League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 210 - Yu Luocheng's Rage

Chapter 210: Yu Luocheng’s Rage

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Hey, the video of our swimming goddess during the morning assembly is now up on the university page,” Jiang Jiu rotated his phone horizontally after accessing the Shanghai University official page.

Luocheng glanced at it, noticing that the girl on stage was oddly familiar.

The girl was wearing a white sweatshirt, her beautiful face only had a simple touch up, not to forget her gradually perfected figure.

After watching the clip, Luocheng realized that he might have missed out on an important occasion by skipping that morning assembly.

“What do you think? What a gorgeous beauty, isn’t she?” Jiang Jiu nudged Luocheng’s shoulder.

“She’s my younger sister,” Luocheng said.

“Your sister? If she’s your sister, then I am her husband!” Jiang Jiu looked at Luocheng with great distaste. ‘How thick is your face? So all pretty girls are your siblings now?’

“She is my sister, for real! I’m not joking!” Luocheng declared with a serious face.

“F*ck off! Sister, my ass!”

“…” Sometimes, Luocheng realized it was easier to communicate with a dog rather than with his roommates.


Yu Yu refused to pick up the call after he dialed a few times. She was obviously still pissed, and Luocheng didn’t know what to do, so he stuck to his original plan and went to Team Skycrown’s apartment.

Speaking of which, Luocheng was still surprised that Yu Yu had managed to enter Shanghai University through a sports scholarship award.

Moreover, from the chatter he had heard through the whole afternoon, it seemed that Yu Yu’s achievement had been great enough for her to select whichever university she wished to attend.

To be honest, Luocheng was aware that she had won most competitions she took part in, however, he had not known that those wins were worth so much reputation. It was especially glaring when he compared his own failure to her noteworthy accomplishment.

‘Well, it’s just like how I had imagined it, though I never expected it to become a reality so soon.’

“Luocheng, where are you now?” Yang Ying called and asked directly.

“I am heading to Lin Dong’s place, what’s the matter?” Luocheng asked.

“Come to Restaurant Qi Yun. I have someone to introduce to you,” Yang Ying invited.

“Who?” Luocheng asked.

“It’s a dinner organized by the Student Council. Knowing them will make your life easier in the future, just come over,” Yang Ying urged.

“Alright then.”


Restaurant Qi Yun was a relatively high-end eatery near the university where wealthy students from the university usually had their special occasions held.

Luocheng was not a member of the Student Representative Council as the facilitator of a club was, by theory, ranked lower than the facilitator of the council. He was not even supposed to be invited to such an event.

He wondered what was Yang Ying’s intention for bringing him along this time.


A diligently crafted round table was placed in the middle of a spacious room.

Inside the room, a waitress in a red cheongsam was serving appetizers one after another onto the table. Several male and female students were sitting around the table, all of them facing the main seat which was occupied by the current president of the Student Representative Council—Zhao Hualong.

Hualong had presented himself in front of the entire university more than once now, and he was a person who had received wide acceptance and reverence within Shanghai University. He was the one who had initiated today’s dinner as a gesture to welcome the elites from each club while strengthening the bond between students of different expertise.

Of course, this was usually done more moderately in a less grand place previously. The reason for it to be this ceremonious was none other than the arrival of Yu Yu, who had managed to astonish practically everyone in the assembly that morning.

Those invited to this dinner were the entire crew of the Student Union, as well as presidents, vice presidents, and new recruits with the greatest potential of the major co-curriculum societies.

Basketball club, soccer club, swim club, track-and-field club, and E-sports club—These were the main societies competing for the university’s merit ranking this term.

“By the way, is Yu Yu from the swimming club coming?” The president of the Student Union, Wang Lang, opened his mouth and asked.

“She is, I had just spoken to her this afternoon,” The student representative replied with a smile.

“You have acted swiftly,” Wang Lang smiled along.

Hualong coughed awkwardly and peeked at the quiet girl seated beside Wang Lang. He asked, “Is this the very capable new facilitator you have mentioned?”

“Yes. She is Bai Feifei and her efficiency is top-notch. The statistics she collected over the university’s clubs and personnel are flawless.” Wang Lang introduced and turned to Feifei. “I believe you have seen our student representative before?”

“Yes.” Bai Feifei noted and made no further notion.

Hualong had wanted to speak with her more but he gave up after seeing her rather cold response. She was not his main concern tonight anyway.


“By the way, why was the E-sports club invited this round?” The president of the basketball club looked at the empty seats and said flippantly.

In the past, only the conventional sports clubs were included in such occasions as they were the more elite groups of Shanghai University. Though the E-Sports club had garnered the most members nowadays, they were still just a bunch of nerds wasting time on a meaningless video game. In their critical eyes, those in E-Sports could never rise to the big stage.

“We had no choice, E-Sports has recently been recognized as an official competition, too,” Hualong said.

“Hmph, I despise them the most. We, the Student Union are given the responsibility to take care of the clubs’ welfare. Over the years, we have maintained a good relationship with everyone here except the E-Sports Club. They are troublemakers who not only refuse to follow our arrangement but always break the regulations. Do they really think they are the best after the dean praised them once? They are just a bunch of losers that are addicted to a useless video game. If they fail to gain any noteworthy position this time, I shall wait and see whether they can maintain their arrogance!” Wang Lang reproached indiscreetly.

“Me too. I am especially loathed by Xiao Jia, but he is nothing but a bragger.”

“They must have been hallucinating. Do they really believe that they are the no.1 society in the university now after getting some minor sponsors and a little praise from the university? I am sick of seeing the prideful attitude of their president. Hua Long, I really don’t think it’s necessary to have them in this gathering,” Han Linfeng, the captain of the basketball club said.

“That’s right. All they got is top-10 in last year’s E-Sports competition. Is E-Sports even a real sport? How can they be compared to soccer? I seriously doubt the university’s stance in this. Are they seriously betting on the E-Sports club to help promote the university at a national event? Besides, E-Sports competition is only popular at this premature level, you can hardly see its presence in the greater stage. Mark my words, E-Sports lives only in their imagination. Simply put, it’s a fake sport,” The soccer club president, Lee Peng, was the one complaining this time.

“My brother is from Zhejiang University and he is one of the E-Sports club members there. He told me that Yang Ying and the rest of his club should feel lucky if they can even keep their top 10 spot this year. The other universities are catching up quickly, I wonder why Yang Ying has the confidence to aim for the top 4. Do they think the other universities are just dummies?”

“Stop it now. We are all from the same university and the swim club members will be here anytime soon. Don’t let them find out that you guys are such whiners,” Hualong coughed loudly and stopped their ceaseless grumbling.

“True, true.”

“Speaking of which, this girl called Yu Yu is really something. As a national swimming champion, she is definitely a superstar in the making. Perhaps she will soon be representing China in the Asian Game, and to the Olympics after that.”

Asian Games were not something the university sports event could be compared with. Besides, she was also a seeded athlete in the Asian Game. They were just school kids playing sports as a hobby in front of her.

The topic shifted to Yu Yu under the student representative’s diversion.

But they had no idea that the two people standing in front of the room had heard the entire conversation, and both their faces had darkened equally.


Yang Ying was depressed because the other clubs were looking down on his passion.

They were simply envious and they couldn’t stand the E-Sports Club for claiming the prestigious position that had once belonged to them in the past. They hated to see the growing influence of the E-Sports Club that had gradually overtaken theirs.

It was hilarious to hear them dissing on others’ success to cover up their own incapability.

Luocheng stood there blankly as those hurtful words clenched at his heart violently.

The university was a miniature of society, if E-Sports was deemed worthless in here, then one could easily imagine how much bias judgment it would receive in the real world.

If your parents found out that you were sneaking out to play basketball, they would only warn you not to spend too much time on it. But if they knew that you were playing computer games instead, they would have given you a slap before anything.

‘Is there ever going to be any light in this endless tunnel called professional gaming?’

Was the society willing to give hope to the likes of Xiao Bei, Lin Dong, Da Luo, Zhao Tinghua, and Asmodai, who had treated E-Sports like their life and marched on bare-footed?

Luocheng could only think of the worst. This rigid society would not be merciful when even the supposedly forward-thinking and open-minded university was shutting the door in the face of E-Sports enthusiasts.


Society norm was cruel at times, and even though they knew about the sinister thoughts of those inside the room, they had no other choice but to clear their thoughts and enter the room with a happy face.

When both of them saw those inside the room raising their glasses and addressing you as if they respected you, how Yang Ying and Luocheng wished that they could freely rebuke them, ‘F*ck you!’.

Luocheng didn’t like to curse, but after he had entered the room, he had greeted them non-stop with the worst expletives he could have thought of in his mind.

“The E-Sports club must work harder to fight for our university’s fame. Don’t be like us in the basketball club, we completely screwed ourselves up this time,” Linfeng raised his cup and said insincerely.

“It’s just tough luck, don’t worry about it.” Yang Ying bottomed up the glass of wine with a smile.

“Come here, this is our new facilitator and he has enormous potential. Go ahead and cheers with the E-Sports Club president.” Linfeng signaled his member.

The facilitator tactfully filled up Yang Ying’s glass and clinked it with his.

Yang Ying had no nonsense and emptied the glass instantly.

“It should be my turn now. I have not drunk with you even though we have been at the same university for a few years now. We should enjoy ourselves tonight. Let’s have three shots in a row, are you up for it?” Linfeng challenged.

“Why not!” Yang Ying drank three glasses of wine without another word.

The burning sensation running down his throat slightly smothered the fury in his heart.

“This is a new facilitator from our union, she is a very pretty girl. Don’t you think you should show more sincerity?” Wang Lang, from the Student Union, laughed and said.

Yang Ying didn’t even look at Fei Fei as he gulped down another half a bottle of red wine.

‘You wanted me drunk so that I would be embarrassed in front of everyone, right? God damn you! Like hell I would be scared. If you can get me drunk, I will adopt your surname from this day onward!’

One glass after another flowed down his throat.

The food had not been served yet because the most important person had yet to arrive.

Ample empty bottles were lined up in front of Yang Ying. He did not refuse any offer and drank it all—be it white wine, red wine, beer—big heartedly.

‘Come. Push me. I won’t yield this easily!’

Luocheng had had his dinner but Yang Ying obviously had an empty stomach. It was easy to tell that his stomach was rocking hard from the pale look and twitching muscles on his face!


“Now, now, stop drinking. The person we are waiting for isn’t here yet. Your wild behavior might scare our VIP guest when she arrives later.” Hualong tried to stop them.

“This will be my last toast.” The president of the basketball club stood up again. “This is to celebrate the E-Sports club’s ambition. To Yang Ying, the soon-to-be national semi-finalist!”

“Hooray, semi-finalist!”

“Yeah! Yeah!” The other presidents nodded in agreement.

The fact was, everyone knew that Yang Ying was at his limit, but this was exactly what they wished to see.

“Let me have this in my president’s place.” Luocheng grabbed the glass from Yang Ying’s hand.

Linfeng’s face twisted and he said, “Don’t try to play the hero here. I am a club president and I am toasting for your president. If you wish to drink this for him, then one glass will not cut it. Besides, can you bring your club all the way into the semi-finals? Don’t simply drink in another’s place if you cannot deliver the promise.”

“Semi-final?” Luocheng looked at Linfeng and smirked.

“Yes. No semi-final, no drink, get it?” The president of the basketball club scorned silently, ‘Learn your place, freshman.’

Luocheng looked around and saw through their fake smiles. He refused to act along any further and bottomed up the glass of wine.

“Piece of cake.” After saying that, he tossed the glass toward the sidewall with great force.


The glass shattered after it hit the wall, the ear-piercing noise immediately resonating through the entire room.

The girls screamed and ran to one corner.

The glass pieces rebounded but Luocheng did not flinch. He didn’t even blink his eyes and maintained his cold gaze on Linfeng.

Hualong instantly stood up from his seat.

Wang Lang and a few other presidents, too, all scowling at Luocheng in great anger.

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“Luocheng, what the hell are you doing?!”

“Are you insane?!”

Tension built up rapidly inside the room, and the shattered glass had revealed their true faces to Luocheng.

“We have heard every single word you guys said just now. Don’t try to look down on other people when you were the ones who played like trash. I drank because I respected your position as the club president… But now, it’s time to talk about how much I want to f*ck you and your family!”

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