Making a flute is indeed the easiest among all musical instruments, and it can only make oriental classical instruments.

   If it’s Western musical instruments, such as violin, or even the simplest mouth organ, you can’t make it with this simple piece of bamboo.

   Given the current difficult conditions, it seems that I can only make a flute.

   Even the simplest flute was not as easy as Su Ming thought.

   The vitality in his hand turned directly into a blade, cutting off a piece of bamboo that looked very slender.

   Seeing that the length should be about the same, Su Ming began to polish it carefully.

   The first thing to do is to penetrate the middle of the whole bamboo, otherwise, in fact, the indirect part of each layer of bamboo tube, just like a human joint, is obstructive.

   After doing this, the next step is the small holes on the flute. This is the most important part of a flute. Basically, it is through these small holes that can be played.

   Lin Yue looked around for a long time, and finally understood. After working together for a long time, Su Ming was making the flute.

   This discovery made Lin Yue very strange. He only heard Lin Yue speak and said, "Su Ming, what are you doing with this."

   "It's too boring, I plan to play the flute, otherwise, wouldn't it be boring to death?" Su Ming said casually.

   I didn't say my true thoughts, and it didn't matter if I said it or not. He knew it after a while anyway. Maybe Lin Yue didn't believe it when I said it at this time.


Lin Yue immediately looked at Su Ming with a very speechless look. He didn't think much about it. He thought that Su Ming was really boring. So Lin Yue said, "What's so good about the flute? Things sound better when they blow."

   "You old dirty turtle." Su Ming complained directly.

   Lin Yue: "???"

   It took Su Ming over an hour to make a flute. It can be seen that this thing is not as simple as it seems.

   Of course, there are quite a few reasons for this. It was the first time Su Ming got this thing, and he was not very familiar with it.

   But Su Ming has been cutting bamboo for so long, and no one has come to trouble Su Ming.

   This also shows that there is nothing wrong with cutting these ordinary bamboos. After all, there are too many ordinary bamboos, and they are not of much value. It is estimated that people will not be so boring to chop ordinary bamboos.

   Su Ming is performing the final polishing, smoothing the mouth of the flute, otherwise, when he blows it up for a while, wouldn't it be a puff.

After    was done, Su Ming probably blew it twice, the sound was not very loud, Su Ming was auditioning.

   I tried it and found that this sound is not too outstanding. After all, Su Ming made it himself. The quality can only be said to barely make a living, not very good.

  Compared with the flute of Old Monster Otozhu, it was far worse, but it was already very good if it could be played. What Su Ming was most afraid of was that this thing would not sound at all, so he was just busy.

   "I'm going to blow it up, don't talk, just listen quietly by the side." Su Ming said at this moment.

   In fact, this sentence is mainly to remind Lin Yue, Master Yi's character, if you don't talk to him, he won't pay attention to you.

   Lin Yue is not optimistic about Su Ming at all, spitting out: "Then you have to relax a little bit and think about our lives, don't really kill him."


   The flute rang suddenly, it sounded very loud, and the rhythm was constantly changing.

   Su Ming deliberately blows the sound loudly, so that everyone on this island can hear it.

   Otherwise, I played it for a long time. If the old sound bamboo couldn't hear it, wouldn't Su Ming have to cry and faint in the toilet.

   After the flute sounded, the people who were also waiting on Ototake Island also heard this sound. They were relatively close to Su Ming, and it could be said that what they heard was quite real.

   "What's the matter, where does the flute sound come from?"

   "Isn't it usually only in the evening? Why is it this morning?"

   "No, this sound is different from what I sounded two days ago. It seems that it is not played by the same person."

   "Look, everyone, it looks like that kid is blowing."


   Someone finally found out that Su Ming was playing the flute, and he hurriedly said, and then the expressions in these people's eyes became clear and focused.

   "No, why is this kid playing, where did he get the flute?"

   "I saw him cut a piece of bamboo this morning. I wondered what he was doing. I guess he made a flute."

   "I guess it's too boring."

   "The old monster Yinzhu is famous for playing the flute, but he is playing the flute here. Isn't it a problem?"

   "Don't tell me, this kid doesn't want to use this method to attract the old monster Ototake out?"

"There is a possibility, but I think he thinks too much. At his level, how could Mr. Yinzhu be attracted to When facing these people, Su Ming There is no distraction, but playing the flute intently.

After    Qin Nv's passive skills were activated, to tell the truth, Su Ming felt that the flute in his hand was completely under his control, and he could control it as he wanted.

   was really normal at first, but after a few seconds, Su Ming entered the state.

   As Su Ming's fingers kept flashing, the sound of the flute also kept tactful, which sounded particularly moving.

   Lin Yue didn't have much hope for Su Ming. In the world of ancient martial arts, people are not interested in music at all. You can even say that the music here is just a desert.

   was about to come to complain about Su Ming, but after listening to it, he was more surprised to find that Su Ming's statement was quite good.

   The unspeakable feeling, in short, after listening to it, I suddenly fell into it and felt that I couldn't get it out. I felt that my ears were like pregnant.

   Lin Yue no longer wanted to speak, but stopped and listened quietly. If anyone interrupted Su Ming at this time, it would be a sinful thing.

   And those who are directly complaining about Su Ming, at this time, they have no words. The expression on their faces has changed from disdain to gradual shock, and finally turned into enjoyment.

   They have a vague feeling that the flute played by Su Ming seems to be much better than the sound that sounds on the island every day.

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