League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 101: 2 single kills from up and down, end the game!

After pushing this wave, Chen Yuan presses B to return to the city, and directly synthesizes the homicide ring into the homicide book.

"Is this Brother Yuanzi? The first murder book published."

"Are you going to play power leveling? Naked murder book?"

"It's not so good, it's better to make a lost chapter first."

For Chen Yuan's behavior, the barrage is actually not very optimistic.

In the commentary.

Guan Zeyuan said at this time: "I bought the book with the four-layer ring. To be honest, it was a little earlier. This is tantamount to giving away the money of two people."

On Chen Yuan's side, he has his own considerations. The first is that the hero of Demon Ji is very flexible and is not easy to die.

Second, he took a look at the opponent's lineup. The top laner, the jungle troll, the mid laner, the AD is Xia, which is really lack of control. The only strong control is the bull head, and this control is for the demon girl. , The effect is actually not very good.

In the case that the opponent has no skills to restrict him, this murder book is indeed a very good choice.


Thirteen minutes, the incense pot cooperated with the bottom road to get Xiaolong, while Ning took advantage of the top road to get the vanguard.

After taking the dragon, the incense pot invaded the enemy's blue zone in combination with the bottom lane, and reversed the newly refreshed blue BUFF. The BUFF was taken by the Verus of Uzi. This hero got the blue BUFF. How much is on the line? Strong can be imagined.

In fifteen minutes, RNG successfully pushed down the next tower, and IG, under the impact of the pioneer, also successfully took the top tower.

After taking the tower, the two sides returned to the city by appointment. This time they changed their decision to let the well-developed enchantress come with the group, and letme, who had been suppressed, went to the road to make up the line and guard the tower.

The four people gathered on NG, led by the well-developed Uzi, directly pushed a tower on the road, and then the four went directly to the middle road in a group.

The tower in the middle road is a hard stubble. RNG has been grinding in the middle road for a long time, but it still has not been successfully pulled out. After all, Chen Yuan has never had the line right, and this tower is almost full of blood.

There is no way, if you want to pull the tower, you still have to come, otherwise it will be a little difficult for no one to start a group in the front row.

The game is back to developmental time. After all, there are no map resources now, and it is meaningless to force a team to pull towers in the middle.

In nineteen minutes, the dragon refreshed, RNG held the advantage and occupied the position in the Xiaolong Pit ahead of time. At this time, Gnar happened to be empty and unable to fight the group. IG had no choice but to let go of the dragon and continue for himself. Buy some development time.

Twenty-two minutes, Ornn and Gnar were still facing the belt line in the bottom lane, and then the remaining four people had started to group in the middle.

A wave of soldiers line came, and the ADCs of both sides began to clear the line under the protection of the same upper limit.

JackeyLove's style of play has always been fierce. Under the protection of his teammates, he was unwilling to watch Uzi's stable fill, so Xia directly pressed forward.

Because he also has artillery in his hand, his hand is not too short, he wants to steal Uzi by pulling.

But Uzi saw Xia Qianzheng, and immediately moved away, not to give Xia a chance to steal.

JackeyLove saw that Uzi was so cautious and could only retreat, but at this time Uzi stepped forward, taking advantage of Xia's back click to retreat, and shot Xia with a flat A.

JackeyLove's blood pressure rose suddenly. I wanted to steal some of you. Why did you click on me?

So he pressed forward again, wanting to return this one, but Uzi moved very quickly, and started to retreat as soon as a flat A shot, without giving him a point.

So JackeyLove reluctantly chose to retreat again, but at this time, Uzi raised his bow again and shot him again.

Uzi's equipment was very good. After being hit twice, one third of his blood was gone. Ah Shui was helpless at this time and could only choose to retreat.

But at this time, Uzi didn't let him go. Verus's longbow raised, an E skill slowed Xia down, and another flat A shot Xia on her body.

JackeyLove turned on W, also responded with a flat A, and then pressed Q and E with her fingers, Xia's WQAE combo, can hit the fastest vertigo.

But Uzi didn't play any bells and whistles with you at this time, and he hit a tie A, Xia A hit him, but he pulled Xia four times.

After A's fourth draw, Xia's blood volume was only one-third left. Velus W turned on, and a deadly instant Q shot directly took Xia's life.

Xia's ultimate move, flashing, and healing were all there, but she died just like that.

"NICE!" Chen Yuan was stunned when he saw this scene, shouting in his voice.

What is this TM, this is a lively pull teaching!

Two ADs with the same range have artillery, but I can click you around, but you can only click me. How can I play the game?

At the same time, a good news came from Bottom Road, "The Flame of Mountain Hidden killed the Lost Tooth!"

Orn of Letme killed Gnar of TheShy solo!

Because the director has been putting the camera on the pull of the two ADs just now, no one saw the single kill of the bottom road, and everyone couldn't believe it, but this is indeed true.

"NICE!" The audience suddenly burst into cheers, and these two singles shot out and basically sentenced IG to death.

The dragon was too lazy to take it, and the incense pot flashed directly up to lift the troll, and then backhanded it with a big move, throwing the clockwork on one side, and controlling the two at the same time.

Chen Yuan's enchanting girl had already made Luden and the ghost book at this time, and the damage exploded extremely. W went up and quickly threw the QRE, and the clockwork was instantly second.

Double C, jungler, top laner, all died, only a sapphire bull head remained, standing at the back of the team blankly, not knowing what to do.

I have to say that he is really not to blame for this wave, because ADC is really dead suddenly.

Take down Tuan Mie, because the second tower of IG is still there, so it is impossible to think a wave, RNG everyone takes the big dragon.

Although IG hasn't lost yet, everyone knows that this is just a chronic death.

Because the most OP tactic of the current version is the propulsion system of the flag of command + the dragon BUFF, now RNG has both elements in hand, and the IG side is naturally unstoppable.

Letme put a command flag on the artillery, and the super artillery produced crazy output, breaking the second tower first, and then breaking the high ground.

In addition, Xia was also an AD with short hands. Under the protection of the RNG team, he couldn't clear the gun.

Each shot of the artillery can knock out one-sixth of the health of the defensive tower, and the high tower will be pushed directly away in ten seconds.

At this time, Chen Yuan started to operate. He looked at the rookie who was pressing forward and wanted to kill him. With a tentative mentality, he threw an E.

The chain began to extend, just to the body of the mainspring.

Chen Yuan suddenly came to his mind, his first step was not with skills, but directly flashing towards the clockwork.

This is the experience of an old enchantress, because rookie saw that he was caught by the chain, his first reaction was also a flash, he wanted to break the chain.

In this way, the midlaners of both sides flashed at the same time, and the distance was not stretched at all.

At this time, Chen Yuan began to press the keyboard frantically, QR quickly thrown out, he did not lose W, because he knew the damage was enough.

237! 542! 726!

Three-stage damage ~www.readwn.com~ One-stage is higher than one-stage. With the initial 200 damage of E skill, 180 damage of electric shock, and 150 damage of Luden, it directly kills the two thousand blood clockwork in seconds.

Chen Yuan fulfilled his promise in the trash talk and single-killed rookie three times.

This solo kill sounded the horn of RNG's offensive. Aoun Sheep opened the door to the sky. With the big move of the pig girl, a group of perfect starters came. Uzi's Verus was already full of sheep knives and began to output frantically.

The Shy, who has been sluggish in this series, did not harden up at this moment, and after weakly shooting a big move, he became the last soul in the team.

"Push, push!" Uzi yelled in the voice channel at this time. The Silver Dragon Cup was already at his fingertips, and he couldn't wait to touch the trophy.

As the blood volume of the IG base is getting less and less, the cheers of the audience are getting louder and louder, and it seems that this big cube venue is going to be overturned.

"Twenty-five minutes, RNG ended the game!" Guan Zeyuan was a little excited: "RNG pushed away IG's base and completed the unprecedented letting two chase three!"

Jiang Qiu was also very excited at this time, as if she was the winner, and said loudly: "The new king is enthroned, let us congratulate RNG together."

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