League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 222 - Shanghai University’s Strategy

Chapter 222: Shanghai University’s Strategy

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qiming’s face was thunderous as he silently fumed and farmed.

It was him that had requested for Lulu to be more aggressive, but he hadn’t expected that that guy would take the opportunity to secure a kill!

“Should I focus more on the bottom lane?” ZJU’s Jungler asked.

“Once Mid has reached level six, go together. Their Jungler is obviously not coming much to the top lane, and they’re more protective of the bottom lane.” Feilong said.

“Alright.” Shaoying nodded his head.

‘Looks like what Siyong said was true, SHU’s Support is really something. Which team did he come from?’ Feilong smirked as he thought to himself.

The Jungle Dominance Strategy was something only the strongest top teams should know and use, and you needed to have outstanding control of the entire situation in the game. This included the timing of buffs, when to push turrets, location, time of wards, and timer for the Dragon…

This was one of the tactics that could only be used after countless analysis and training under the supervision of a professional analyst, the number of people in the country who could pull off this play, Feilong could count them on one hand.

Although the way SHU pulled off the tactic was incomplete, the effect still caused ZJU to not have any breathing space, and you could see just how strong this tactic was.

What Feilong wanted to know was which team did SHU conduct their special training with, to the point that they could learn tactics which even second rated professional teams also had problems with?

Could it possibly be with the strongest team—Team Daemons?

There were rumors that Asmodai had been to Shanghai University a few months back.

The reason Zhejiang University was strong was because they had the local well-known team backing them—Team Revelation.

Fudan University was leading because they had a mysterious foreign team behind them.

The sudden rise of Shanghai University was definitely not a coincidence, but which strong team was the one standing behind them?

Was it Team 71, Team Sky, or was it the strongest team of all—Team Daemons?

To be honest, in the whole National E-Sports University League, the only one who could have gone head to head with Zhejiang University was Fudan University. This was something Feilong could live with.

Was it possible…

Was it possible that a highly skilled player had appeared in Shanghai University and could make him feel threatened? Didn’t that make the game more thrilling?

Feilong liked the thrill, and initially, he had thought that only Siyong from Fudan University could ignite his passion for battle, but it looked like he needed to go all out even only in the quarterfinals!


At the bottom lane, Corki was leading with kills and the advantage was slowly showing. Once they engaged, the one who suffered was always Caitlyn and Lulu. However, Jinbei just wasn’t aggressive enough, and ended up only pushing them back instead of getting kills each time.

Once they had reached level six, the walls gave off a chilling feel to them, and it always felt as if there were eyes spying on them from the brushes. Both mid laners frequently disappeared from their lanes, and although it seemed like nothing was happening, both teams knew that this was just the calm before a bloody storm came!

Both Supports had started their vision control, for once you had lost vision control, it would mean losing the first move on the Dragon as well as the chance to initiate a fight.

With Corki’s protection, Fiddlesticks had started to plant his Vision Ward at the Dragon Pit. At this time, whoever had the most Vision Wards would have the bigger advantage. Luocheng was well aware of this fact, hence why he had recalled to base at level five and ensured that he had bought enough Vision Wards.

Their opponent Jungler and Support were also concerned about the vision control, because with Fiddlesticks, you had to make sure that there were enough wards around. Once he escaped from your field of vision, it would be very deadly with all his crows!

It was useless to try to use the wards positions to tempt their opponents who were at a professional level. When they placed wards, they would anticipate where you would jump from and be extra vigilant in those areas.

The nearby areas of the Dragon Pit was full of vision items, you could even find Caitlyn’s traps, Vision Wards, Stealth Wards, and even Jarvan’s flag in the tribush, it was filled to the brim that you would find it hard to fit anyone inside!

“Let’s see where you’ll jump from now!” ZJU’s Support said, gritting his teeth.

There was barely a place that wasn’t visible, and they could clearly see Fiddlesticks’ position. If Fiddlesticks couldn’t succeed in making a jump from the shadows to ulti, then it would be useless.


“They have a lot of vision, we can’t make an estimate.” Yang Ying said.

The Vision Ward they had placed at the Dragon Pit had been destroyed by ZJU’s own Vision Wards. SHU had lost vision on that area, and the chances of taking the Dragon was low.

“Force them to fight us in an area without any vision control.” Luocheng said.

“How are we going to do that?” Xiao Jia asked. “They will definitely be sticking to the Dragon area.”

“Give them the Dragon.” Luocheng said instead. “Wait for my signal and then we’ll all-in them.”

The four of them were stunned, what he’d said was right! Why did they need to engage them at the Dragon Pit, let them have it, the middle lane turret only needed one more wave to push it down!


“We’re anticipating that a fight will break out for the Dragon at any moment now, the gold difference for both sides aren’t that far apart, and the Dragon is one of the objectives which can tilt that balance. They definitely can’t let it go.” The host said.

“Huh, what is SHU doing? Are they planning to give up this Dragon and show weakness to ZJU?”

“No, they’re going for the turret!”

The four members of SHU made it seem as though they were going to fight for the Dragon as they headed to the top side of the pit, but once they reached the river entrance, they retreated and headed to the middle lane turret together with the fresh wave of minions instead!

With the four of them attacking the turret, it was brought down faster than getting the Dragon. Once they had destroyed the turret, they continued to push in, clearly intending to also take the next turret!

“Sh*t!” Feilong’s expression changed as he looked at his teammates who were still hitting the Dragon.

“What are you guys doing, go back and defend, do you want both turrets to go down!” He said, annoyance in his voice.

The advantage of bringing down two mid lane turrets was greater than taking a Dragon. Once both turrets were down, SHU could use the advantage to turn the tables and implement the Jungle Dominance Strategy once again!

Although the tactic was incomplete, Feilong still couldn’t find any way to defend against it, so he couldn’t let them take any more advantage than they already had!

“Oh, the change in tactics by SHU was clearly unexpected and surprising, giving up the Dragon in exchange for the turret, and even going for the second turret. ZJU is in an awkward position now, if they choose to reach the turret via the lane, SHU will be able to block them. If they take a roundabout way to the turret, they will most probably not be able to reach it in time!” The host said.

SHU had lost vision control in the Dragon Pit, but with the change in tactics, they had regained the upper hand!

Their opponents were forced to either engage in a place with insufficient vision control, or throw away two turrets!

“We were too careless…” Feilong gritted his teeth as he navigated Renekton toward the middle lane boldly.

Feilong’s face was unsightly at this moment. SHU’s team tactics were not short of amazing, you had to understand that this tactic of giving up the Dragon in exchange for a turret was generally only used by the first and second rated professional teams. To think that SHU had been trained by one of those teams, they had suddenly became so much more dangerous!

The local top teams would be able to use the advantage of bringing down turrets to continuously push the match in their favor, and the first and second rated professional teams would also be immersed in how to win teamfights and how to give the best assistance.

Feilong was unsettled because the tactics used by SHU was clearly a shadow of a first rated professional team, and it was giving him immense pressure!

Feilong continued to hurry to the mid lane hoping that he could reach the battlefield in time…

“Watch out, Fiddlesticks is coming!” Feilong shouted at Qiming suddenly.

Qiming was startled by that, and just as he was about to press his Flash, a murder of crows flew out from behind the wall, and the terrifyingly disgusting birds flew straight toward Caitlyn!

He continuously slammed the D key which his Flash was bound to, but he found that the Summoner’s Skill refused to activate due to the fact that he had been inflicted with Fear!

A level three Fear effect lasted for 2 seconds, and it was enough for the crows to take down a significant amount of health from Caitlyn. With Corki’s Q and ulti, Qiming’s Caitlyn was killed almost instantly!

Qiming was stunned, and the other members of ZJU were also in similar state. They hadn’t expected Fiddlesticks to jump out at this time, and more importantly, he had jumped at their main damage dealer—their ADC Caitlyn!

“Kill him, what are you waiting for!” Feilong snapped heatedly.

The remaining three members of ZJU snapped out of it at Feilong’s words, throwing all their skills at Fiddlesticks who was alone in the midst of them, killing him swiftly.

Looking at his screen as it turned grey, Luocheng smirked, not affected by it.

Exchanging a Support for an ADC was completely worth it, and he had managed to Drain quite a lot of health from his opponents. The following 3v3 would be easy enough for Xiao Jia, Jinbei and Yang Ying to finish up!

At this time, Corki’s items were the best among all of them. With the three opponents unable to withstand Corki’s terrifying damage, Jinbei easily got a double kill.

Shaoying’s Diana had managed to Flash out and hurriedly escaped with her life. One for three, SHU had instantly established a great advantage from this fight, and they could probably also take the second turret down!


A huge crocodile jumped out from the side suddenly, heading straight for Corki. Renekton’s huge jaws opened around Corki and bit down viciously, the Crescent Axe in his claws slicing down thereafter, instantly draining all of his health!

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The indicator of 435 gold appeared on top of Renekton, and Feilong had ended Corki’s killing spree. The massive crocodile then turned his eyes toward the other two, flying toward them immediately!

Full of rage and blood on his bulk, the crocodile resembled a final boss in a game, leaking out a terrifying aura that indicated he could face off the three of them alone!

This was the arrival of Zhejiang University’s top team’s captain—Feilong!

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