With Su Ming's IQ, he couldn't have imagined that Wan Shaokun would fall behind, but Su Ming still deliberately let him go on credit. There was only one reason for this, and that was Su Ming's strong self-confidence.

Confidence is based on strength. With Su Ming's current strong strength, he can naturally be more confident.

It would be okay if Wan Shaokun paid back the money obediently, and if he relied on the bill, Su Ming had a way to get him to pay back the money. The Ship King’s reputation on Hong Kong Island is so strong that Su Ming is not afraid to find their home.

Seeing Su Ming's eyes gleaming when he was speaking, Zeng Tianqi on the side immediately felt a chill. If anyone offends this young man, it is indeed a very terrible thing.

Immediately, Zeng Tianqi nodded, and then respectfully said to Su Ming: "Don't worry, Mr. Su, I will persuade him when I go back and let him return the money as soon as possible."

"By the way, Mr. Su, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

Zeng Tianqi naturally said that he was going back to Hong Kong Island. I only heard Zeng Tianqi say: "I may be going back to Hong Kong Island in a few days. There are a lot of recent things on the family side. Up."

The relationship between him and Su Ming is a bit special, so it is necessary to tell Su Ming about this kind of thing, in case Su Ming thinks he ran away on purpose, and is unhappy and then...

"Okay, I see. It's important for you to deal with your own affairs. You don't have to worry about me here. In addition, I have taken out the blood nematode in your head just now. You don't have to worry about your life in the future." Su Ming said something.

Upon hearing this, Zeng Tianqi shook his whole body immediately. He knew that there was a blood nematode in his head, which could threaten his life at any time. Over time, this also became a heart disease of Zeng Tianqi, but who knew that Su Ming actually gave him Take it out.

Compared with the joy in his heart, Zeng Tianqi felt more shocked and puzzled at this time, so he asked: "Mr. Su, this...why is this?"

Helping Zeng Tianqi to collect blood nematodes was actually something that Su Ming thought of temporarily, so he did it directly, and took out the blood nematodes that were as thin as hairsprings, but this thing is invisible to ordinary people, so Zeng Tianqi can't find it.

The blood nematode was planted into Zeng Tianqi's head at the beginning because Zeng Tianqi did some things too much to Li Yuanshuang, and he was trying to control Zeng Tianqi.

But to this day, Zeng Tianqi has obviously become honest, and in the eyes of Su Ming, Zeng Tianqi is no longer a super character, naturally no longer worried about him, so he took out the blood nematode and no longer used it. Such means threatened Zeng Tianqi.

Su Ming smiled and said, "I don't like threatening people like this. I still hope we can get along as friends in the future."

"I see, this kindness I will never forget."

Zeng Tianqi's whole body trembled, then he arched his hand to Su Ming and said respectfully: "Mr. Su, you are the first person I admire so much."

It is not only Su Ming's ability to reach the sky that can make Zeng Tianqi completely convinced and so admired, but also his broad mind, ordinary people who have mastered his life of Zeng Tianqi, will surely hold it firmly in their hands.

But Su Ming gave up directly, I have to say, this really made Zeng Tianqi very admired!

"Well, I'll go back first, so you should rest earlier, that Wan Shaokun is already fine, you don't need to worry about him anymore." After Su Ming said, he left happily.

This trip wasn't in vain, it just made a billion for nothing, or pitted Wan Shaokun a billion.

Zeng Tianqi returned to Wan Shaokun's ward again, and asked, "Shaokun, there is nothing wrong with your hands, right?"

At this time, Wan Shaokun was lying on the bed and stretched out his fingers, his face couldn't hide his joy, and he said, "Uncle Zeng, my hands are all right now. Don't tell me, that **** is quite a bit of trouble. of."

Hearing that Wan Shaokun did not have any gratitude, but instead showed such disrespect to Su Ming in his words, Zeng Tianqi frowned, and then said: "Shaokun, although your hands are all right, I still have to remind Just one sentence."

"After returning to Hong Kong Island, remember to quickly tell your father about this, and then raise money for Mr. Su. This is also my advice to you, I hope you can do it yourself." Zeng Tianqi reminded Wan Shaokun.

"Okay, don't worry, I will raise money when I go back." Wan Shaokun said nonchalantly.

In fact, Wan Shaokun was completely indifferent at this time. The reason for saying this was just to perfunctory Zeng Tianqi. He said that when he really returned to Hong Kong Island, who would know him Su Ming.

And Hong Kong Island is his Wan Shaokun site. If Su Ming dares to go to Hong Kong Island, UU Read www. uukanshu.com Wan Shaokun doesn't mind to entertain Su Ming.

Maybe Wan Shaokun today couldn't think of it. It is precisely because of his idea today that in the future it will bring huge disasters to himself and his family on Hong Kong Island.

Zeng Tianqi also seemed to see some clues, and there was a vague worry in his heart, but he didn't say anything. After all, he only had some affection with Wan Shaokun's father. Just click and stop.


After Su Ming left the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, he couldn't get into the car temporarily, so he walked straight ahead.


At this moment, Su Ming noticed a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and it seemed that someone was following him, but it was only a moment, and Su Ming felt that the owner of this dark shadow was actually the Gu King.

Because there is a blood contract between the master and the servant with the Gu King. When the Gu King appeared, Su Ming felt it, but the Gu King obviously wanted to lead Su Ming to a place with few people. See Su Ming one side.

With Gu King's body shape, it is indeed not suitable to appear when there are many people, and it is still a big night, maybe it will scare people to death.

Su Ming, who knew everything in his mind, immediately changed his path and walked to an abandoned garbage dump behind the hospital, and then said softly, "Come out!"

Sure enough, within a second or two, this mysterious Gu King appeared, still in the shape of the black robe before. After the Gu King appeared, he bowed respectfully and said, "Master!"

"You are welcome." Su Ming asked directly: "You took the initiative to come to me today, what's the matter?"

If Su Ming remembers correctly, the last time he saw King Gu, when the skinny old man shot and killed Cheng Ruofeng, King Gu appeared. He hadn't seen him for a long time, and I don't know what happened to King Gu this time.

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