"I'm dumbfounded."

"What's going on? We're being abused again!"

"Hurry up and play Kong Ge, why don't you change Kong Ge?"

"Scout was completely destroyed by Xiaohu in this game."

"Why did Zweizhang get so mad at Xiangguo in the jungle?!"

"We lost the first game the same way."

"It's because there's no line control in the middle and top lane."

"Yeah, letme can suppress mouse every time. Xiaohu in the middle lane always has line control, so Zweizhang can't play!"

"Uzi can't win every game with an advantage in the bottom lane, how can we play?"

"I'm really going to vomit, the fourth place in the regular season with 16 consecutive wins?!"

The pigs and dogs in the live broadcast room can't accept the current situation at all.

In their expectation, the worst against RNG was 3 to 1, but who knew that after three games, they were ahead by one point.

Especially when playing against RNG, losing the game with disadvantages in the middle and top lane is even more unacceptable.

Many people were shouting for Lin Kong to play.

The EDG fans at the scene were the same.

"It's a crucial game!"

"I'll do it!"

"Xiao Li, take a break. I'll teach you some tricks to beat Xiaohu."

"Watch me do it later, haha!"

When the EDG players returned to the preparation room, Lin Kong, who had been silent for three games and had been drinking coffee at the water dispenser, suddenly stood up.

He greeted the EDG players.

This move also made Abu and the EDG players except Scout feel inexplicably relieved.

As for Scout, he was quite regretful and nodded to Lin Kong.

There was no way, the performance in the first three games was really bad.

"Then let Lin Kong play!"

"Then we can also start thinking about our BP again. What heroes can you use now, Lin Kong?"

Seeing Scout nod, the only worry was gone, and Abu immediately turned to the staff next to him to inform the official.

They were going to replace the players.


The Haier brothers received the news and immediately showed a sly smile on their faces and looked at each other.

Colonel Guan couldn't wait to announce the news.

"It's here!"

"What we are all looking forward to!"

"It's here now!"

"EDG just announced that they have changed players."

"EDG, change the mid laner!!"

"Player EDG Scout is replaced by EDG King!!!"

Colonel Guan shouted excitedly.

The audience at the scene was a hundred times more excited than him, and the whole audience was cheering.




"Brother Kong!!!!"

"It's coming, my brother Kong!"

"In the key game, my brother Kong's rescue is absolutely invincible!"

"I know that my brother Kong will definitely play in the key game!!!"


All the EDG fans at the scene cheered, and the big screen on the field also gave the news.

EDG's king was replaced, and Lin Kong's current data was given.

Because Lin Kong has only played two regular season games this season.

In terms of data, it is absolutely 100%!!!

"Wow, this data is simply luxurious."

"The winning rate is all 100%, and the injury of the male gun is terrifyingly high, reaching a terrifying 200%."

"Galio's injury is also 180%, and it is a 100% participation rate!"

"Haha, of course my brother Kong has only played two games, so there will be such exaggerated data."

"However, it is worth mentioning that the data of these two games are all against RNG."

"I don't know today, King can save his team at this critical moment when the team is 1 to 2 behind, and continue to maintain a 100% winning rate against RNG!"

"Let us wait and see!!!"

Wawa and Miller still have some commentary skills. While speaking fairly, they also praised Lin Kong a little.

The EDG fans at the scene couldn't help but feel happy.

Another round of screams broke out.

After another 5-minute break.

The five members of EDG returned to the stage. Seeing Lin Kong waving his hand, the audience cheered again.

"Brother Kong!! Come on!"

"Brother Kong, if you win, I will buy 100 electric snake mice today!"

"Damn, if I can win two games, I will buy 200 directly!!!"

"Sales King, come on!!!"

"Sales King, you must kill the haters' mouths today!"

The whole audience was cheering for Lin Kong.

Many viewers also used Lin Kong's mostA new nickname recently.

King of Sales!

It is also based on Lin Kong’s recent live broadcast of selling goods, plus his idKING.

It is a nickname that evolved.

It is a nickname that Lin Kong is more satisfied with recently. After all, he has never had a fixed nickname before, and fans just call him Brother Kong.

It sounds quite empty.

The id King is not so easy to pronounce.

But King of Sales, it sounds like a first-generation rich man, a top rich man, which makes Lin Kong quite like it.


When Lin Kong came on the court, he waved his hands to the audience and then sat in his seat.

The fourth game between the two sides officially began.

Because EDG just lost a game, they have the right to choose sides in this game.

EDG also took the blue side with a higher winning rate.

Prepare to help Lin Kong shoot a hero.

On the blue side, Abu pressed down the three more powerful versions and the heroes that RNG used better before.

Lee Sin, Leblanc, Fizz.

RNG has banned three of its signature heroes.

Uzi's Ashe, Lin Kong's Galio, and the jungler's Graves, who has been promoted to the T1 level. Of course, Lin Kong's mid-lane Graves is also a showdown.

In the current version, Feng Ge is not a fool. Since he has replaced Lin Kong, of course he has to target him.


"Last time, it was because of the factor of Mantis. Now that Mantis is gone, there are enough ban positions."

"I want to see what kind of waves you can make!"

Feng Ge has no worries about Lin Kong's appearance this time.

The same is true for everyone in RNG.

Before they faced this game, they didn't know how much training they had done against Lin Kong.

Galio and Graves were all banned, and Malzahar and Ryze and Japheth, who are relatively strong in this version, were released. They were not afraid of these two.

Anyway, Lin Kong is unlikely to do so.

Xiaohu is even more confident.

"As long as I can get one of Ryze and Taliyah, I can beat him!"

Just when RNG was still thinking about what Lin Kong would do.

Lin Kong's unexpected move shocked both sides.

EDG's first move was to take down Zweila's Warwick. As a T1-level jungle hero in this version, it must be the first choice.

RNG took out Yasuo and Gragas as a response.

EDG chose Titan in the top lane to fight Yasuo. The third move was unexpected by no one.


"Today, let's just show off."

"Show them what Naruto Zed is!"

Lin Kong's hero selection was so fast, almost in seconds.

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