This glamorous guy who wears a brand-name shirt is called Zeng Tianlai. It is a super Second Generation Rich. Today, this party is his whole, and invited some Ningcheng City Business World people.

The woman next to Jiang Xiaojun is called Long Yu, and Jiang Xiaojun also knows it inadvertently, and then the two people look at each other and produce some favourable impressions.

It is coincidental that Zeng Tianlai also looked at this Long Yu because he had some business dealings with Long Yu’s father, just taking advantage of this opportunity to prepare for this woman.

However, Long Yu was not very cold with Zeng Tianlai. She didn’t want to come over today’s banquet, but she was forced to come over by her father.

In order to let Zeng Tianlai stop harassing himself, Long Yu said to Jiang Xiaojun and let Jiang Xiaojun be his own male partner, thinking that Zeng Tianlai would die.

But Long Yu is still too naive, not only failed to let Zeng Tianlai die, but also killed Jiang Xiaojun.

Jiang Xiaojun didn’t think that Zeng Tianlai would immediately start to pay attention to the two black clothed bodyguards, so he was stumped by Zeng Tianlai.

Which man can be beaten in front of a woman he likes? So Jiang Xiaojun was surprisingly angry at this time. After climbing up from the ground, yelled “Mothafucka” in the mouth and rushed up to Zeng Tianlai.

Speaking of which Jiang Xiaojun Sex is so easygoing, Su Ming is really the first time he sees him ignited.

However, Jiang Xiaojun was isolated and helpless, and Zeng Tianlai had two bodyguards. Two black clothed bodyguards stopped Jiang Xiaojun.

Zeng Tianlai’s face was full of sneer, and it seemed that she did not put Jiang Xiaojun in her eyes.

“Give me a hand!”

However, at this time, Su Ming finally came out, and Su Ming, who was full of anger, stood up and screamed.

“Who are you special?”

After everyone stunned, they found out that they didn’t know who Su Ming was. Zeng Tianlai frowned and said to Su Ming unceremoniously.

“Dare to move my brother, I think you are tired.” Su Ming looked at Zeng Tianlai and thought about how to clean up this person.

“Oh, you are his brother.” Zeng Tianlai heard that Su Ming came up and said that he was tired, and he was happy. He didn’t know who was tired. People who knew his identity didn’t dare to talk to him. speak.

Zeng Tianlai continued: “Sure enough, what kind of people have friends, this guy is so frustrated, no wonder that brother is also so frustrated.”

Suddenly many people around couldn’t help but laugh. They know that Zeng Tianlai is ridiculing Su Ming’s dress. It is so unique to wear such a place in this banquet.

“Who did you put this guy in?” Zeng Tianlai looked at Su Ming and said, “Give me throwing him out, don’t lower the grade of my party.”

Zeng Tianlai ordered the two guys who had stopped Jiang Xiaojun and walked directly toward Su Ming.

“Su Ming, you are careful!”

Jiang Xiaojun couldn’t help but scream, he knows that Su Ming can play, but after all, this is a professionally trained bodyguard.

Su Ming’s mouth is slightly raised, with his current combat power, as long as he does not touch the abnormal War of the Ancient Warrior, Su Ming playing these people is just as easy as playing.


It felt like there was no need to make the movement too big, so Su Ming only opened Malphite’s eAbility, stopped the black clothed bodyguard’s palms, and the palms suddenly changed, and the black clothed bodyguard’s wrist was cut off.

Another bodyguard was going to do Su Ming at the moment, but Su Ming was hiding sideways, and then both hands held the heads of the two bodyguards.

Let the heads of the two big men come into close contact, just listen to the “peng” and suddenly both of them fell to the ground.

Seeing the two well-trained black clothed bodyguards, it was so shocked by Su Ming that it was completely shocking.

Even Jiang Xiaojun was slightly sluggish, and Su Ming’s combat power far exceeded his imagination.

Zeng Tianlai, who was just full of arrogance, was dumbfounded. The two bodyguards he had hired at a big price were so easily solved.

“You… what are you doing?”

When Zeng Tianlai was stunned, he suddenly noticed that Su Ming was coming toward him. The whole person was shocked and said in a panic.


Su Ming’s mouth sneered and said: “Of course it’s killing you.”


The words have not finished, Su Ming pointed to Zeng Tianlai’s disgusting face is a slap.

This slap Su Ming didn’t use much strength at all, for fear of killing this guy, and it was such a slap or directly pulled Zeng Tianlai down to the ground.

Looking at Zeng Tianlai on the ground, everyone was dumbfounded. The expression on his face was even more surprised than seeing Su Ming solve two black clothed bodyguards. He dared to play Zeng Tianlai’s face?

Today’s banquet, official Zeng Tianlai came out, invited some bosses of Ningcheng Business World, of course, just the general boss, like Li Yuanshuang and Wang Wei, the super big man, Zeng Tianlai did not have the possibility to invite.

Today, Tianlei’s attendees at this banquet are mostly aware of Zeng Tianlai’s identity. He wants to let him know that he is too late. As a result, the guy dressed in a sling, even a slap will greet him.

“Mothafucka, you dare to hit me, you are dead.”

After Zeng Tianlai got up from the ground, he muttered hysterically and was beaten in public. Zeng Tianlai had never suffered such humiliation.

At this time, many people look at Su Ming’s face is not right, dare to play Zeng Tianlai, this guy is mostly tired.


As a result, Zeng Tianlai stood up and Su Ming greeted the past with a slap. This Zeng Tianlai was pumped like a tumbler and swayed twice.


Then Su Ming hit another slap, and the slap still didn’t use much power, but Zeng Tianlai finally couldn’t stand, and was suddenly pulled down by Su Ming.

“Fcuk/idiot, try playing me again.”

After being beaten three times in a row, Zeng Tianlai felt an unprecedented shame. When standing up with red eyes, he was looking for Su Ming to fight hard.

The result………The words have not finished yet, Su Ming slap went up again, Zeng Tianlai was once again pulled down on the ground.

“pā pā pā ”

Next, the slap sound continued, and the continuous slap kept everyone in sight, and even forced Zeng Tianlai to fight.

Su Ming finally stopped, faintly glanced at Zeng Tianlai on the ground and said, “You have smashed my brother, I hit you ten slap, it is even.”

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