Su Qing was really a little strange. He was just going to the room of Li Chaoren's daughter-in-law. Who knew Huang Daxian suddenly called out as if he had stepped on his tail.

Sure enough, when everyone heard Su Ming's words, they immediately looked at this Huang Daxian. This guy's reaction just now was indeed a bit more intense, which made people unexpected.

Huang Daxian reacted suddenly, and he couldn't help feeling cold in a hurry. His heart was too sensitive and he shouldn't be so excited. Anyway, this kid went to the room to see and couldn't see why he came.

So Huang Daxian’s face quickly returned to normal, and he continued to look at Su Ming disdainfully and said: “Huh, I just feel that you are a waste of time like this. I have looked at every corner of the villa. The problem is not there. in the room."

No one doubted him anymore because of him. He thought that Huang Daxian was purely targeting Su Ming. Since he knew Su Ming's identity, he seemed to have been like this.

Only Su Ming kept an eye on him, feeling that there was something abnormal about this guy, and then Su Ming didn't continue arguing with Huang Daxian, but said to Li Chao humanely: "Old Li, we are in trouble."

Obviously, Su Ming did not give up because of Huang Daxian's few words. If ordinary people heard these words, I am afraid that their face would not be wiped away, but Su Ming will not. If the room is checked again, Su Ming is uneasy.

"Master Su, please"

Li Kaize walked in the forefront. After arriving on the second floor, he pointed to a large room with a south entrance and said to Su Ming: "Master Su, this is the usual room for my wife and I. We have always lived here, and we didn’t change rooms. habit!"

Su Ming nodded, walked in without saying a word, and probably took a look. The decoration of this room is not very luxurious, but it gives people a very comfortable feeling.

And the huge glass floor-to-ceiling windows, sunlight can just spill in, sleeping in this kind of room is a very comfortable thing.

However, as soon as Su Ming entered the door, his face changed a little and quickly returned to normal. There was a gloomy feeling in the room. Su Ming was not coming, but he was very uncomfortable.

Su Ming glanced at Shi Dakai and the others next to him, and found that his complexion was quite normal, and he should not feel the coldness, or for ordinary people, there was no difference at all.

"There is definitely something wrong with this room!"

Su Ming immediately confirmed that he couldn't feel wrong. The problem is here. Fortunately, Huang Daxian was not fooled by Huang Daxian just now, otherwise he would miss the truth.

"Master Su, do you see any problem?"

Seeing that Su Ming had been speechless, Li Chaoren couldn't help but asked. Actually, Li Chaoren had no hope for Su Ming anymore, and his heart was more inclined to Huang Daxian.

It's not that Li Chaoren judges people by appearance, mainly because of Su Ming's performance from just now to the present...It's really too amateur, going around, Li Chaoren has never seen anyone look at Feng Shui like this.

"Old Li, wait a while, I'm watching." During the conversation, Su Ming closed his eyes.

When everyone was a little surprised at what Su Ming was going to do, Su Ming suddenly walked forward, slowly lifting his steps and wandering around the room, and still closed his eyes and wandered around. This picture looks a bit funny.

Huang Daxian was even more completely relieved. His eyes were full of smiles and he looked at Su Ming. He is now completely sure that this kid is actually coming to make fun.

But then Su Ming made another unexpected move. He didn't care about his own image. He squatted down and lifted the sheet of the big bed in the middle of the room, as if he wanted to look under the bed. .


Huang Daxian, who was still ridiculing, saw Su Ming's behavior, his face suddenly changed and he cursed, "Boy, what are you doing?"


Su Ming just squatted down, his head hadn't been inserted yet, but Huang Daxian yelled so suddenly, Su Ming was taken aback, and his head hit the edge of the bed directly.

Su Ming slapped Su Ming to death. The old thing's thoughts are gone. Su Ming stood up and said angrily: "Is there something wrong with you? Does it matter to you where I see it? "

Huang Taixian also realized that he had reacted too aggressively just now, so he said: "You kid is too much. It's not good to see where it is. You have to look at the private place like the bed. In our business, you have never viewed Feng Shui like this ."

On the surface, Huang Daxian seems to be scolding Su Ming for not following the rules, but Su Ming sounds like this guy is farting. No one has ever stipulated how to look at Feng Shui.

Su Ming kept staring at this Huang Daxian's facial expression, and suddenly realized that something was This Huang Daxian, although he covered it up while talking, seemed to be a little excited.

Since he was about to come to this room, this Huang Taixian seemed to have reacted like this.

"Could it"

At this time, Su Ming suddenly had a very bold guess in his mind.

Then Su Ming was no longer talking. The more Huang Daxian reacted, the more determined Su Ming wanted to check the bed. The surface of the bed was fine, and the cold breath came from the bottom of the bed.

Su Ming directly took out his mobile phone and turned on the flashlight to use it as a light, and then he got under the big bed.

Huang Daxian was anxious again for a while, and directly said to Li Kaize: "Mr. Li, this kid is too much. How can he get under the bed like this, quickly pull him out for me."

"Let him check, don't stop!" Li Chaoren, who knows the side, spoke at this time and let Su Ming act.

Li Kaize was also a little displeased with Su Ming's behavior. No one liked the bed where he slept all day, and was got under the bed to mess around, but Li Kaize didn't dare to do anything when his father spoke.

As for Huang Daxian, he had nothing to say, but his eyes flickered slightly.

After a while, Su Ming came out from under the bed with some dust on his body. When everyone wanted to talk, Su Ming opened his palm, and a black stone the size of a palm appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"This...what is this?"

The first person was Li Kaize. He was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Why is there a stone under my bed?"

Su Ming did not answer his question, but nodded to Huang Daxian's position, and said, "You can ask him."



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