League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 110: Group match day 2

the next day.

The first game at 5 o'clock in the afternoon was KZ vs. FNC. Even though KZ experienced a hangout yesterday, everyone still thought it was a game without suspense.

However, the most abundant plot of this year's MSI is upset.

Yesterday KZ seemed to have been knocked out by RNG, and it hasn’t recovered yet. In this game, they have lost their souls. Peanuts in the wild area have turned into small brush players. Pary was also beaten directly by Ou Cheng in the match line and lost. This game.

After winning KZ, FNC officially broke away from the title combination of European and American Laobi in the eyes of the LPL audience.

European and American Laobi becomes North American Laobi, exclusive to TL...

At six o'clock, the first game of RNG began. Their opponent was EVS from Vietnam, which is arguably the weakest team in this MSI.

Oh no, the TL who lost to them yesterday may be even weaker...

The Vietnamese brothers obviously still have some research on RNG. At the beginning, they banned Sword Girl and Yasuo, but without banning vampires, they obviously had a targeted choice for vampires.

However, RNG did not hesitate to take it, but they sold the vampire to the road to play with Xiaohu, and cleverly resolved this wave of BP targets.

Chen Yuan played quite well in this game, because the opponent mid laner was too stable, and he couldn't wait to stand against the second tower. Even if Chen Yuan had the ability to reach the sky, there was nothing he could do.

But he can still brush, and Ryze turned into a monster hunter in one hand, running back and forth between the army line and the field, and he was too lazy to swim, letting the players fight by themselves.

But Uzi and Xiaohu are quite reassuring. Uzi is still as stable as ever, with thirty dollars on the opposite side of the regulator.

And the TOP tiger who got the vampire showed a rare wave of heroism, and it really carried a wave. The vampire with one hand CD flowed in the team battle seven in and seven out, and shot the explosive AOE.

In the end, the upper, middle and lower three Cs stood up together and ended the game.

The players on both sides shook hands briefly, and then the players walked back to the lounge together to watch the next game.

The next game is TL vs. Lightning Wolves.

I still remember the ADC master brother of TL once arrogantly said: "Everyone here is rubbish."

Unexpectedly, in this MSI, the most trash, it is them.

It can be said that the two teams played very anxiously. It was delayed for 20 minutes at one time, and it was still a 50-50 situation.

However, ADbetty of Lightning Wolves is a very good player. His EZ has completely changed the situation after making the combination of the two goddesses of Mozong and Seraph.

With super high damage, very short CD, and the thick shield brought by the Seraph, TL had no way to deal with this EZ and eventually lost the game.

Without the slightest surprise, TL lost the game once again, setting the score at zero to three.

Even if the crystal exploded, the big brother's KD was 0-0-1, and KD was tightly grasped.

Watching this game, Chen Yuan couldn't help but smile. He was quite happy watching the Flash Wolves' brother win the game.

If the Lightning Wolves can advance to the knockout rounds and then enter the finals and join them in the finals, it would be pretty dreamy...

At eight o'clock, KZ played against EVS. The KZ in this game was still the same as the previous one. The whole audience was sleepwalking, but it was too weak to hold on to EVS.

Even if Peanut didn't do anything, KZ only relied on laning to create a three-thousand economic deficit, and then relied on a single-handed Korean operation to easily solve the game.

At this time, the netizens who watched the game were all playing stubbornly, and the TL and EVS teams created a new combination called "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young".

At nine o'clock, RNG faced Flash Wolves. Because RNG was already 3-0, Feng planned to try the lineup in this game, so in this game, RNG appeared a wave of weird hero choices.

Blue Lightning Wolf: Big Bug, Troll, Zoe, EZ, Phoenix Girl.

Red RNG: Kalmar, Qian Jue, Shining, Verus, Morgana.

Yes, Kamikazu selected Kalmar, Guanghui and Morgana's three-shield combination, and wanted to protect the dual AD output of Karsa and Uzi.

And Karsa, who had just emerged from the Lightning Wolves just a few months ago, apparently still had some old feelings. Facing the wolf pups of the past, he only used Vinono, and the radar was not working well.

The result is obvious, RNG directly defeated...

Brother Feng drew a big X in his notebook. Which silly pen proposed the lineup...

"Strength control points"

"Harmony Harmony"

"Brother WW, what's wrong with giving a point?"

"Waiting for the WW good brothers to come to the finals."

Lost the game, but RNG is still quite relaxed. After all, he really didn't plan to win this game. He just rushed to control the points and wanted to keep the Lightning Wolves in the top four.

After the game, Chen Yuan and the others immediately closed the team and went straight to a Chinese restaurant booked yesterday.

The owner of this Chinese restaurant is not young, but he happens to be a fan of the competition. Yesterday, when I heard that RNG was here, he immediately said that he could wait for them to come over and close the restaurant in the next few days, which really gave them a lot of convenience.

Today's final match is the European and American Civil War, FNC vs. TL.

Caps once again took out the mid laner Yasuo, but this time the effect will be much better. Facing the big cannon of the big brother, he punched out with three knives~www.readwn.com~ but caps was in this game. The stats are pretty good, with average damage per game, average kills per game, and scoring averages per game, all ranking second in MSI's mid laner this time.

As for who is the first place, then naturally I don't need to say more.

Rekkles also took out his unique skill, the wheel mother,

In the end, TL still did not disappoint, and once again took a loss, bringing the record to 0-4, already locked out of the game in advance...

In this game, Chen Yuan was sitting in a restaurant to watch. The meal operation between the two teams made Chen Yuan appetite, and he directly drew three bowls of rice.

I have to say that the Chinese restaurant here is quite authentic. To be honest, it is even more authentic than the one in Shanghai...

The next day of the game has passed, and the group stage schedule has passed nearly half. Everyone can see the strength of this game.

RNG is the only one.

KZ second gear.

FNC, the third gear of Lightning Wolf.

The last crouching dragon and phoenix chicks are in the fourth gear...

But this year's group stage, it can be said that there are frequent accidents, and there are too many upset matches, so it is hard to say that the last two places in the knockout rounds are hard to say.

Two brothers from Europe and the United States lost consecutive wild cards before, and then KZ lost to FNC. In this game, no one can say.

After all, no one would have thought that TL would be so weak, and Lightning Wolf would still be so strong even without Karsa.

"Tomorrow's first game of Wolong...ah no, TL." Brother Feng looked at the schedule and said: "So let's relax and try the lineup. But play hard. Don't lose. I guess we will lose. Got to be sprayed to death."

"As for the second game, we played FNC. We won't be able to play normally, but we are not allowed to lose."

"OK!" Chen Yuan put a piece of Mapo tofu into his mouth, and responded vaguely.

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