League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 120: His mercury has 5 seconds left!

Because only the captain has the ability to clear troops on the KZ side, and he is short-handed, he can’t hold the tower. The RNG game went smoothly, and the next tower soon broke down. In fifteen minutes, the economic gap has reached 4000. , Everyone has already begun to celebrate in advance.

Eighteen minutes, Xiaolong Group.

Brother Lidar, who was so proud of the whole game, started to fall ill.

He thought that his team's advantage was enough, and the wolf head flashed directly to the opposite side of Thain, wanting to force the team to start.

However, this is clearly an act of illness. No matter how miserable Thain is, he still has nothing to say. BDD's mouth smiled crookedly. As soon as Thain W opened, he directly suffered 100 million damage.

Needless to say the final result, Thain did kill anyway...

After this wave, the economic gap was directly pulled back to two thousand, and the third dragon was also controlled by the other side.

Twenty minutes, RNG took advantage of the dragon to refresh, and once again forced the group.

Because the team has skateboarding shoes and has a strong ability to control the dragon, they decided to rush off the dragon under the pressure of KZ.

Although Chen Yuan's style of play is very aggressive, he is guaranteed by his excellent operation and flexible brain, so that he almost never makes some low-level mistakes, so the players still believe him very much.

But in this wave, Genzi also made a mistake...

Although Xiao Ming kept recording the time that flashed on the other side in the chat box, Chen Yuan still forgot that there was flashing on the bull head on the opposite side.

KZ waited until the dragon's blood came out from the grass of the river, and WQ directly flashed up Chen Yuan, the captain made a big move, and the EZ big move suddenly swarmed, and Chen Yuan's skateboarding shoes were directly beaten.

In this crisis situation, Karsa forced his composure, because he was still alive and he still had the opportunity to fight for punishment.

Then, I didn’t spell it..

Peanut's troll incarnate as the God of War, flashing and rushing in is a Q punishment, 800+ beheading line directly did not give Karsa a chance.

"The dragon was robbed!" Miller was about to suffocate: "What are RNG playing? Isn't this their style?"

"But the opposite wave of robbing the dragon is too deep, and there is no time to take care of Uzi's Xia." The doll continued to explain: "Uzi has no risk of output, then the four melees that rushed in should not be able to escape."

"On the other side, there is only one dragon species, EZ, which is still acceptable."

At this time, the doll also knew that this game might be a bit difficult, because this game is about to enter the EZ three-piece strong period, and the captain is passive, and the replenishment economy is very fast, and now the equipment has gradually kept up.

But he has to support his own team, so he can only force not to lose...

After this wave is over, RNG’s economic advantage has been reduced to three digits, and the scariest part is that RNG pulls out a lot of towers, while KZ side has not pulled out any towers. This is a hidden economy. what!

With the only remaining big dragon BUFF, KZ started an active attack here, and the first one to suffer was the first tower.

At this time, the shortcomings of the RNG lineup are revealed. They are the same as the opponent. They have short lineups and weak tower defense capabilities. If you want to defend the tower, you can only rely on Xiaohu to clear the soldiers.

Uzi said at this time: "It must be opened, otherwise the opposite EZ will take off directly when these towers fall."

"I can't open it!" Karsa frowned: "The Bullhead and the captain have released the control. The troll and Thain will send it away, and the EZ station is so far behind, I can't help it."

Chen Yuan sighed, "Oh, let's let it go first."

And this concession was directly consigned to the high ground.

The first and second towers of the middle road were torn down one after another. At the same time, KZ's team economy also officially surpassed.


"Playing with snakes in this midterm"

"It's okay, I just lost anyway"

"Heh, that's what IG said when he lost a hand before."

The audience has no hope for this one. They are just praying that RNG will not repeat the mistakes of IG.


During the game, the KZ Dragon BUFF had also been dropped at this time, and the KZ side lost the offensive ability and started their road of operation.

The removal of the second tower caused their range of activities to be infinitely expanded, and the six groups of wild monsters in the wild area were cleared.

Twenty-three minutes, the fourth dragon refreshed.

At this time, KZ has already surpassed the economy of 1500, but RNG can only accept it. It is uncomfortable for the operation team to gain the advantage. They must play a wave of miracles to come back.

Of course, this place is not difficult to see that there is a difference between LPL and LCK game play. If it is an LCK team, in this situation, there is only one choice, and that is to let...

In the environment of Xiaolong Group, EZ's position will not be as far back as before, so RNG still has a chance to get there.

Xiao Ming said at this time: "I can open EZ, but you can't keep up."

He is playing Luo, and the ability to start a group is first-class, but the disadvantage is that he must have teammates to follow.

In this case, he opened an EZ deep in the team, that is to send.

"I can drive, too." Karsa frowned and said, "But if I flash in and open the EZ, I can't get out."

Chen Yuan laughed angrily at this time: "Are you stupid? Look at what hero I am, right?

Karsa woke up at this moment, and immediately blushed...

When the people on KZ arrived, they chose to move the dragon directly, and didn't want to give RNG a chance to arrange the lineup.

But karsa doesn't care about your three-seven-ones. As soon as the scorpion wolf head W opened, it rushed directly towards the KZ lineup.

BDD watched this scene, thinking it was a scorpion trying to punish it, and quickly said, "Pull the bull's head."

With assistance, Chief Bull Head strode forward, and W pushed towards Scorpion.

But karsa was engrossed at this moment, struck straight forward, and avoided the top of the bull's head by the way. At this time, EZ was already close at hand, and there was no time for the other side to react. [Crystal Stinger] stabbed directly towards EZ. past.

The scorpion's tail turned into a lasso, which firmly lodged EZ.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yuan directly pressed the big move.

His [Black Spear] was bound to the scorpion. Pressing the ultimate move, [Fate's Call] directly pulled the scorpion back into the enemy crowd, and also brought a harmless EZ.

The one who greeted EZ was naturally a severe beating of five people, and was directly beaten by seconds.

"The RNG wave brought EZ directly to his team through the big move of two heroes!" Miller exclaimed: "Then this wave won! EZ died and the opposing lineup didn't hurt."

As the commentator said, after the death of EZ, KZ's team suddenly lost its pillars and became a bird and beast. RNG took the fourth dragon and the fire dragon.

At this time, the two sides each took two dragons, and the situation was slightly restored, but the opposite side was very stable. EZ ran away directly after his death, so the economy did not recover much.

After the little dragon took it, the two sides returned to the time to spend money again. After all, there were no resources on the map, and there was no food to win the team, which was of little significance.

However, it can be expected that in the next wave of dragons, the two sides will start a fierce battle again.

In 29 minutes, the fifth dragon refreshed.

At this point in the late game, the C positions of both sides have already made a three-piece suit with mercury sashes.

Several people in the commentary stand frowned, and the doll said: "The EZ equipment is so good, the blazers are full, and the mercury has been made, karsa can no longer force the big move to open the EZ, then the game will be difficult to play! "

At this time, the director broadcasted the economy panel, but everyone was surprised to find that the highest economy in the audience was not EZ or Xia, but the skateboard shoes on the road...

In the early stage, I took countless tower money and head money, and had been eating the resources of skate shoes. At this time, I had already made a broken artillery endless yellow fork, which was almost a four-piece suit.

Seeing this scene, Miller said: "At this time, we can only believe that Brother Yuanzi and Uzi can bring us miracles."

In this wave, Chen Yuan and the others had lost their money, and they went to the Longkeng station almost a minute in advance to set up their vision.

"RNG is sure to win this little dragon!" Remember to say: "I hope this wave of Yuanzi will not have any more problems..."

The dragon refreshes, this wave is an earth dragon.

The RNG team started directly and led the dragon to the river. The skateboard shoes and Xia stood near the bottom road, and started to Along with all their strength.

Under the output of the two three-piece ADCs, the dragon is like paper, and the chirping KZ hasn't reacted, and the dragon is directly beaten by the second.

"Very decisive," the doll nodded: "RNG, through their strong execution, turned the situation back a little bit!"

"But there is a problem that can't be solved!" Miller said, "What about EZ!"


"Directly the dragon!" Chen Yuan directly and calmly commanded.

Even if the dragon was lost in the last wave because of his mistakes, he would not hesitate at all. His character is like this, and he won't be afraid of a failure.

The group of five of RNG started to go to Dalongkeng. KZ noticed it and started to align towards Dalongkeng.

"RNG is here to drive the dragon directly again! The fight is so fierce! This wave must not be missed!" Miller was a little nervous at this time, and his voice was trembling slightly.

He has to be nervous, because the shortcoming of the red team lies in this. They are facing the big dragon pit. Although it is very convenient to control the dragon, if you want to move the big dragon, you will eat a lot in the team battle position. deficit.

"If the dragon can't fight, you can drive a troll! He's not meaty, but Xiaohu's big move is first." Chen Yuan looked at the overall situation and calmly commanded. As his performance gets better and better, the players are gradually willing to do so. Give him the command of the team battle.

"OK." The players responded one after another.

RNG took the initiative to give up fighting the big dragon and started walking towards the KZ camp. The intention to fight the group was obvious.

But of course they didn't panic, the economy is still their advantage, and the lineup is also their strong, there is no reason not to take it.

The four people on the opposite side were in front of each other in close combat, as if they were coming up to suppress the scorpion.

Of course, Karsa is not a fool here. At this time, using big tricks is wasted. The fleshy scorpion turns on W, and a fierce man plunges into the group of fierce men on the opposite side and starts close hand-to-hand combat.

Xiao Ming found an opportunity here, and the big move [Shocking the gap] was released, and then an E [Qing Wu into a double] flew to the Scorpion, miraculously charmed four at the same time, and then W [grand debut] was thrown on four. Among people.

However, KZ still has their own magical powers. The captain and Bull Head simultaneously surrendered their control skills, and then lightly moved out of the range of [Grand Debut].

Although there were four charms, the W skill only lifted two of Troll Thain, but that was enough.

Chen Yuan came to the spirit at this time, and began to output at the same time as Uzi. He first brought back the maimed scorpion with a big move to save his life. The spear was quickly pierced on the troll. Under the output of the double C, the giant The magic was instantly second.

After the troll was killed for a second, Chen Yuan gave an order and started to focus on Captain.

At this time, after karsa was sucked to the skateboard shoes, he didn't give up, the second stage of the big move directly rushed to EZ, and then flashed the big move directly to EZ, his purpose is to consume EZ's mercury, because they still have The flash of a grasshopper suppressed.

But Pary was still quite stable, Mercury decompressed it in seconds, and then WQ collected Karsa's scorpion in place, and at the same time turned back and continued to output.

After the formation of the double goddess EZ, the damage exploded, and it was extremely agile. EZ had crazy output in team battles, and there was a flash and suppressed mid-air, but he could not walk the proper distance, because every time he moved forward, the opposite side had to retreat a little.

Before he knew it, Xiaohu's position became slightly forward.

"Beware of dynamite barrels!"

The captain's rough voice came, followed by the sound of explosive barrels exploding.


A gunpowder bucket was placed on Xiaohu’s face, and it exploded in an instant. The captain’s equipment at this time was not bad. Three items, Youmeng, Bloodhand, and high-volume armor piercing, a barrel directly hit Xiaohu’s grasshoppers. Half a blood.

Seeing this situation, pary seized this opportunity and directly E up to AQ, and the half-blooded grasshopper was directly beaten by the second.

Although Xiaohu threw a big move, EZ's Q had already shot and hit him. After being hit by Q, the grasshopper died directly, and the suppression also ended directly.

Chen Yuan frowned at this time, but he couldn't talk too much at this time, just said: "Let's go, the opposite jungler is also dead, they can't move the dragon."

Although Xiaohu went up and sent it off, he and Uzi also set fire to kill the troll and the bull head. The two sides exchanged between the wilds, but they did not lose money.

Because the opposite side is harmless except EZ, and the opposite EZ dare not come up and hit both of them at the same time~www.readwn.com~ So Chen Yuan and Uzi's output positions are very safe, and they can retreat at any time.

"Fortunately, fortunately, RNG's side is very sober!" Miller let out a sigh of relief: "I almost thought the game was gone when I saw Xiaohu being seconded!"

The doll couldn't smile: "Me too, the RNG people in this round are taking turns getting sick!"


After RNG chose to retreat, KZ didn't dare to chase it, so he could only choose to return to the city and supply a wave first.

The supply is returned to the supply, and the team that should be fought is still to be fought. The two sides return to the city to rest, and after the teammates are resurrected, they ran towards the dragon again.

Although there were no four-piece suits at this time, at this time the C-biters of both sides bought the potion in unison, and both agreed that this was the last wave.

"The decisive team! RNG come on!" Miller raised his voice and shouted.

Both sides are in the river, and everyone in KZ is covering EZ to eat river crabs.

At this moment, Uzi glanced at his mercury suddenly, then at EZ not far away, he suddenly shouted, "His mercury has five seconds left!"

At the same time, he madly clicked the signal, and the goal was directed at EZ.

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