League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 122: FMVP battle? Chen Yuan's show stuff!

Five:50 in the afternoon.

In ten minutes, the final will begin. Chen Yuan is sitting in the lounge, adjusting his state.

"Let's go, let's go!" Brother Feng clapped his hands vigorously at this time: "You only need to play your own state!"

Standing on the stage, Chen Yuan looked at the crowded audience. At this time, he was more satisfied than ever.

[Task: Champion of Mid-Season Invitational Tournament! 】

[Task reward: all attributes +3, points +3! 】

[Sub-task: Obtain FMVP! 】

[Task reward: all attributes +1, points +1! 】

Although the task was late, it was posted in Chen Yuan's mind. Chen Yuan smiled slightly, and you finally came!

Soon, the players from both sides entered the field. Chen Yuan sat in front of the computer and joined the game room. Several friends had already started chatting.

FW, maple: "Brother Yuanzi, tap it."

Chen Yuan smiled at this time and typed: "It's okay, I'm only doing five points today."

Several players were arguing with each other, the referees had confirmed each other's error, and the game officially started.

At this time, Brother Feng didn't hide from you anymore, he planned to directly enlarge his move when he came up.

After all, it's in the finals now, what else is there to hide? Maybe the version will be changed for you.

In the first game, RNG directly took out the tri-core lineup they hadn't used for a long time.

Xiaohu didn’t choose Aoun to resist the pressure. He directly chose Syndra, who had never been seen before, and then cooperated with Chen Yuan’s Sword Girl, Uzi’s Verus, and hit it in 22 minutes. Opposite the high ground.

Of course, the most eye-catching is Chen Yuan's Sword Girl.

After all, Chen Yuan, everyone understands that the level of abuse of food is first-rate.

His gameplay has always been the same: as long as I have a slight advantage, I will ride directly on your face.

As long as I have the advantage, then either I die or you hang up from the tower.

When he faces top mid laners such as rookie and BDD, he will converge a little bit. After all, it is difficult to get any advantage in their hands.

But when he faced Maple, this was different, because Xiaohu's Syndra helped him sway a wave of relationships, and Lightning Wolves mistakenly thought it was a mid laner, so he chose Galio, the mage nemesis to deal with.

But RNG finally changed Dao Mei to the mid laner, but they were dumbfounded. Maple's face was gloomy, knowing that he was gone.

In the end, Chen Yuan's methods were extremely cruel, and he directly scored a 6-1-8 invincible record in the first game, eclipsing Xiaohu and Uzi.

The three-line suppression made RNG's people completely relieved. Several teammates looked at each other and the taste of this game had changed.

From the championship battle to the FMVP battle...

In the second game, Uzge showed great power. Without both sides, he made two line-kills in the bottom lane and pushed a tower in ten minutes. Chen Yuan was still babbling. The knife is pressed.

In the end, Uzi led the team to push the enemy Crystal in 22 minutes and regained a city in this FMVP battle.

The current score is two to zero, Chen Yuan and Uzi each C a game, so the suspense of FMVP comes to the last game...

"Don't really think that hero can get FMVP?"

"You don't really think Uzi can get FMVP, do you?"

"Don't really think that top tiger can't get FMVP?"


The live broadcast room was full of jovial flavors at this time, and they were all having fun.


In the FW lounge, the members of the Lightning Wolves were quite optimistic at this time. At this time, Ge You was paralyzed on the sofa and had no idea about the upcoming game.

Their coach Char Siew was too lazy to say something at this time, saying: "Open your mind in the next game and don't have a psychological burden..."

RNG lounge.

Brother Feng was holding a small notebook at this time, and asked again: "Are you sure you want to use this tactic?"

"I'm sure." Chen Yuan said with a smile.

And Uzi beside him looked at Chen Yuan bitterly, feeling a little uncomfortable inside, because he knew that once this tactic was taken out, his FMVP should be gone.

But there is no way, because most of the show tactics in the team are based on Chen Yuan, because the middle unit is more changeable, and Chen Yuan's show stuff is also more.

The AD position is difficult to produce anything new, too rigid.

But after last year's failure, Uzi didn't fight for the boss and second child anymore. In his eyes now, the championship is everything. He has always believed that everything he has now is brought by Chen Yuan.

FMVP was given to Chen Yuan, as it should be.

(Alas, at this point, I can't help but want to say, if the real Uzi also has this mentality, it would be great. This kind of thing can only be written in the book...)

"All right, let's go!" Brother Feng nodded, seeing the staff already standing at the door, he greeted the players to get up and prepare for the third game.

"Come on!" Chen Yuan shouted loudly, standing in the middle of the team and walking towards the stage.

In the commentary, remember that he was excited. The temperature in May in Paris was not high, but he was hot all over at this time.

"I am really a little excited now." I remember taking a sigh of relief: "The last time this happened was in 15 years. That year, EDG defeated SKT and won the MSI championship. That was the only time the LPL team defeated SKT in BO5. "

"Although SKT did not come this time, it is a bit regretful, but the gold content of this champion is really real!"

"Yes!" Guan Zeyuan took the initiative:

"The BP link has already started. Let's see if the RNG holding three match points will continue to come up with new things, or will the lightning wolf, who has been forced to a desperate situation, come back with a wave of Jedi?"

Remember to listen to the information in the headset and say: "Unsurprisingly, RNG still chose the red side as always. RNG can be said to be the only one in the use of the Kangte position!"

"The first three bans!" Guan Zeyuan cleared his throat: "The lightning wolf has banned EZ, vampire, Yasuo!"

"On the RNG side, they are still Olaf as always, Qinggang Ying is all pressed to death, and finally banned Galio."

"But this Galio ban is a little bit weird!" The guest commentator Sika was a little confused: "Galio, a hero, is usually chosen by his backhand to target things like the Rock Sparrow Dragon King, but I think it should not be worth a ban. Right?"

Several commentators glanced at each other and attributed all this to the "Sao Shi".

First-hand choice, Lightning Wolf didn't hesitate to lock Kai'Sa in seconds.

Remember to continue the explanation: "On the RNG side, I directly chose the second hand... Xia and Luo! First choose the Xia Luo combination, there is no problem!"

Then, Lightning Wolf quickly chose Rock Sparrow and Scorpion in the second and third hands, and locked in the middle field.

"RNG's third hand is left. If there is something nasty, just show it up!"

Several commentators have some expectations.

But RNG was still not in a hurry, took Thain, and gave Xiaohu to the road to resist the pressure.

In the second round of BP, RNG banned Morgana and Kalmar, and Lightning Wolf banned Sword and Troll.

Brother Feng closed his notebook at this time and said: "All factors have been eliminated, let's take the snowman."

(In S8, the Snowman’s W is very OP. In addition to increasing attack speed and movement speed, both parties can increase their spell power by 40%, and they can provide 40/60/80/100/120 spell power in turn)

(At that time, with this W, the snowman could play the support position.)

"Snowman?" I remember looking excited.

"RNG's show stuff is here! The snowman's W can be enhanced after the revision. It is usually used as an auxiliary for Syndra and Clockwork, but on the RNG side, the auxiliary has been selected. Then this snowman should be Jungle."

I remember not daring to pack a ticket and say that this snowman must be a jungler, because Chen Yuan has too many showsy stuff, maybe this snowman might really be a mid laner...

On the FW side, seeing the opponent choose the snowman, I have probably guessed. Although the snowman with the magic core is rare in the ranking, there are still some. Everyone has seen it to some extent.

On the RNG side, it was obvious that it was moving in this direction from the beginning, whether it was the opening ban Galio, or the second hand ban Morgana and Apocalypse.

Everything is laying the groundwork for this last-hand Fa nucleus.

But at this moment in BP, they are already unable to recover, because their midfielders have already been selected, and they can't replace the ban with a ban.

"The last two hands, FW locks Thain and Bron..." Guan Zeyuan didn't know how to say: "Take Thain to beat Aoun... I can only say that the right to choose the second hand was wasted. !"

"But this Bloom's choice is okay. After all, the existence of this anti-theft door has a certain deterrent effect on the French nucleus!"

Brother Feng obviously didn't expect at this time. After opposing the backhand to choose the top order, he even took out a Thain backhand to resist the pressure. He also shook his head at this time: "Take it?"

"Take it!" Chen Yuan nodded.

"Last hand..." I remembered that as I said, suddenly the big screen changed, and a hidden hero appeared.

"Dead song!"

The scene instantly exploded, exclaimed, and cheered. After all, this death song is really a show effect.

The Q without CD, the E and R with extremely explosive damage, as a French core, the damage of Death Song is absolutely qualified, even the top one in the League of Legends.

But on the other hand, the shortcomings are also obvious. The first is no displacement, the second is not controlled, the third is not bursting, and the fourth is fragile. These four points are gathered in one person. If he is a trash, he is praised...

"This is really dare to choose!" I can't help but admire: "Yuanzi brother is too confident! Death song and snowman, how outrageous this hurt!"

The lineups of both sides are now officially determined.

Blue Lightning Wolf: Thain, Scorpion, Stone Sparrow, Kai'Sa, Bron.

Red party RNG: Ornn, Snowman, Death Song, Xia, Luo.

Runes, skills are quickly debugged, and enter the game interface.

I remember to interpret the skill choices of both sides, and said: "The incense pot...Basically, it is no longer a jungler. I didn't bring the punishment... But the death song was brought instead."

Yes, the incense pot directly brought down the punishment, brought weakness and treatment, and squeezed the word protection. His purpose was to follow Chen Yuan as a dog.

(In the version at that time, there was no such thing as a monster hunter. In fact, it was because the wild core at this time was too outrageous, and Fist deliberately joined the monster hunter...)

"I didn't take direct punishment, I didn't expect it."

"Just NM is outrageous, my incense pot is not a human being, right?"

"Big Brother Yuanzi's team dominates the stone"

How can the audience have seen this weird style of play? Even in the ranks, if you bring the punishment jungler, you will only pick up the leftovers from your jungler and eat it. How can you let your jungler directly take the weakness treatment... .

Game start.

At the first level, Chen Yuan bought the amulet and potion, and walked towards the blue BUFF with his teammates. The most important thing for the French nuclear is this first blue, and they must help to keep it.

The Lightning Wolf obviously also knew something about it, and a few people gradually touched it, wanting to try to grab this blue.

But they obviously underestimated RNG's determination, and a false eye was inserted through the partition wall, illuminating the five people squatting in the blue zone.

They are all numb at this time, how can five people at the first level guard the blue buff together?

No way, they can only retreat.

Seeing this scene, Xiaohu also returned to the city where he was, and started walking up the road.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the BUFF was refreshed. The incense pot learned the Q skill and ate it on the blue BUFF. Then, with the help of the bottom road duo, Chen Yuan directly took the blue with punishment in 1 minute and 35 seconds and rose to it. Two levels.

At 1 minute 41 seconds, Chen Yuan walked to the middle. He hit the blue quickly, and no **** was missed.

Although the snowman doesn't take soldiers, the snowman still moves continuously. The snowman knight stepped forward and began to attack the small soldiers, and at the same time blocked all the stones of the stone sparrow.

His purpose is to prevent Stone Sparrow from pushing the line.

With the blue BUFF, the death song is invincible in the early stage of the clear line. The Q skill is infinitely fired, and several remnant soldiers are received. At this time, the second wave of soldiers is coming, and Chen Yuan also has the Q skill continuously, three or two. Directly cleared this second wave of troops.

At this time it was 2 minutes and 03 seconds, the death song cleared the second wave of soldiers, the make-up had come to 16, and he began to walk up the river.

Because there is karsa in the team, he knows too much about Scorpion's wild route. This hero can only be driven by blue BUFF, and no wild monsters can be used without blue BUFF.

As for the scorpion in the blue side, the blue buff can only be opened in the Ueno area, and now it is most likely that the blue has just been brushed, or it is brushing the river crab, or it is brushing all the way down.

The snowman put a false eye in the grass of the river channel, illuminating the view of the river channel. At this time, the scorpion just finished fighting the river crab, and a shrine of vision appeared in the river channel.

It’s not really important whether you got the crab or not. Chen Yuan’s main purpose in this wave was to figure out the route of the scorpion.

At this time, the third wave of troops also came. This was a wave of artillery soldiers. He quickly returned to the middle, using the blue BUFF to return to the blue, and ate the wave of artillery lines in twos or twos. twenty three

After eating the line, he took advantage of the artillery cart to press under the tower, and he headed straight into the opposite jungle area.

He just went to the river channel, and already knew that the scorpion hit the river crab directly after hitting the blue buff. The next step for the scorpion must be to directly invade his red zone.

Because the other side must also know that the death song has to give priority to the middle lane, and it can't take care of defending its own wild area.

In this case ~www.readwn.com~ then Chen Yuan has finished pushing the line and it is too late to defend the wild area, so there is definitely no problem going directly into the opposite wild area to change the wild.

The two people's brushing speed is very fast, even if they are late into the wild area, but they still finish the red buff plus F6 before the scorpion.

When they returned to the center, the line of artillery cars had just been cleared by the defensive tower, and the line of soldiers was pushed out again. Chen Yuan was still welcome, and immediately began to madly Q, and the wave of soldiers was once again eaten up.

Immediately afterwards, Death Song took advantage of the last remaining warmth of the blue buff and ran to the lower river alone to eat another river crab, leaving the snowman to hang up on the middle road by himself.

After eating the river crab, his fill-up has reached the horrible 40, and the second-placed stone bird only made 21.

Three-and-a-half minutes, 19 knives, and the whole process went smoothly. This rhythm can basically only be played by death songs. They have practiced countless times in the training competition.

And their dead song wild nuclear game, in the training match, even in the face of IG, they have never lost.

It's just that the BP conditions are quite harsh. In the later stage, it is easy to be killed by an Apocalypse or Galio directly. IG has already been prepared for it and it is impossible to select it. It can only be used secretly once in a foreign war.

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