Su Ming also knows that Qin Shiyin's resentment is not groundless, because Su Ming hasn't been to Qin Shiyin's home to cook for her for a while.

When he was in high school, Su Ming's life was quite regular. Basically, after class every day, he went to cook for Qin Shiyin, which has become a habit.

However, Su Ming is getting busier and busy recently, and all kinds of miscellaneous things, sometimes at night, I forget about it, and Qin Shiyin has never reminded Su Ming.

Especially in the recent period, Su Ming hasn't really gone to Qin Shiyin's side, no wonder Qin Shiyin has a certain resentment himself.

Even the goddess has resentment. This terrifying power is conceivable. Su Ming's scalp is numb, and he quickly explained: "Shiyin, I'm really sorry, I have too many miscellaneous things recently."

"Forget it, I happen to have not eaten yet. The order of takeaway is too ugly. Come over and cook me something to eat. Do you have time now?" Qin Shiyin invited Su Ming.

It is rarely seen that Qin Shiyin is so proactive, and will actively invite a man, even in Su Ming's body, it is rare to see such a thing, after all, Qin Shiyin's character is placed there.

Qin Shiyin can look like this now. It is conceivable that Qin Shiyin has made food for himself in the recent period, which is too broken.

But Su Ming's face showed a look of embarrassment. His body, because of the evil spirit, had just recovered, and it was still a little uncomfortable.

If you go out at this time, it will be very painful for Su Ming. Moreover, Su Qishan is going to cook. If Su Ming wants to run outside, it is estimated that Su Qishan is unwilling. If there is an injury, it will be better. There are no rules at all for those who run around.

Su Ming was very painful. In the end, in desperation, I felt that I could only feel wronged by Qin Shiyin. When I feel better tomorrow, Su Ming will go over.

So Su Ming said: "Shiyin, I'm afraid it won't work tonight, I will definitely be there tomorrow, today..."

Qin Shiyin's tone on the other side was also quite calm. Once she heard that Su Ming said nothing, she was not angry or anything like that. Before Su Ming could finish speaking, Qin Shiyin proactively said, "Su Ming, you have something. Yeah, it’s okay. If you have something to do, then you will be busy with you. You can come back tomorrow. I will just get something to eat later."

Although Qin Shiyin said quite calmly, Su Ming suddenly heard what Qin Shiyin said was actually a bit disappointing, so Su Ming quickly said: "Shiyin, don't get me wrong, I People are really uncomfortable today and can’t go out."

"Su Ming, what's wrong with you, why are people uncomfortable?" Qin Shiyin's tone changed a bit when he heard this.

So just like this, Su Ming didn’t expect it, and explained it by himself. As a result, the style of painting became like this, and the topic changed. Qin Shiyin’s attention now is on why Su Ming is uncomfortable. .

I cared about Su Ming very much, but it made Su Ming want to make two big mouths. This special lady's own mouth is too cheap, and it's hard to explain at once.

"Then what—"

Su Ming thought for a while, and said quickly: "I just caught a cold. It's just a little uncomfortable. Don't think too much."

"Su Ming, don't lie to me, I still don't understand your own medical skills, and your physical fitness can catch a cold?" Qin Shiyin was very calm, and immediately pierced Su Ming.

I still remember the first time she met Su Ming, when she drove a car and ran into Su Ming accidentally, but Su Ming, like a okay person, patted his **** and got up all at once, which made Qin Shiyin recognize To the horror of Su Ming's physical fitness.

Not to mention the cold, which is a very humble illness for ordinary people. You can't catch a cold. It's so serious that you can't go out. She doesn't believe it. Su Ming has it. I have a cold.

Adding to the tone of Su Ming's speech, it was a little fictitious unconsciously, so in front of Qin Shiyin, there were simply flaws.


Su Ming's egg is so painful, the women around him are more enchanted, and their IQ is too terrible, they can't be fooled casually.

Su Ming can only say honestly: "Well, to be honest with you, I suffered a slight injury today. I should be fine if I recuperate at home. I will see you when you get off work tomorrow."

Although Su Ming said lightly, Qin Shiyin still didn't quite believe it. If he was seriously injured, it was estimated that Su Ming's mouth would be fine.

Qin Shiyin understood Su Ming's psychology too well. She knew that Su Ming just didn't want her to worry about it. If Su Ming said he was injured, it must be serious.

However, Qin Shiyin did not continue to be aggressive, and kept asking Su Ming on the phone. Uneasy, Qin Shiyin said: "Su Ming, I just have nothing to do in my spare time. I'll just go and see you."


Su Ming was really stunned at this moment. After two seconds, he quickly said, "Wait a minute, Shiyin, don't joke with me. I'm still at home now."

"I knew."

"Then you still..."

"What's wrong at home? I know where your home is. Wait a while, and I will come right away. I will be here in a few tens of minutes." Qin Shiyin said.

"I rely on My dad is still at home, don't mess around, I'm really fine." Su Ming got anxious and said quickly.

But before he could finish speaking, there was a busy tone on the phone. It was obvious that it was Qin Shiyin, who just dropped the phone, and didn't intend to say more. He said it when he saw someone.

"It's over, it's over--"

Su Ming looked at the phone interface, and his whole body was in a trance. He knew that with Qin Shiyin's temper, if he came over, he would definitely come over, and it was impossible to persuade her.

In desperation, Su Ming could only accept this fact. I really didn't expect that the first woman to come to his home was also the woman whom Su Qishan saw. It turned out to be Qin Shiyin. This Qin Shiyin is unclear.

Su Qishan happened to pass by here. When Su Ming was constantly saying something like "It's over", Su Qishan also showed concern, and quickly came in to comfort him: "Su Ming, you kid, don't think too much. ."

"We must be able to find a solution to the evil, don't worry so much first." Su Qishan comforted.

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