

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the driver of the small car voluntarily ran into the big truck. Then he really died by himself.

The handling of large trucks is very difficult. Basically, braking and the like are incomparable with small cars in terms of operability. The driver of this large truck is probably already very careful. If things are not right, he will do it right away. I stepped on the brake, otherwise I guess it would not crash like this.

When the truck driver said this, everyone began to sympathize with him, feeling that the responsibility was not on him, so Luo Xiaoxiao looked at another car driver and said, "What's the matter with you, driving? Didn't you watch the red light? How could you rush to the big truck? Fortunately, people responded quickly this time."

For things like this, nothing goes wrong. As for how to make compensation for them to discuss by themselves, Luo Xiaoxiao just adjusts in the middle, and by the way, he criticizes and educates the parties involved. This matter now seems to belong to the car driver. Responsibility, so it is natural to criticize and educate him.

The car driver was full of uncomfortable expression, and he held back for a long time without speaking. Finally, he said, "Comrade jǐngchá, I know that this matter today is my fault, but if you say that, I feel wronged in my heart."

"I didn’t know what was going on just now. When I passed this intersection, I suddenly saw a ghost floating in front of my car. It frightened me. I immediately hit the steering wheel a few times. The subconscious behavior led to a certain error in my direction, and I bumped into it. I really didn't mean it."

When the car driver spoke here, he still had a lingering look on his face.

"Okay, don't you guys just don't want to lose money? What did you say you saw a ghost? I was at this intersection just now, why didn't I see it?"

On the contrary, the driver of the big truck, with a face of disdain, said directly: "Comrade jǐngchá, are you saying that this guy is funny? You have to say that he has seen a ghost. It is not obvious that you don't want to take responsibility. If you find a reason, , Please also find a better one."

Some melon-eating people in the surrounding area also started to point out. Obviously, everyone didn't believe too much about what the car driver said. What kind of ghost is this? What is the age now? Some people still say this.

No wonder the two drivers quarreled vigorously after they got down. It turned out that it was because of this incident. No wonder the truck driver was angry.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoxiao did not ridicule, but was shocked by the expression on his face. He quickly glanced at Su Ming, and the two rénmiàn looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

When the two of them were eating, they were still discussing for a long time, the recent haunting incident in Ningcheng City, I didn't expect it to happen like this, and one thing happened before my eyes.

Su Ming also found it unusual now. If it were like this, it is estimated that such haunted things would only increase in the future.

Now most people may not realize this, because a small number of people are still aware of this matter. After all, there are too many people in Ningcheng.

Moreover, the police had suppressed the news about this incident, and did not let the news expose the incident.

But if there are more and more similar things, in the end, one day, it will not be concealed. If it is spread ten to ten, then there will be a certain social panic.

The matter is very complicated. Luo Xiaoxiao and Su Ming are obviously aware of it.

On Luo Xiaoxiao's side, she didn't dare to care at all. This car accident was not as simple as she thought. It was a haunted thing. Luo Xiaoxiao didn't want to ask the driver here. She also knew that what the driver said was true.

It's just that in this case, there are too many people. If you talk about this, everyone who gets it in the end will know, and the impact will not be good.

So Luo Xiaoxiao said calmly: "You two wait a while, and come back to the police station with me to deal with this matter."

The car accident is only a superficial phenomenon. What Luo Xiaoxiao wants to ask most is the haunting thing. Then he will conduct a careful investigation of the driver of the car.


The two drivers were dumbfounded at once. When they heard about going to the police station, both of them were a little bit false in an instant, so the driver directly said: "Police officer, let's handle this matter privately. Let’s just go to the police station, and I won’t cause you trouble. You see, this night, you are still working very hard."

"No way!"

Luo Xiaoxiao stared directly, and said that if it is a general minor car accident, it is enough for you to discuss the compensation yourself, but if you have a relationship with the haunted, you must investigate it carefully.

(End of this chapter) (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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