League of Legends: League of Unknowns

Chapter 244 - The Best Stealth!

Chapter 244: The Best Stealth!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“What a beautiful maneuver!”

Da Luo’s Lee Sin had shocked the entire audience, with the kick on Shyvanna, it ignited the start of the teamfight.

Although Shyvanna was the Jungler and she was building tank, she was currently not tanky enough. With the kick that Lee Sin had landed, it was entirely possible to kill her instantly.

Hedgehog’s reaction time on Shyvanna was not considered to be slow, and after being sent flying with that kick, he hurriedly activated his ulti to fly back toward the opposite direction!

This move could potentially scatter Team Skycrown’s formation, as well as give him more time to regroup. It was a professional game after all, and their reactions and awareness were quite good.

As soon as the teamfight started, Shyvanna flew to the back, with half her health left, she could still continue to fight!

Spitting dragon fire from her mouth, Shyvanna stood in front and took all the damage from the four members of Team Skycrown. The other four members of Team Galaxy engaged at the same time, and you could see the numerous skills being thrown to and fro in the middle lane!

Lee Sin’s Sonic Wave, Shyvanna’s Flame Breath, Syndra’s Dark Sphere, Ezreal’s Trueshot Barrage and Mystic Shot, Gragas’ Explosive Cask, Zyra’s Deadly Bloom and Grasping Roots…

Skills filled the skies, figures shuttled in the rain of gunfire, lights from multiple Flashes intertwined!

The teamfight was fierce and aggressive, and players from both teams were demonstrating the absolute strength of a professional player. Every detail was handled appropriately, and Team Scarlet in the audience also kept nodding their heads in praise of the moves. Watching confrontations between masters always gave a feeling of beautiful suspense and enjoyment.

Everything was perfect, from positioning, defending, killing, counterattack and clashing, it gave off an inexplicably exciting feeling.

However, there was something that felt off to everyone!

There was something wrong somewhere!

What the hell was going on?

Was it because Lee Sin’s kick on Shyvanna was too shallow, or Syndra’s ulti was thrown at Riven, or was it because Ezreal’s damage was too low…

The focus changed, and suddenly, a translucent figure appeared on the screen!

It was Zhou Yan’s Jungler. For the sake of killing the opponent’s Mid, he had gone in too deep and had been chased into the opponent’s side of the map…

And on this side of the map, there sat a translucent Teemo who was still standing there motionless!

That’s right, not a single movement.

You could say that this guy had been standing there even before the teamfight had started. When the fight started, reached its peak and was cooling down, this Teemo had just stood there without moving the whole time!

Even more outrageous was that Zhou Yan had been chased to this side by the opponent’s ADC, if Teemo had shot out a dart to blind her, there was hope that Zhou Yan could be saved.

However, he didn’t move. Even as his teammate crawled over to him covered in blood, he just gave him a cute look and played with his apple.


Caitlyn’s Q—Piltover Peacemaker flew over, right through Teemo’s body.

Teemo’s health dropped…

But he still didn’t move!

Caitlyn activated her ulti, taking Zhou Yan’s head. Teemo merely needed to shift to the side and the bullet would have hit him, sparing his teammate.

But, he didn’t do it!

He was still in stealth!

As his screen turned gray, Zhou Yan’s face which was already black, turned even blacker!

Would it kill you to f*cking move your ass a bit to block the bullet? Would it kill you to shoot out a dart to blind the opponent? Stealth, stealth, stealth, what f*cking shit stealth were you doing. You did not even appear until now, if you keep being in stealth, your screensaver will appear already!

Zhou Yan was speechless, once Luocheng entered his bitch mode, it wasn’t only their opponents, but also their own teammates who would suffer from his madness!

“This Teemo has guts!”

“If you can’t endure it, it would be a problem…” Qin Ying mused as he rubbed his chin.

To be honest, if it was him playing ranked games, encountering a Teemo who went into stealth for thirty years, Team Scarlet would just hang their computers without any explanations.

Even right next to you, you just stood there and watched him die without giving a helping hand, how cruel!

Teemo continued to hide himself.

Suddenly, the crossfire from the teamfights started to move, and it moved directly to Teemo’s side!

Zyra was still holding on to her ulti until now, waiting till Lee Sin and Ezreal had targeted her. As she screamed in agony, a monstrous thicket shot up from beneath the ground, covering a large area.

The coverage area of her ulti—Stranglethorns was big, and it was activated near Teemo!

It felt like it would be able to reach and knock him up, but at the same time, it felt like it wouldn’t!

Team Scarlet were all watching Luocheng’s screen in anticipation, anxious for him even if the person himself didn’t seem so.

If he was exposed and the opponents concentrated fire on him, it would be easy to wipe him off the rift immediately!

If it was anyone else, they would have started moving the moment Zyra had activated her ulti!

However, even with that, Luocheng still didn’t move his mouse!

“How can he be so damn f*cking chill?” Bin Bin exploded, unable to hold it in anymore.

The vines snapped upward, knocking Syndra and Ezreal up into the air. Both of them hadn’t expected that Zyra would hold out her ulti until this moment!

The good news was that Luocheng didn’t get knocked upward, if he had moved to sidestep it, he definitely would have been exposed.

A lot of skills thrown around in the fights had landed on Teemo quite a few times, and his health had dropped constantly, leaving only about a quarter left!

When Lin Dong and Xiao Bei were running, they subconsciously went toward where Teemo was standing, hoping to get some protection, but Luocheng was such an asshole that he just ignored them.

The skills from Team Galaxy’s members also kept flying in his direction, Caitlyn’s Q, Zyra’s Q, and even Riven’s ulti!

His health was still decreasing, and it was now less than one fifth!

Standing still during a battle in stealth was dangerous for Teemo, you never knew what kind of damage you would be caught in, and it might force you to reveal yourself.

“F*ck, the team is already almost dead!” Huang Yu cursed.

“And he’s still not moving, is his mouse broken!? Xiao Dao exclaimed.

Team Galaxy hadn’t planted a Vision Ward anywhere, so they didn’t see that Teemo was right at their feet. Caitlyn, who was wearing a short skirt, also swayed her hips a few times on top of him.

They weren’t aware that Teemo was right there, and they were unaware that he only had a fifth of his health left. If they just threw out a few more skill shots at that area, they could take the kill.

Team Scarlet could clearly see the whole picture.

Watching as Teemo hid even after all that, not attacking, Team Scarlet’s face was pinched, and their hearts whispered…

You can still endure this?

You’re already dying, and you still want to squat there and hide?

Are you playing in the f*cking competition or not?

Your teammates are all almost dead!

Lin Dong and Xiao Bei looked at Luocheng, realizing that he had no intentions to show himself, and they looked disappointed.

Willing to sacrifice four fifths of your health to sell them out, what more could they say?

Really, Luocheng, you win!

Lin Dong and Xiao Bei’s skills had all been exhausted, and their screens turned gray at the same time!

Lee Sin was unwilling to go down without a fight, aiming a kick at Caitlyn…

Pity that he didn’t realize that she still had Barrier, and he was killed by her and Zyra.

In actuality, in the 4v5 fight when Zhou Yan and Lin Dong watched Lee Sin fly in to deliver the kick and activate his E, for a moment, they hated the fact that they weren’t the opponents and were unable to attack Teemo, because otherwise, they could beat this asshole out from hiding!

You’re still in stealth, can you f*cking come out already!


“Beautiful, a three for four!” Lu Lian shouted.

They had won this teamfight!

As expected, in a teamfight, Teemo was useless. Even if he took down a turret, so what, his teammates had been beaten to the ground.

Flattop who had been having a bad time on Riven for the past twenty minutes finally smiled, relieved that they won the teamfight, otherwise, he would forever be haunted by that Teemo!

Wait, that’s not right. Where was the Teemo?

While they were engaging in the teamfight, it was impossible for Team Galaxy to notice where Teemo was on the map. However, once the fight was over, they still hadn’t seen a lick of him at all.

Lu Lian frowned. “Be careful, he might appear from the side.”

“Don’t worry, kill him if he comes.” Zyra said confidently.


A strangled scream was suddenly heard!

Just as he had finished talking, Zyra suddenly fell to the ground strangely! She was still alive just a moment ago!

What was happening!

Pew! Pew! Pew!

A short, adorable white Teemo stepped over Zyra’s body, throwing an Exhaust onto Caitlyn who was unprepared!

Seeing Teemo suddenly appear, Caitlyn panicked and used her E to create some distance, but Teemo Flashed forward and threw a Blinding Dart together with two basic attacks!


As Caitlyn fell to the ground, just two seconds after Zyra had died, a big large ACE word appeared on the screens of Team Galaxy!

The five members of Team Galaxy were speechless as they stared at their gray screens and announcement.

This…where did this Teemo come from!

“What the f*ck! He was in stealth the whole time right there!” Redhead was about to explode in anger.

Just as they had finally taken the victory in a teamfight after much suffering, they had gotten aced after Teemo appeared to clean up the rest of them!

What was even more frustrating was the fact that Teemo had been stealthing there since the beginning!

F*cking unbelievable, the fight in the area had been so fierce just now, how the hell would they have known that a Teemo was squatting there!


In any case, the battle was turned around, bearing fruit with Teemo getting a double kill with his mushrooms and stealth, earning their team an ace!


“I salute him, really!” Bin Bin’s jaw was still on the ground.

From the beginning of the fight, he had stood there stealthing, not giving a hand to his teammates no matter what it was. Taking damage from AOE skills, sacrificing his health as he watched his teammates die in front of him. Enduring until the end, finally spitting out a Blind Dart to kill Zyra, an Exhaust on Caitlyn with a few basic attacks and he killed her…

To be honest, Team Scarlet could more or less guess what Team Galaxy was feeling right now!

It was not easy to get a three for four, to win the teamfight! Only to have a dying Teemo jump out and kill you just as you were celebrating!

More importantly, he had been cutely squatting there for so long, and this cute shit had actually landed an ace by himself!

At the moment they were killed, Redhead and Shock both cursed loudly at the same time, “F*ck your mother!”

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To make things worse, when they cursed so loudly, the referee who was seated sternly said, “Team Galaxy loudly insults their opponent! This is your first warning, if you get a second warning, you will be disqualified.”

Team Galaxy was going insane!

Insulting their opponents? That shouldn’t even be considered an insult!

It was obvious that they were the ones being severely insulted by Teemo the whole time, alright!?

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