League of Legends: King Returns

Chapter 391: Lovesickness in the wind and rain!

Just as Chen Zhe was knocking on the door, suddenly his entire face hit them and his nosebleeds came out in an instant. You can imagine how strong my kick is!

Just when Chen Zhe was too late to react, I grabbed the black umbrella he was holding and knocked him on the ground with a slap in the face. He hesitated that there were already a lot of techniques on the ground, and even the dirty water from the sewer was leaking out. So Chen Zhe was soaked and dirty and smelly all at once! Without saying anything, holding the umbrella is a whipping, and I feel that Shan is almost interrupted!

"Ah! Help! I was wrong! Big brother let me go! I'll give you money! I have a lot of money! I will give you all!"

Chen Zhe began to roll on the ground begging for mercy!

"Fuck you? It's great to have money! Give me a quick gun!"

I just lifted Chen Zhe up and rammed into his car, and Chen Zhe couldn't help but even though his whole body was in pain, he met a madman, and maybe he would be killed by someone! I had to run with Luo Tangji in the car. Because of the rain, Chen Zhe couldn’t see the person hitting him clearly, because he was completely covered by his hair, and he was a little short-sighted, but this man was too short-sighted. She feels very familiar, very familiar, but I just can’t remember it, but all I have to do is call Han Siqi, because if I fail this time, I still have a chance next time. I can’t make her feel like she has let her pigeons go, otherwise she will have all the opportunities No more! Speaking, Chen Zhe dialed Han Siqi's phone.

"Hey! Siqi! There is a lunatic downstairs in your house, you better be careful! He hit me without saying anything when I came just now. I am slightly injured now! I have no choice but to go back first! But I've really been here! You have to be careful! Close the door! Try not to go out! Okay! That's it!"

Speaking of Chen Zhe quickly hung up the phone, because at the moment he was indeed in pain all over, but he was indeed a little bit too unlucky. It was hard to get more shots, and it would be the case!

"Hey! How is your health! Hey! Hey!"

When Han Siqi wanted to inquire about Chen Zhe's body, the other party had already hung up the phone!

boom! boom!

Thunder is still wanton! The lightning still flickers! The rain is still falling! The night is still not so quiet!

"Liar! All liars! Just know that you lied to me! He Mingluo lied to me! Finally, a better blue face also lied to me, lied to me, lied to me, lied to me!"

Speaking of Han Siqi holding her head in the room and roaring, she suddenly recalled what Chen Zhe had said earlier. There was a madman downstairs who beat someone when he saw someone. Will he go upstairs if he left? , This made Han Siqi feel terrified.

If you don’t look like this, you’ll definitely get sick. Han Siqi mustered up the courage to open the window to see if the so-called madman is still downstairs, because this can at least relieve herself so that she won’t be so scared. And the moment she opened the window, there was a strong wind outside, blowing her hair flying around and drying her tears, because it was not dark outside, because the street lamp was still on, and the public under the street lamp Sitting under the phone booth was the person she wanted to see in her dreams, and that was He Mingluo! At this moment, Han Siqi finally showed a long-lost smile! Knowing that it is so sweet, putting Buddha is the most beautiful flower in this stormy night! But does laughter make people cry? answer! Of course it will! I cried because I was smiling and laughing!

Because Han Siqi saw He Mingluo at the moment! She was trembling from the cold, holding cigarettes that were about to be extinguished tremblingly, turning her head from time to time and looking at the door of the power leveling room, dripping from him one by one. Dripping down her hair, she looked so helpless but strong in this drifting rain.

And Han Siqi also deeply understood, which lunatic Chen Zhe was talking about! But why should he be so stupid! Han Siqi couldn't help but smile wryly! She also remembered what He Mingluo had said to herself. In fact, we were two dandelions that were flying in the air and collided with each other when they were flying in the air, and then they fell to the ground and took root, and suddenly found that they were inseparable!

At the moment, I, who is sitting under the phone booth, are already cold! I have been here! Dear! But can you feel it? I want to tell you! But I have no courage! Maybe it's not the only one, but maybe love is all, I think I should leave, maybe you are already asleep! I will not disturb your dreams! good night! Siqi! Favorite of my life!

Saying that I stood up! Look at the quiet and dark power leveling room in front of you! Had to linger a few times! Still decided to go home! Even if she doesn't know, she has a clear conscience! Go home! child!

And at the moment I turned around and stepped into the rain! The door of the power leveling room has opened! And Han Siqi is holding an oiled paper umbrella! Wearing a coat, with black and beautiful hair on his shoulders, he walked over to me step by step! This picture is beautiful! But the only regret is that there are tears on her face!

I stood there blankly, not knowing what to say or write, there were a thousand words in my heart, but I couldn't utter a word when I reached my mouth, letting the heavy rain slap my face and no skin on my body! When I feel it! When the rain stopped, I realized that it didn't stop but Han Siqi had walked in front of me unknowingly and helped the umbrella stand among us.

Look at Han Siqi's cute face! Looking at me with a complicated expression, to be honest, I am really a bit uncomfortable, because Han Siqi has not seen me with this kind of eyes! They once said that when a girl sheds tears, kissing her mouth can stop her tears, but I don’t think I can do it. After all, I’m soaked at the moment! Han Siqi wears so beautifully! I don't want to get her dirty!

Speaking a little embarrassingly, I couldn't help but light a cigarette! I wanted to use cigarettes to paralyze my nerves and divert my gaze, but as soon as I took a sip, Han Siqi gently took it off and threw it on the ground, but her eyes never left me or stopped. I shed tears!

"Still up! It's so late!"

Finally I can't help but speak! After all, men should take the initiative!

"Fear! Don't dare to sleep!"

Han Siqi looked at me blankly and said!

"Uh! But the rain should stop! I've been scared for so long! And there is not much thunder!"

I looked at the ground with a little embarrassment and said!

"Can you look into my eyes and say?"

Said Han Siqi gently hand! He held my face and said!

"Haha! I'm sorry! Don't do this!"

I scratched my head awkwardly!

"Since all are here! Go up and sit down!"

Hearing what Han Siqi said, I was lost in thought!

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