
Su Ming knew that Luo Xiaoxiao's action was subconsciously, and he also didn't know whether Luo Xiaoxiao's body was brought out with a gun. Anyway, Luo Xiaoxiao must not be allowed to actually take out the gun.

Now that the fight has brought the city management team leader over, the matter is no longer small, it is beyond Su Ming's previous imagination, it is the kind of more serious side effects.

If you take out the gun again, there is no doubt that the matter will be even bigger. After all, there are so many people here and everyone is watching this. If you take out the gun at this time, something will definitely happen. Maybe Su Ming will not be able to do serious business today.


Su Ming coughed continuously to remind Luo Xiaoxiao, don't be impulsive, remember what you are here for this time.

As soon as Luo Xiaoxiao heard Su Ming's coughing sound, he immediately reacted, and quickly stabilized his hand. He almost took out the gun and let the guy be honest.

Fortunately, what Su Ming reminded was relatively timely, so Luo Xiaoxiao reacted and stopped her actions.

However, Luo Xiaoxiao just made it clear that he shouldn’t expose his identity to make things bigger. You said that Luo Xiaoxiao should just let it go. It’s obviously impossible to let these guys go. Things.

Luo Xiaoxiao continued and said to the person in front of him: "You are a small city manager, really treat yourself as a green onion? Be careful that my old lady will kill you."

The little **** who had been pumped by Luo Xiaoxiao before, and had left enough shadow in his heart, said quickly: "Cousin, be careful, this woman has two tricks, it is estimated that she has practiced."


The city management cousin was obviously very disdainful, so he said directly: "So what, she beats you in the past, will she dare to beat me? Dare to move me, I will let her Regret coming to this world."

When this guy spoke, his tone sounded quite arrogant, and obviously he didn't think anyone would dare to move him.

After all, he is a public official. The title of urban management is so scary to talk about it. Usually these business people are not afraid to see him.

As for hitting him, it was impossible, and he didn't believe that someone really dared to hit him.

The remarks just now appeared to be for the little gangsters, but this guy said in a very loud voice. Obviously, he wanted to let Luo Xiaoxiao listen to it. Let her pay attention and dare to move the city management to try. His good fruit to eat.

Luo Xiaoxiao looked at this guy with a look of silly look. It was obvious that he was speechless to this guy. He said that this guy is silly, right? You are such a thing, and the old lady dare not. This kind of statement hit you?

While talking, Luo Xiaoxiao glanced at the guy in front of him with interest, and then said, "Are you sure I dare not hit you?"

"You dare to beat me, I don't believe it." The city management obviously didn't believe it very much.

"What are you like, I still don't dare to hit you, I give you a face, am I?"

When the words were finished, Luo Xiaoxiao slapped him on the palm. After coming to Zhonghai City today, the first time I met so many idiots and strange flowers, Luo Xiaoxiao was very angry. hand.

This is Luo Xiaoxiao’s temper, so I won’t play anything with you. Fortunately, this is in Zhonghai City, not on Luo Xiaoxiao’s site. If it is really in Ningcheng City, it is estimated that Luo Xiaoxiao will do it directly. He was cured.


After Luo Xiaoxiao took the slap, she frightened everyone. This woman was really fierce, and many local people were shocked.

Because the people around here are very aware of the hegemony of these city managers. If you offend them, it will definitely not be good. These people are like rogues, and there are ways to deal with you.

As a result, Luo Xiaoxiao even said he was fighting, and he was fighting the city management captain with the highest prestige. Everyone immediately noticed the seriousness of the matter. It is estimated that this matter is very difficult to handle.

The captain of the city management is the big cousin, he was directly beaten by Luo Xiaoxiao. Although Luo Xiaoxiao's strength was not too great, he didn't throw him to the ground, but the loud applause , Still embarrass him.

After this guy reacted, he couldn't tolerate it, and he yelled directly: "You bitch, you dare to hit me. I must take off my clothes today to make you aware of the seriousness of the matter."

While talking, this guy wanted to rush towards Luo Xiaoxiao's side. Su Ming always felt that this person seemed to be deliberate, probably deliberately trying to take advantage, and it made people speechless for a while.

Su Ming took the shot now, and did not intend to continue to hand this matter over to Luo Xiaoxiao. Luo Xiaoxiao was able to deal with but she has always relied on her own skills and did not use her vitality, so Progress is slower.

And in the process of fighting, it is inevitable that there will be some physical contact. Su Ming didn't want Luo Xiaoxiao to be taken advantage of, so Su Ming shot directly.

Going up is a punch and kick, like a squally storm, the city management captain and his two men, under Su Ming's hands, can be said to have no support at all, so he was beaten on the ground and has no reaction Up.

The people around are completely dumbfounded. This is really unpredictable. This pair of men and women look very gentle. I didn't expect two people to fight, it would be more ruthless than one.

And even the city management dare to fight, if this is spread out, it would be big news.

It's just that when the city management team leader came in, he threatened everyone not to take pictures, because people like him this year were more afraid of exposure. If they were exposed, no matter how awesome they were, there would be no way.

Unexpectedly, this threat from him ultimately protected Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao.

" two wait for me—"

After the city management captain got up, he looked at the blue nose and swollen face on his face. It was obvious that he was already scared, and was frightened by the brutal Su Ming.

But this guy still didn't talk about it, he looked cursing.

Su Ming was already too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of person, so he just said: "Give you three seconds, get out of me quickly, or I will kill you."

The captain of the city management was obviously scared, so he ran away desperately. He always thought he was ruthless enough, but he didn't expect to meet someone ruthless today.

"Cousin, shall we just forget it?"

After leaving the beef casserole shop, that little **** was obviously unwilling.

This book comes from

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