Long Yu is doing business in jewelry at home. She has seen gambling stones more than once, and Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun are newcomers to the game. The two are full of interest and wandering around.

“Little Na, how does Frost Archer’s eAbility eagle hit the sky?” Su Ming shouted out Little Na directly in his head and asked.

It is said that Ashe has been used for the first time for the first time. Su Ming is not sure what to do.

“The method of use is very simple. The Ability is a persistent Ability. When the host directly turns on the eagle, the eyes will change.”

Little Na continues: “Every Antique and Jade stone contain a certain Spiritual Qi. The thicker the Spiritual Qi is, the more precious it is. With Ashe’s eAbility, the host can directly see the Spiritual Qi contained in the Antique jade stone. How much is true or false and precious by the number of Spiritual Qi.”

“It turned out to be the case.”

Su Ming listened to the whole person’s heart, this special is not the same as hanging, it is even more magical than hanging, equivalent to Su Ming’s eyes, any fake goods are all invisible, including those hidden Precious Jadeite in the stone.

“Do you have anything to do with the host?” Little Na asked.

“never mind.”

“Okay, don’t call me if you have nothing, I have to make up a beauty.”

Su Ming: “……………”

“I want this one, it looks pretty good.”

After a lap, I saw that many people started to buy it. Some people even opened Jadeite. For a time, Jiang Xiaojun couldn’t help but pointed to a stone and said to Boss.

“Have you all picked it up?” Su Ming’s conversation with Little Na ended, and Jiang Xiaojun was shot, and he asked.

Jiang Xiaojun said: “I have studied this piece for a while and found it to be good. I feel very promising Jadeite.”

I pointed to a piece of wool stone that I had picked up in front of my head, and said with a big face: “Su Ming, do you want me sect? How do you pick up the wool? I just researched it online.”

Su Ming smiled, nodded said: “Then tell me how to pick.”

In fact, Ashe’s eAbility Su Ming asked Jiang Xiaojun to teach himself half a hang, but Su Ming saw that Jiang Xiaojun wanted to give him a face in front of Long Yu’s items/weapons.

Jiang Xiaojun then sighed and said: “Jadeite wool is a thing of this kind. First of all, we have to look at the cracks on the stone. Generally, if there is a cracked material, it is definitely not necessary.”

“It’s almost impossible to have Jadeite in it, even if it is, it is estimated to be very inferior or destroyed.”

“Secondly, look at the texture above the wool. There will be some loose fog on the good stone and the texture will be clear. You can even see the spotted green.”

Jiang Xiaojun crackle said a lot to Su Ming, but Su Ming didn’t understand it anyway, but Jiang Xiaojun did some homework.

“The stone in front of me is carefully selected. I feel that maybe it will be out of Jadeite.” Jiang Xiaojun deliberately joked.

Long Yu on the side was also amused, pouting and stealing a smile.

Su Ming instantly opened Ashe’s eAbility, and I found that my eyes were a little different when I saw the ground.

I carefully watched the hair of Jiang Xiaojun’s pick for about two seconds, only to find that Jiang Xiaojun’s stone did not have any Spiritual Qi undulates, almost bleak, which indicates that Jiang Xiaojun is impossible to produce Jadeite. .

But this is not surprising. Because of the skills that Jiang Xiaojun said in his mouth, basically everyone knows that if it is so spiritual, I am afraid everyone can pick out Jadeite.

Moreover, those who sell wool have a sinister look at the stone. There are really those stones that are easier to get out of Jadeite. They have long been labeled as high prices, and it is easy to miss not at all.

But Su Ming didn’t even stop Jiang Xiaojun. Anyway, this stone is not worth much. It should be fun, and Su Ming can also judge that Ashe’s Ability is not allowed.

“Boss, I want this stone.” Jiang Xiaojun obviously made up his mind.

“Good Le”

It seems that some black and thin Boss has a business door, and immediately ran over, picking up the stone of Jiang Xiaojun and weighing it.

“This stone is 1,700 yuan, young man sees you for the first time, give it a thousand and five hundred dollars.” Black and thin Boss looks like a business.

It is very convenient to trade here. Basically, there are mobile phone transfers and mobile phone transfers. No one is still squatting at that year. Many cash out, Jiang Xiaojun decisively took out the mobile phone to pay.

After paying the money, Jiang Xiaojun took the wool to the cutting and grinding machine on the side and said to the Master: “Master, please help me open it.”

“How to open?”

Master glanced at the stone in front of Jiang Xiaojun and then asked, the first thing they had to ask.

Jiang Xiaojun, who knows this, said directly: “I don’t understand this. Master, how can you cut it?”

Master immediately got up and took the stone to the machine, then took a look and carefully compared the angle and started to work.

Cutting wool is a real technical activity. Without the craftsmanship of more than a decade, it is not easy to go to such places to solve the problem.

The Master looked very calm, and the hand holding the machine didn’t even tremble. He went straight down and cut the side of the wool.

At this time, Su Ming looked at them with wide eyes and found that they were dark and swarthy. The Master opened the many stones. The experience was naturally rich and said: “This is a piece of waste stone.”

When I heard this, everyone could not help but be disappointed. The previous second was vaguely expected.

However, it is not too sad. After all, more than a thousand dollars to buy, Jiang Xiaojun did not have much hope, if it can really open Jadeite it would be strange.

“It seems that Ashe’s eAbility is really useful.” Su Ming is now more and more sure that System’s Ability is definitely a boutique.

“Then I have also looked at it, maybe I will pick Jadeite if my character is better.” Su Ming smiled and said to Jiang Xiaojun.

“You can pull it down.” Jiang Xiaojun despised Su Ming.

Then Su Ming opened up with Ashe’s eAbility and looked at a lot of stones, but Su Ming found that the pile of stones contained little of Spiritual Qi.

Only a dozen stones in Su Ming’s surface are bright, but very subtle, it is estimated that even Jadeite quality is relatively low.

Su Ming this time finally understands why the gambling stone has that many people jumped off the building, the chances are too low, especially these low-grade stones, rarely leaking Jadeite.


At this time, Su Ming suddenly stunned the whole person because a stone appeared in Su Ming’s field of vision. The surface of the stone exudes a very bright rays of light.

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