It’s no wonder that Mukè will hold it directly, because Mukè doesn’t know what kissing is from small to big, pure as a piece of white paper.

Su Ming was also very nervous at this time, but saying it was like pouring water. Now Mukè has heard it, and it is impossible for Su Ming to take it back.

So Su Ming kept looking at Mukè’s face. If Mukè was said to be upset, he refused himself directly, so how awkward.

Su Ming has a little more thought about this. Don’t look at Mukè. Now it seems that the whole person is stunned. In fact, she is just too surprised. There is really no unhappiness.

Seeing Mukè, I kept talking. Su Ming couldn’t help but say, “What, I just made a joke, you just kidding me, don’t think too much.”

The best way to resolve the embarrassing situation at the moment is to quickly shift the topic away and not continue on this embarrassing issue.

Mukè actually was in a very tangled state at this time. In the heart, there were two villains fighting at the same time. One said that he promised Su Ming, and one said that he could not agree.

As a result, the phrase Su Ming played a catalytic role, and the hesitant Mukè immediately made up his mind.

Mukè felt that he could not refuse Su Ming. If he refused Su Ming, it would have hurt his confidence.

Still give Su Ming some confidence, maybe he promised him, he can be full of power, and Mukè did not think that Su Ming can really enter the Entrance School Top 3.

Anyway, I will not lose, but it is better to give Su Ming some power. Mukè suddenly nodded and said: “Yes, Su Ming, I promise you.”

“what did you say?”

Su Ming is worried that Mukè is not upset, and suddenly he heard the words of Mukè, and the whole person was stunned.

After a second, Su Ming said in an incredible voice: “What do you say, say it again.”

Mukè pretty face is red, more red than Su Ming’s previous play, but she has the courage to say loudly said: “I said if you really entered the Entrance School Top 3, I will kiss you.”

At this time, the values ​​in the class have been cleaned up and gone home, so there are two of them left. If there are other people, Mukè is definitely not able to say these words. It is too open. This is not Mukè. style.

“haha, great.”

After hearing this, Su Ming called the whole person an excitement, stood up directly from the seat, and slammed his desk.

I didn’t expect Mukè to really agree. For the goal of entering the Entrance School Top 3, it is really difficult for Su Ming to tell the truth. That is to say, after Su Ming and other exam results, Mukè can’t run away. It is.

The first kiss of School Beauty is just as exciting as I think about it.


As a result, the extreme joy turns to sorrow happened. Su Ming was a little too strong when he took the table. He shot the cover on the table and he just hit the big eyes of Mukè crystal.

“Are you OK?”

Su Ming was not excited at first. He sat down and asked with concern. If the school was broken, it would be a big sin.

Fortunately not at all What’s too big a problem, only the eyes are slightly touched, after all, after the cap is bounced, the power in flight is not so great.

Su Ming reached out and helped Mukè with a squint, so he blew Mukè again and asked: “You can see if you can open it.”

“There is a little pain”

Mukè’s voice said a bit poorly. It was already better than Su Ming’s two blows, but it still hurts when I blink.

In fact, this is not a big problem. It will take at least ten minutes, so it is not necessary for Su Ming to use Soraka’s Ability to give Mukè Heal. It is too exaggerated.

“I am blowing it for you.” Su Ming said a word, once again put his mouth in front of Mukè, gently blowing Mukè’s eyes.

This is really the first time Su Ming is so close to Mukè’s face. Many people look at it from afar, but when they are close, they feel awkward.

But Mukè is different. Goddess is Goddess. From a close look, I can see that Mukè’s face doesn’t look awkward without cosmetics. This perfect face doesn’t know how many women envy men.

“ga zhi”

As a result, at this time, the door that was originally closed in the classroom was suddenly pushed open. The person who pushed the door was Su Ming, a girl in their class called Wu Fei.

Wu Fei is one of the few values ​​of today’s life. Wu Fei glasses forgot to bring it when she was cleaned. For her kind of myopia, no glasses are very terrible. I can’t write at home at night. It is.

As a result, Wu Fei, who had already left the school, could only go back to the classroom and take glasses again. As a result, I saw this scene.

Su Ming and Mukè are two people facing the front door of the classroom. From the perspective of Wu Fei, the two people seem to be face-to-face.

What a man and a woman can do with their faces, almost everyone will think about kissing.

Wu Fei is no exception. When Mukè and Su Ming were “kissing”, Wu Fei couldn’t help but scream.

The main thing is still too surprised. There are also a lot of people who usually fall in love.

But this person is Mukè, knowing that Mukè is a good student in good times, he is almost a good student among good students, and he has never seen any male contact with her.

Until recently, Mukè didn’t know what happened, and he came into contact with Su Ming, who seems to be ordinary. As a result, he even kissed directly in the classroom today.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes, Wu Fei may not believe that Mukè will be so open.

“No wonder these two people have been away from the classroom after school. I really thought that they both studied hard, it was for this,” Wu Fei thought.

After hearing the call of Wu Fei, Su Ming and Mukè immediately felt like an electric shock. The two men quickly separated.

Su Ming looked at the expression on Wu Fei’s face, and then thought of this angle with Mukè, she knew that she would definitely want to marry, so Su Ming quickly explained: “Mukè her eyes”

As a result, Su Ming said something, and was interrupted by Wu Fei. Wu Fei reacted and immediately said, “Oh, what my glasses forgot to bring, come back and take glasses.”

Wu Fei quickly ran to his seat and put the glasses case into the bag, and then walked out of the classroom, deliberately closed the door of the classroom, and did not forget to say: “What, I have not seen anything, you continue.”

Su Ming glanced at Mukè and both knew that this time was misunderstood.

: Thanks to the bookmates who “have me this memory, take you as a person”, “Yong”, “toward tomorrow”, “wine song order” and so on. Today, there are few recommended tickets, and there are tickets for the brothers. Vote for support.

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