League of Legends: King Returns

Chapter 373: Take care of you

The girl smiled mischievously, unlike the way she scolded me just now.

"Fuck! It's really He Mingluo! I remember it too, although it has disappeared for a year! But after hearing what you say, I remember him! The myth of wolves! A man closest to God, You said you have joined the e-sports club! You can play with He Mingluo! Play together! Score together! You can also ask for technical advice! Fuck! What will it feel like! Sign up with me! I have to join the sports club anyway! I want to be He Mingluo's little brother! Please write my name quickly!"

A **** said excitedly in the crowd!

And the enthusiasm for helping the diaosi around was spurred by the enthusiasm of this diaosi. Everyone rushed to sign up. There was a group of people who were ready to wait and see and now they are also interested in signing up, because who can be in the same club as the e-sports **** of LOL Not tempted. After all, competitive games worship the great gods, and the silly people who just said that they beat people are also in a cold sweat at this moment. Fortunately, someone stopped them early, otherwise they would help the gods in their hearts. I’m afraid they won’t. Forgive yourself, let alone let others forgive.

Looking at the people who signed up on the spot, the girl said to sister Duoduo who was packing up!

"Be sure to get him back! Otherwise! Pointing to the crowd at the scene!"

And Duo Duo, who was carrying the bag on his back, smiled helplessly, and said a word of luck!

Then ran to the place where I just left.

When I signed up, I regretted it. I found that the major Nima I reported was all men. There were no women in it. Did I sign up for the monk class? This electronic engineering major is my mother. To help me choose the major, she said that she asked the seven aunts and eight aunts and said that this major is good, and I will say good about your sister now! There is not a single girl, it's all a group of friends in the same class. What do you want me to do in the future? Fortunately, Han Siqi and I are in the same school. Although we have different majors, the problem of **** can still be solved.

After I signed up, I didn’t go to the dormitory because I didn’t plan to live on campus for the time being, but I paid the accommodation fee. I will help move things in a few days. Then I can live in the dormitory or go home. Anyway, it’s very convenient. , When I didn’t want to go home, I said to live in the dormitory so that my parents wouldn’t bother me and asked me why I didn’t go home.

After I finished everything, I wanted to see what time it was, but I found 7 missed calls and one call from my mother! The other 6 were all played by Han Siqi. I know I got into trouble again, so let's fight with my mother first! Where is Han Siqi explaining for a while.

And my mother’s problem is nothing more than whether she has signed up! How do you feel about the new school! Professional hot no! After I dealt with it with a few simple words, I called Han Siqi over!

"Hey! Who are you!"

Han Siqi's cold voice made me shiver! But I still said with a smiley face!

"My son! See the mother! Please calm down my mother! My son has something important to tell!"

"Quick play!"

"I'm convicted! I beg the queen for forgiveness! Just now there was something important, please take the dragon's body as an peace. When the meeting, I will give the mother a perfect explanation in person!"

"All right! Little Luozi! Flat body!"

"Thank you Lord Longen!"

"Right! Little Luozi!"


"I'm at Shuangliu Airport! Just fly over from Beijing Airport! Come and help me move things!"

"Back to Niang Niang, the small journey is tiring and uncomfortable, so I can't serve Niang Niang and ask Niang Niang to calm down!"

"Bold! You are anti-decree!"

"Small damn! Little damn!"

"My mother is limited to you within half an hour, otherwise the palace sentence!"

"Hui Niangniang! The bike I rode!"

"Park your bike and come here! Otherwise Ling Chi!"

"Fuck! Nima is too cruel! Don't take such a fun!"

"Haha! What do you think! Little Luozi! You still have 27 minutes to figure it out!"

I go! Saying that I hung up, I was going to help my bicycle park in the parking area of ​​the school, and then I wanted to rush to the airport. Although Han Siqi, this little girl, would not use any punishment on me, but if I was really late, what happened today? It may be unrealistic to have sex.

Speaking, I rushed all the way to the school gate, after all, the *** gave me unlimited motivation. I have not slapped it for almost a week, so I kept this gun to help Han Siqi fire it! It is bound to make this artillery loud!

But as the saying goes, it’s not that friends don’t meet each other. When I was running madly, I saw a beautiful girl in front of me looking around and walking towards me. Don’t say that there are many beautiful women in electronics science. Although our class is a monk class, Generally speaking, the quality of women is still relatively good. I don’t know if Han Siqi can be a school girl when she comes to school. If she can’t be a school girl, I believe the top 10 should be able to enter!

But the more I ran forward, the more I found out what was wrong, because how did this girl suddenly feel so familiar, fuck! Isn't she the beautiful senior sister of that athletic club? And at this moment, what she is looking for is not looking for me! Maybe you just felt like letting me go just now, and I feel puzzled. Are you still going to beat me?

When I said that, I couldn't help feeling scared after a while! You said that I didn't grow up on a vegetarian diet. Didn't you just say something wrong? As for torturing me like this? But thinking about rushing to pick up Han Siqi, I didn't want to hide, I just planned to rush past this beautiful senior sister.

At this moment, Duoduo looked for a large circle of campus and went around for a long time. She didn't see me. She couldn't help but worry about whether I was a freshman in the University of Electronic Science and Technology. When she suddenly saw a figure rushing over from the opposite side. Familiar, isn't this just the effortlessness of stepping through iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it?

Although I felt a bit disgusting when I saw that face just now, how can I feel so kind and warm when I look at it now! He was so excited that he couldn't even speak the words. Looking at the boy who ran over, he stretched out his hands and stopped in front of him.

Damn it! Nima is endless! Didn’t you tell me to go? Do you still want to trouble me! Nima! Come on! I'm still afraid of you, isn't it?

Speaking, I looked at the beautiful senior sister in front of me without fear and asked!

"What do you want! Don't think that I am a freshman so bully! I tell you I didn't grow up on a vegetarian diet!"

"Hehe! I know! I know you are great! Let's talk about it! Where can I bully you! Why are you so fierce to others!"

Speaking of that, the beautiful senior sister looked at me with excitement and smiled sweetly!

I go! Is this woman sick? Smiling at me so happy! Are we familiar?

But it's okay to show courtesy and steal! So I looked at this beautiful senior sister! Still not angry!

"Then please let me go! I am very busy with things! Don't delay my time!"

At this moment, Duo Duo looked at me like this, with her personality. If she changed to someone else, she would have been angry. Besides, she is also the goddess recognized by the school. It is not respectful for any man to talk to herself! Only this kid! But thinking about what happened just now, Duo Duo endured and said with a smile!

"Haha! Don't be angry! I just want to ask you how LOL is really good!"

To be honest, Duo Duo still doesn't believe that I am the LOL God, so I just ask for more confirmation!

"Nima! This woman has something wrong! Thinking about what happened just now, I still looked at this woman disdainfully and said!

"I'm not great! Don't care about your troubles! Get out of my way if I am in a hurry!"

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