League of Legends: King Returns

Chapter 326: Gnaw a chicken. Bar--KFC

"Oh! Isn't it just one game? As for? If you lose this year, isn't there next year? Anyway, you are still young! What are you afraid of! Talking about it! It doesn't matter whether you win the championship or not. Anyway, everyone knows that you can do your best. , And it’s not worth it to help your body for a champion. Originally, this game is to bring people joy and entertainment. If it is made like this, it will be really boring!"

Han Siqi looked at me and said very seriously! Of course, I understand her central idea well is not to let me disintegrate myself for a game.

"Oh! I get it! Okay! I don't think about any games anymore. I seem to be a sinner when you say that. Yes, take a stroll with me! Do you want to relax?"

I watched these two Xiao Nizi and asked tentatively.

"Haha! Go shopping! If there are people who go shopping for nothing, don't you invite us to eat? Think about the man who invites women to go shopping just for shopping!"

Han Siqi immediately squeezed me up.

"OK! I see! I just ask you to eat! I see how much you can eat!"

I looked at Han Siqi and said silently!

"That's OK! It's so happy to decide, let's go! Sister Yuqian! You see, we rarely squeeze him like this for a while. Don't be polite when eating later!"

In this way, we got into a taxi, because we didn't know what good food there was in Shanghai, so we told the driver directly, "Go to a place to eat, and the driver quickly pulled us to a snack street in Shanghai."

In fact, sometimes I find that I’m just a bit sad about myself. You say that it’s a day for you to live happily, and it is also a day for you to spend a day thinking about some troublesome things. Anyway, it’s all over. Why don’t you make yourself happy It's too much!

"Hey! Where are you standing stupidly doing! Don't you want to pay the bill!"

After getting off the taxi, Han Siqi watched me standing in a daze, and shouted at me uncomfortably!

"Hehe! Coming! Why are you panicking! Am I the kind of person who takes girls to eat without paying the bill?"

Saying that I smiled awkwardly and chased them.

"Cut! It makes you seem to pay for us every time you invite us to dinner!"

Seeing me running over, Han Siqi rolled her eyes and said!

Got it! I think I can still shut up, and talking with these two little girls will never take advantage.

In this way, the three of us walked forward. This snack street seemed to be a trade fair. There were so many kinds of snacks and some weird things on both sides, and the screaming and shouting of the vendors were also endless.

"Wow! Look! This is so beautiful! Sister Yuqian! Or let's buy one!"

"Yes! It's so cute! Look, there's that one over there!"

"Oh! Don't be in a hurry! I bought it for this first and then went over there!"

Saying that the two women didn't even ask for the price, they took one by one, and the hawker was happy from ear to ear.

"Come and hold it for us!"

Saying that the little gadgets in the hands of these two little niezi helpers handed them to me, and then happily attacked the next target.

I've served them TM. I was afraid that they would buy something, so I asked the taxi driver to take us to a place to eat. Why do you still sell these things in this snack street? I think it's TM to be a porter again today.

Some people may think that if I pretend to say that you TM take two such beautiful girls to go shopping, you are tired. What I want to tell you here is that what you don’t get will always be a commotion, and those who are favored will have no fear, because you are in diaosi. There is only **** in the eyes, and these are played by young literary and artistic youths, so you have to attach these conditions in order to have sex, which corresponds to the saying I often say, if men are not to solve the problem of **** In fact, men are more willing to play with men.

"Hey! I said! Can we eat now?"

I took the pile of sloppy things in my hand, looking at the two little girls who were still looking around in front of me and asked uncomfortably! Because you look at what I have in my hand! Windmill! Spinning sugar, rattles, light sticks, Nima are all children's things, and it seems that the goddess's taste is only so high.

"Sister Yuqian! Can we still buy it? If we don't buy it! Let's go eat! Anyway, I'm hungry too!"

Seeing my unhappy complaint behind, Han Siqi asked Xia Yuqian next to her.

"Don't buy it! Anyway, I don't think there is anything to buy! Let's eat!"

After receiving Xia Yuqian's answer, Han Siqi turned her head and yelled at me angrily!

"What are you in a hurry! Are you starving to death? Really, all right! All right! You can eat!"

Hearing Han Siqi's words, I almost cried out of emotion. It seems how painful it is to invite others to eat.

"Right! What are we eating?"

At this time Han Siqi looked at me curiously and asked!

"Your sister! Are you asking me what I eat now! Have you eaten marshmallows and Zhuanzhuan just now and haven't eaten enough?"

I looked at Han Siqi and said silently!

"Cut! Then let me ask you if you can smoke enough?"

I think I TM made another mistake, why should I go and argue with this little Nizi! Forget it! Let's find something to eat!

Wait a minute, let me see what time it is now! I go! It's only 3 o'clock! What to eat at three o'clock! Eat lunch or dinner! They seem to be a little inappropriate. It seems that afternoon tea is good.

"what are we eating!"

At this time Han Siqi asked impatiently!

"Then I will ask you to eat and chew the dick, do you think it is okay?"

I looked at Han Siqi and said a little funny!

"KFC! What kind of KFC! Isn't it KFC? Why add a word!"

Han Siqi looked at me and asked curiously!

"Oh! I usually call it gnaw chicken. Bar! Let's go and eat that. Anyway, it's just afternoon tea at three o'clock! Drink some coke, eat some french fries and some egg tarts, and it contains Free wiff go!"

Hearing what I said, these two little nizis have nothing to refute. Maybe they have been shopping for so long. Because they were tired from shopping, they followed me to the KFC fast food restaurant.

Ugh! As the only man on the scene, I will definitely do the task of ordering food. Fortunately, there are not many people now, so I just ordered something and sat back in my position.

"Oh! I hate eating this kind of junk food!"

Speaking, Han Siqi grumbled while holding an egg tart, and then opened her mouth to take a bite.

"Puff! You hate it the most and you still eat it!"

I drank coke and asked Han Siqi amusedly.

"Fuck you! What's wrong with my liking?"

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