League of Legends: King Returns

Chapter 352: The final battle!

"Then freeze you to death!"

Ok! It's better to freeze me to death than to shoot me with a gun, but I really don't know what language to use to describe him when this event was held this time. It made me so angry and moved, and it almost made me scared to pee! What touched me is that TM is so good that I didn’t say anything wrong. Although this event was well planned, there are still loopholes, because if it is true, you and Xia Yuqian would not be able to run in, and my parents and Bill’s deputy team. I don't care if I see it! It must be when I came to the stage, a staff member below reminded them, Nima! It must be so! But I am happy that at least I am a real man!

"Okay! Honey! Almost done! I am ready to play!"

As I said, I patted Han Siqi lightly, because this little Nizi cried and made my back chill.

"I don't! I want to hold you!"

Saying that Han Siqi was acting like a baby, she held me and didn't let it go!

"I'm dizzy! You can't tell me to play a game like this!"

"Why not! Now that everyone knows us! Can't you show affection?"

Said that Han Siqi retorted to me unwilling to show weakness!

"Oh! Grandma, don't you? Forgot that Xiu Enai died quickly? Don't let it go!"

"Huh! I won't let it go!"

"Don't let it go! Don't let it go! I think you don't let it go!"

"Ah! Hahahaha! You hate it! You stop me!"

After saying that I held Han Siqi's waist and tickled for a while, I ran away while Han Siqi carried the oversized Timo doll behind and chased me while hitting me.

Coming to the rest area of ​​our wolves, I saw from a distance where the Bill deputy team, the players, and my parents were talking and laughing.

"Yo! I changed my clothes! Alor! Okay! Good acting! A man!"

Speaking of the Bill deputy team gave me a thumbs up!

"Haha! No loss is my son! Really brave! Vigorous!"

Speaking, my dad also praised me full of praise!

"I said what's going on! You guys really knew it a long time ago!"

I looked at them curiously and asked!

"Haha! Actually it's not too early! It was when you came on stage, someone told us! At that time, your parents were going to save you! They were told by the staff that it was a game and an activity! But it was okay. You kid didn't become a seduce!"

Liu Jia said to me with a smile!

In fact, to be honest, I am not actually an actor. Why do I get into the drama so deeply? Is it because I am a talented person by nature, but why I am not Head and Shoulders, forget it! Just be an episode before the game! This organizer also did everything for the audience rating. Later, I discovered from the video that all the audience knew that this was an event, only the live audience did not know! Just to achieve that effect, but the comments below the video gave me extremely high evaluations. What is the mark of a good Chinese man! What a good Chinese boyfriend! Mouth. Great fellow! I think this one must be the comment of those S.B diaosi. Anyway, the others are all well received.

"Haha! Fortunately, I was not scared to pee my pants!" As I said, I sat down to find a place.

As the last show on the stand was lonely, the host came to the stage mysteriously.

"Ok, I think the audience after so long watching the show, and the various skins have already arrived, and the mood may have been much better! So the next last game I think you all have a kind of Come and watch it in a good mood, because our WCG finals are about to begin! Let us use the warmest applause to invite Longxing VS Wolves!"

"Son! Come on!"

"Mingluo! Come on! Treat it with your heart! Don't be nervous!"

"Boy! I believe you will win! Definitely"

"Come on! He Mingluo! Return of the King!"

With your loved ones, the most sincere blessings from your lover! I smiled and waved at them and started on stage. At this moment, the staff brought me dry-cleaned clothes and asked if I wanted to change them! And I directly refused! Let's change after playing!

"Wolves! Wolves! The world is invincible!"

"Longxing! Longxing! You can definitely win!"

Two bursts of equal cheering sounded into my ears. Watching the sound of cheering up and down with the dragon, let me see the hope of the wolves in the future.

"Body and mood are okay! There is no sequelae, right?"

On the stage, the host smiled and cared about me and asked!

I smiled and shook my head! It means no, but in my heart he curses Laozi with a gun at you, what will happen to you! Maybe 100% scared to pee!

According to the rules of the game, the players must shake hands and say hello before fighting, but looking at A Guang’s dog face, I don’t even have the appetite to eat, let alone shaking hands, but the game rules must be required, otherwise again To say that our wolves are playing big cards.

Saying that I still walked towards A Guang with a smug smile on Dia Si, and A Guang walked towards me without a smile, and when we held both hands, Lao Tzu was fiercely on A Guang's hands. Pinched.

A Guang just wanted to stop and turn his head to find me to reason or beat me. Because of a sudden stop, the geeks who followed behind didn’t pay attention, so he knocked the glasses off, and then he squatted in the back. Looking for glasses on the ground, which of the team members behind stumbled without paying attention.

"Puff! Funny!''

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but laugh, and at the moment, I was not the only one laughing, and many of the audience couldn't help laughing. You said that it made Long Xing ugly before it opened up. It's really refreshing.

The fourth one is Seka,

"Come on! Brother! I found that you are not only a good player but also a good actor!"

"Haha! I have won the prize! But I have to take the champion!"

"Haha! Don't think about it!"

After the greetings, both of us began to sit where we left off. I took a sip of water and calmed down my nervousness. After all, this is the last battle. We must fight well.

"OK! The audience! Let us cheer for the last time! The game begins!"

In an instant, the audience resounded again, with thunderous cheers! And with this cheer, the game came to the selection interface.

"Okay! Dear viewers, this is the scene of the WCG finals. Both sides have reached the banned screen. Let's see how these two teams will target each other!"

"What! The blind man was banned as soon as Longxing came! What kind of plane is this! I remember that there are some who play blind in Longxing very well! Is there a **** of blind man in the wolves!"

Seeing that the other party banned the blind as soon as he came, I banned Delevingne as soon as I came, because indeed this hero is too ***, you said that other heroes are better when they get up, but this hero gets up and operates properly. The existence of 1 on 5, so I must not leave this hidden danger.

The second ban on Longxing is the card! It seems to be aimed at me! After all, I am the core existence of the wolf pack.

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