League of Legends: King Returns

Chapter 388: White tears on thighs

"Haha! Your girlfriend! The character is really weird!"

Sister Duo Duo couldn't help but smile as she looked at Han Siqi's back!

"Hehe! Not now! But maybe she is not in a very beautiful mood!"

Chen Zhe smiled awkwardly!

At this moment, in the small woods at the back door of the school, I quietly lay on the grass and smoked suffocating cigarettes one after another. Fortunately, there was no one around here. If someone saw it, I thought it was a fire! This grove brought me here yesterday. To be honest, I like it because it is very quiet and few people come here.

I lay on the grass lazily looking at the dazzling sky, thinking about the various things that have happened in the past two years, and feeling why my life is always ups and downs, why can't it be calm! I was thinking about it, and suddenly I thought of Han Siqi, which woman I didn't want for her life even called me Dagon for a little white face! I'm stubborn! I don’t know why, if Han Siqi is a man! I must have beaten her on the spot, but then again, Han Siqi is a man. Haven't I been a base for almost two years? Ugh! I don’t even know what I’m thinking, maybe it’s because my mind is almost confused by anger! Saying that I lit a cigarette at this point, enjoying the quiet pain.

Sister Duoduo likes to walk in the grove every time she is free. 1 Not only is it quiet here, but the air here is very good, and there is a smell of birds and flowers! This can also make people feel good, but this beautiful picture has been polluted by one person, which is me, and at this moment, I am lying on the grass spitting out heavy smoke. I don’t even know that someone is approaching me at this moment. And Senior Sister Duoduo didn't see that it was me who was lying on the grass, so she ran over angrily.

"Hey! Classmate, don't you know that smoking is not allowed in the school? Which class do you belong to! Give your name! Tell me you know who I am, but I am the president of the student council!"

"Student Union, what about the president, Dagon go and don't block my light!"

Saying that I was lying on the grass untouched and fought back at Senior Sister Duoduo!

"It's you! He Mingluo, how come you are here!"

Sister Duo Duo didn't expect it to be me at all. Seeing me at this moment was extremely excited, she had already forgotten the swear words and smoking for me!

"Hey! I'm asking you something! Why don't you answer me!"

Sister Duoduo looked down at me condescendingly and asked!

"Why can't I be here anymore! You repaired the school? But your pure white underwear and pants are so beautiful"


Listening to what I said, Senior Sister Duoduo immediately sat down beside me holding her skirt, her face flushed with shame, because the very simple and beautiful sister Duoduo wore today was just a short floral skirt.

"Haha! You are standing in front of me. You said I can only look up when I lie down, so I can't scold me for this!

Saying that I smiled helplessly and said!

Sister Duoduo heard what I said, and didn't seem to show much anger, so she sat next to me and asked curiously!

"Why are you sitting here! Didn't you say you are going to military training?"

"Oh! Don't ask! I want to be quiet! Don't you ask me who is Jingjing?"

Saying that I turned over and turned my back on the grass directly to Senior Sister Dodo. Although it is good to have a beautiful lady by your side and talk to you in this lonely time, I don’t want to talk at this moment, and it’s nothing. It's easy to say!

"What's the matter! You don't seem to be very happy because of your appearance! Why don't you say it makes me happy and happy! Oh! Oh! No! I was wrong! I mean you say it and let me share the burden for you."

Speaking, Sister Duoduo gently pushed my shoulder and said!

"But I don't want to say, and I can't say it, what should I do?"

"Oh! Tell me! I'm very sad like you, so let's talk about it! After all, your bad mood will also affect the E-Sports club. I'm talking about it! You and I are not outsiders to talk about it, okay?"

After hearing what Sister Duoduo said, to be honest, I really want to find someone to talk to, but I don't want to help my sadness and pain, share it with others, forget it! The little things will always pass!

"Don't want to say it?"

"Can you please stop asking! The world of the Great God is lonely, and you don't understand it! Did I ask you for a favor?"

Speaking, I turned around and looked at Sister Duo Duo sincerely!

Sister Duoduo looked at me with such sincere eyes and didn't know what I was asking her to do, but she really couldn't bear to refuse me, and she nodded slightly to agree.

"Can you help me lean on your leg?"

I looked at Senior Sister Duoduo and said pitifully!

Sister Duoduo was obviously taken aback when she heard my request. She didn't expect that I would make this request to her, but this request is not big or small, but it still makes people feel embarrassed!

"Can't it? Forget it!"

I looked at Senior Sister Duoduo with some hesitation, after thinking about it, I decided to forget it!

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Only! Only! You can only rely on your legs!"

Sister Duo Duo blushed and looked at me with a little hesitation!


Sister Duoduo carefully held her skirt paper and pushed it out, and I leaned on it unceremoniously. To be honest, when I was young, whenever I was sad, I would lean on my mother’s leg. I cried loudly, and I still remember that time I leaned on the lap of Secretary Xiaoya. This time it was on the lap of Senior Sister Duo. I don’t know if it is a big woman who can comfort me or something. In short, I leaned on. At that moment, I felt very at ease in my heart, at least my heart would not hurt so much!

At this moment, Senior Sister Duoduo's face was already red and turned into an apple. To be honest, she was still growing up and it was the first time she had this kind of physical contact with a man! Since she was raised as a boy in her family since she was young, she also forged her strong character, so she became the president of the student council and the president of the e-sports club. However, under this strong character, she was still in the same position as the president of the e-sports club. Carrying a girl's heart, and this heart is slowly captured by the boy who is quietly leaning on her lap at the moment.

Han Siqi doesn’t know how many times she has been walking around the school, but she can clearly know that her tears have been blown dry by the wind. She wants to find a quiet place, a place where people will not see her sad, and she doesn’t know how. She came to the grove in a daze. Originally, she thought it was a quiet place that could heal her wounded heart. However, a pair of loving men and women on the grass ruined the tranquility here, but when she looked at the men and women carefully At that time, the wounded soul was given another deep stab at the Buddha.


With this sound that made me familiar, not when the familiar sound made me open my eyes, I looked at Han Siqi's desperate eyes, and the tears scattered at the moment when I turned and ran back.

When I got up to chase Han Siqi and gave her a perfect explanation, I found that my heart was already tired! Only let the tears fall drop by drop between those white thighs!

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