League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 218 - Eradicate Them Without Reason!

Chapter 218: Eradicate Them Without Reason!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Damn it, if we play as usual then we’ll just be beaten again. Let’s make that bet, it’s only five Flashes, and they won’t even know that we don’t have it. If we can last till the sixth or seventh minute, we won’t lose anything.” Yang Ying said, biting his lip.

Once they all agreed on it, they waited quietly in the Dragon Pit. If you were to go in too early, the opponent would scatter and the Flash that they burned would be in vain.

They had to wait for the one minute and thirty-five second mark of the game, just as their opponents reached the red buff.

One minute fifty seconds.

Fifty-one seconds!

Fifty-two seconds!

Bamf! Bamf! Bamf! Bamf! Bamf!

The Flash sound effect resounded consecutively with all five of them on the other side of the Dragon Pit, and Annie still in the lead.

“The stun will hit, don’t let them have a chance to Flash out!” Luocheng said seriously.

The rest nodded their heads.

Heading in together from the Dragon Pit to the blue side’s red buff, their opponent was likely lax in their vigilance at this point.

As they stepped into the brush beside the red buff, the five of them were inexplicably nervous. If it was a miss, then they would already have lost half the match…

It must be a hit!

As they stopped in the brush, they could see the silhouette of a goddess in white—Sona, who was tanking the damage from the red buff while Vi and Ezreal were attacking it!

Their eyes lit up in delight, it was right!

With glee in their eyes, Annie made the first move and made a big turn. Unleashing the burning flames which danced from her petite hands, it spread out and slammed into Vi and Sona, stunning them, who were completely unprepared for the onslaught!

Vi and Sona had already pressed Flash, but their opponents appeared too suddenly and sadly, their positioning had been too close together. That would mean the both of them would feel the full brunt of the attack by SHU team!

By the time they got free of the 1.75 second stun, they would be resurrected at the fountain.

More horrifyingly, Jax’s E—Counter Strike also had a 1.5 second stun effect, and he threw that in their faces too.

Sona let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground, signalling that Wang Jun’s Jax had gotten first blood.

Vi’s defense was higher than Sona and had a higher chance of escaping after the 1.75 seconds stun. But with Jax’s Counter Strike hitting her with the stun effect, it was not an accident that she died too.


The announcement for both kills exploded at the same time, the difference was only that Jax had gotten first blood, while Graves had gotten second.


Just as they were celebrating getting the first two kills, The Spider Queen—Elise shot a web in another direction. The web flew straight toward Ezreal, who Flashed away from it.

When Luocheng walked into the brush, he saw Ezreal, Sona and Vi in one glance.

Luocheng hadn’t bothered about Ezreal, choosing to stun the two who were nearer and hitting the red buff. At the same time, Ezreal had Flashed away immediately like a coward running away with his tail between his legs.

Once Elise saw that Sona and Vi were immobilized and had no chance of escaping, she simply walked toward Ezreal and threw out a web!


Yang Ying’s Ryze was equipped with Runes of Speed, and his W—Rune Prison that he had been planning to use after Jax’s stun wore off. Who would’ve thought that before that could happen, they were already disposed off.

He quickly followed up before Ezreal had realized that he was already imprisoned inside the cage! He didn’t have a chance to escape at all, and fell unwillingly under the assault of SHU.


Graves had gotten a double kill!

The rest had deliberately backed down, letting Jinbei’s Graves get the double kill. Even the usually reserved Jinbei had gotten so excited until he couldn’t help but curse!

SHU had gotten three kills, and they couldn’t help but grin. The three kills was enough to get ahead for the bot lane and Jungler!


“F*ck! Why didn’t you plant a ward!” Qiming roared angrily at his Support.

They were fully aware that SHU had an almost invincible combination for an early teamfight, how could he not have planted a good ward. They had managed to invade and had even gotten three kills!

“I already did, see for yourself!” His Support retorted, anger seeping into his voice as well.

Qiming glanced at the minimap, and his face froze.

Both the entrance at the Wraith Camp and the bottom lane tribush had wards planted, if SHU had walked that way, they definitely would have seen them…

F*ck, it was impossible for them to have gotten a one up on them like this!

ZJU’s Jungler, Qiming, and his Support were all dumbfounded. How the hell had they managed to invade, then?

Feilong frowned slightly as he studied the minimap a little more.

“They Flashed up from the Dragon Pit.” He said in a calm voice.

“Flash? All five of them? Just to steal our red buff?” Shaoying said, choking a little.

What kind of f*cking strategy was this?

What if they had started at the blue buff instead, or had even chosen to invade? Then wouldn’t the five of their Flashes have been wasted?

Was there anyone who played League of Legends like this?

“They made a bet, a bet on whether we dared to invade their jungle, or would we start at our red buff.” Feilong said.

“What the…”

Everyone in ZJU was speechless, going against such a radical group for the first time. Although it seemed stupid, they had gotten such an advantage with their method. Three kills and a red buff, as long as they didn’t waste such a good advantage, they could probably snowball the game from the beginning!


The students at Zhejiang University were staring at the screen, their mouths wide open in shock. There was a slight delay in the display, of course, but the crowd was visibly stunned when it happened.

They didn’t expect that SHU would be able to demonstrate such a tactic in a level one teamfight, and many novice players questioned whether they were playing the same game as them at all!

An early teamfight with that kind of tactic! How crazy and extreme was that!


Three minutes later, this scene was displayed on Shanghai University’s screen. At one minute and fifty seconds, everyone had watched as the SHU team hid in the brush, and all of the spectators thought that they had finally gone off their rockers…

When the five of them had Flashed up from the Dragon Pit in unison and proceeded to take down the three kills, the whole Shanghai University had exploded in cheers!

The cheers echoed through the many rows of the dormitory, and even those who were not interested in League of Legends couldn’t help but poke their heads out.

There hadn’t been any plays like this before, and with no one ever pulling off this type of feat, all eyes were on them!

Seeing such a wondrous opening to the match, a lot of people took out their phones and called their friends to hurry up and come watch!

On weekends, there were many who were immersed in playing games. After being spammed so much, the majority of them made their way out of the dorms, and even those who didn’t know the game started to gather. They wanted to find out, what was it that was making people cheer as if they were at a live concert!


First team fight of the match and they had hit the jackpot.

Yang Ying’s Ryze used Teleport to go directly to the top lane, and when he reached, it was just in time for the first wave to hit, so there was no experience lost.

Jax didn’t bother recalling to base, instead, going straight to his lane. Ezreal and Sona had already revived but were still at the fountain, meaning Jax could leisurely farm at the bot lane for the first wave, and maybe even the second wave.

Even after Ezreal and Sona had reached the lane, Jax would have the advantage in levels and could still farm in peace. Once they had caught up with levels, Jax—who had gotten first blood could recall to buy items. Although he wouldn’t be able to 1v2, Ezreal and Sona would still think twice before they tried to take him on.

Annie and Graves reached the middle lane, and Orianna, knowing that her teammates had been killed, didn’t dare to farm too far out. The reason for this was simple, if Annie managed to land a stun and Elise was around to follow up, Orianna wouldn’t be able to escape even with her Flash. Before he could come out and farm with a peace of mind, Shaoying needed to make sure that Elise wasn’t camping at the middle lane once she had gotten the red buff.


Shaoying was too naive in his thoughts.

What was Luocheng good at?

He wasn’t only good at being a Support, his ADC was also abnormally outstanding. When he chose Annie with a basic attack range of 625, he was basically equivalent to a low-damage Caitlyn!

I’m going to poke, and continue to poke you to death!

Once Luocheng landed a stun, he used basic attacks to hit Orianna instead of using skills. If Orianna wanted to return the hits with her own skills, then she wouldn’t be able to farm at all. But if she focused on farming instead, then Luocheng would poke her mercilessly until she couldn’t do it either!

In the early game, even without items, Annie’s damage was terrifying. Most of the time, it was Annie who walked past the creep wave to poke Orianna, making her frustrated.

“Join me for a while at the middle lane, if the creeps don’t come over, I don’t get a shred of experience. If they reach the turret, then our turret will get chipped down.” Shaoying said to Vi.

The Jungler didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at that, but he joined Orianna at the middle lane, splitting the experience gain. With the thought of forcefully killing Graves and Annie, Vi didn’t even want to think about it.

Vi had died once in the first two minutes into the game, taking the blue buff also had to be done alone. After defeating the blue buff, she didn’t have much health left and she didn’t even manage to get to level three.

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Graves was already at level four, and if they were to force a fight, that would be serving their own heads on a silver platter to them. The powerful combination of Annie and Graves were practically asking for a fight!

“Just play it carefully. Shit, this match has just gotten harder,” Shaoying said with a grimace.

Orianna only had ten CS at this point, and her health was much too low for his liking. He needed to recall once this creep wave was down.

D*mn it, he had never been so miserable after playing league for so long, it was really eating him on the inside!

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