League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 108: Where are your teammates? Where are your teammates? Where are your teammates?

At this time, Chen Yuan's WER is on CD, only Q skills can still be used. He didn't wait for E skills to be refreshed, and directly went straight to the ADC who was anchored by the pig girl's big move.

Because Sister Dao had brilliance in her hands, the first QA burst was extremely high, and she directly drew a third of her blood to Kai'Sa.

The assistant Tam was so frightened that he quickly swallowed Kai'Sa into his stomach.

Chen Yuan had calculated this scene a long time ago, without the slightest hesitation, Sword Sister immediately turned to Fire Tam.

As for Ryze next to him, he didn't bother to take care of it, because Ryze was very poorly developed. At this time, he only had cloth shoes, catalytic stone and goddess tears, which was extremely miserable.

Although it didn't hurt much, but there were cloth shoes, catalytic sacred stones, and passive shields. The frankness was still quite high. The sword girl wanted to hack Ryze to death.

Ryze naturally gave it to Niu Tau to deal with it. Xiao Ming's Niu Tau was already full of E skills at this time. He walked to Ryz's face in a silly manner.

At the same time, Sword Sister had already chopped Tam to the residual blood. After all, Tam had only one pair of straw sandals in addition to the auxiliary equipment, and the level of walking was also low, which was indeed very brittle.

Tam hurriedly opened the shield. At the same time, W's time was up, and Kai'Sa was spat out in his stomach.

Facing the thick shield and Kai'Sa who had just vomited out, Chen Yuan turned to fire again without hesitation, and started playing AD.

"This sword girl is so fierce!" Seeing Chen Yuan chasing three people alone, I couldn't help but admire.

"This Nima can't stand up to five knives!"

"This version of Sword Girl is indeed outrageous, but who makes BDD and Khan not be able to play."

"It's as simple as this hero. Didn't the wild card have a team that also selected Sword Girl? It's like SB..."

"Brother Yuanzi kills and it's over!"

The barrage was also happy to watch this scene, and they talked about the performance of the sword girl.

At this time, Kai'Sa was being chased and chopped by Sword Sister, with a desperate face. His double summons had already been handed in when he was on the lane, and both of them were first-class shoes at this time, and Sword Sister had the acceleration of a small wooden hammer. , He really can't keep the distance.

At this time Chen Yuan's Q and E have turned better, but he is not in a hurry to lose it. At this time, the half-blooded Sword Girl seems to be the incarnation of the **** of war, staring at the damage of Kai'Sa and Ryze and chasing A all the way.

Before long, Kai'Sa was completely maimed. Chen Yuan knew that the opponent still squeezed a big move and didn't lose it. If it were him, this big move would definitely wait for Sword Girl Q to come up, and he would escape with another big move in the opposite direction.

In this way, not only opened the distance, but also successfully broke the Q of Dao Girl.

This wave of Chen Yuan was on the fifth floor. Thinking of this, he couldn't save his skills. The E skill directly pulled away and stunned Kai'Sa who was walking on the narrow terrain and Tam who was coming to **** him at the same time.

Two Qs solved Kai'Sa cleanly, and two Qs solved Tam cleanly. After the half-blooded Sword Girl killed two people with Q four times, all kinds of blood recovery were added, and the blood volume just increased directly. It's three-quarters.

[Doublekill! 】

There was a cold voice from the system. At this time, Xiao Ming was still playing with Ryze. Although the bull's head didn't hurt much, but Ryze didn't hurt much...

Chen Yuan joined the battlefield at this time, and a Q rushed directly into Ryze's face and began to hack.

At this moment, Ryze's face was desperate, why did Sword Sister hacked you two to death, and the blood didn't fall too much! ?

His phase rush has already been triggered, and the passive shield has just been brushed, and it can't be brushed out for a short time, so the only way to deal with it is to escape with a big move.

Thinking of this, BDD decisively launched its big move, and the target location was chosen in its own wild area.

But of course Xiao Ming won't give him this opportunity, Bull Head can be controlled all over.

"I know what to do!"

At this time, the muscular bull's head W just refreshed, with a merciless top, directly pushing the stray away, and the plan to escape with a big move was also announced.

Where are your teammates? Where are your teammates? Where are your teammates? Save it!

BDD looked around at this time, and found that his teammate now had only one stubborn steel shadow left, and he was too busy to take care of himself.

That's okay...

Without any suspense, Qinggang Ying and Ryze died one after another. Chen Yuan scored three kills. Counting the male spear before, he took four heads in this wave!

[Legendary! 】

At this time, the head ratio of the two sides was 9:0, and Sister Dao had only eight heads. The remaining head was also given to Xiaohu by Chen Yuan.

"In this wave of RNG, four hits five, but none of them died. There was a wave of zero for five! And Uzi also pushed a tower on the bottom road!" I remember yelling, "Yuanzi brother sister, I would like to say For the strongest!"

"The Pioneer RNG was released directly in the middle after destroying the opponent in the group, and won the first and second towers. At this time, the economic gap was directly opened to five thousand!"

I remember that I was full of confidence in RNG at this time and said: "I announce that this game is over."

When he returned to the city, Chen Yuan held a huge sum of more than two thousand dollars, and directly combined the power of the three phases, and even had the remaining money to buy a pair of mercury shoes...

Eleven minutes, three events, mercury shoes, and luxurious equipment to the bone.

Also equipped with luxurious equipment is Uzi, who has been on the road without brain development, and has eaten a tower of economy. At this time, he also made electric knife attack speed shoes~www.readwn.com~ as a comparison, take a look. Opposite BDD, Ryze still has cloth shoes, goddess tears, catalyst **** stone...

After pushing down the second tower, the middle lane was completely unable to pass. With one lane missing, it would be unrealistic to change the rhythm of lanes, and could only move forward in a group.

The crowd gathered on the road and began to work on a tower.

"When the second tower fell, KZ is really too difficult to fight," Guan Zeyuan frowned: "This tower can't be defended at all, because their wild area has been completely lost and they are all RNG people! "

At this time, except for Chen Yuan who was driving scanning and wandering in the wilderness, the other four were huddling on the line, waiting for the line to enter the tower.

Of course the people of KZ thought so too. They didn't plan to guard the first tower at all. At this time, all of them gathered at the second tower and wanted to defend the second tower.

However, the people of RNG didn't have any idea about this second tower at all. At this moment, the dragon had 40 seconds left to refresh, and they hugged the group tightly and went straight to the Xiaolong Pit.

In 14 minutes, the second dragon won.

The economic gap came to 7000.

"Is this the LCK Spring Championship? It's really funny!"

"Come on, KZ!"

"What about LCK? Some voice?"

Because of the time difference, it is 5 pm in the country at this time, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is getting higher and higher.

Many people see RNG playing such a big advantage, and even hesitate to call their good friends, let them watch this historic scene together.

After all, before the start of this game, there are still many LCK miscellaneous who once said high-profile that RNG is impossible to win KZ at all, and they still firmly believe that LCK is still the first division.

But today, Chen Yuan's performance slapped them in the face severely.

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