League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 125: FMVP! I am the number one mid laner in the world!

After the group annihilated the opponent, the remaining four players marched all the way, the high ground, the crystal tower, shattered one after another, leaving a final base standing.

Chen Yuan had already left the keyboard with both hands, stood up and shouted vigorously, proclaiming joy in his heart.

"RNGRNG!" I remembered that I had lost my mind, and was constantly yelling, "Dismantling!"

As Xia's last feather pierced the crystal, the Lightning Wolf base suddenly turned into a sky full of fireworks, forming the word "victory".

"Let's congratulate RNG!" The three commentators shouted together: "Sweep the Lightning Wolves 3:0 and win the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational Championship!"

At this time, Colonel Guan seemed to dream of 2015, and said with a trembling: "Although this champion can be said to be well-received, I am still a little excited at this time."

"RNG did not live up to everyone's expectations, and won their first world championship on behalf of LPL." I remember that it was a little choked at this time, "and their legend is still going on!"

The player seat, the incense pot has already ejected from the chair and hugged Chen Yuan next to him tightly, strangling him to suffocate.

"let go!"

Chen Yuan finally broke the clamp of the incense pot, and Uzi hugged him up again.

He laughed and wrapped his hands together, and gathered both Xiao Ming and Xiaohu, and the five team members hugged tightly.

At this time, the official LPL photographer Yicun ran over and took a sharp shot at them with the camera. The flash illuminates the spirited figures of the five teenagers.

After taking the photo, Yicun opened his mouth as if to say something.

But a few players didn't hear it at all, because the stadium was too noisy at this time.

Even though it was separated by a sound-proof room, the audience's shocking shouts were still transmitted tenaciously, occupying their ears.

"Handshake!" Yicun approached and shouted loudly.

It was then that the teammates suddenly realized that the top laner Xiaohu led the team to the opponent's bench.

Suddenly, the cheers went up again, and tidal waves of applause roared.

"This MSI is a recognition of RNG. He proved to the world that LPL is the first division!" Remember to sniff out: "I hope they can continue their efforts!"

Chen Yuan walked past the opponent's support position and shook hands with betty and maple in turn. These WW friends obviously had a good mentality and took the initiative to give Chen Yuan a hug.

"Congratulations! This is what you deserve." Betty said sincerely.

Chen Yuan also smiled and said his old line: "You are also very strong, see you at the World Championship!"

After shaking their hands, the five RNG players went straight to the center of the stage. Behind the scenes, Karsa, Letme, and Brother Feng also rushed over.

However, the players did not rush to do anything, but gathered around the trophy, waiting for Chen Yuan and Uzi to come over.

NG Double C looked at each other at this time, and Chen Yuan smiled and took a step back, leaving the trophy to Uzi.

Uzi's eyes were red at this time, put his hands on the trophy, and put his forehead on the back of his hand, feeling this moment quietly.

To win the World Championship, at this moment, he has waited for too long.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the trophy aloft!

Oh! ! !

Dry ice spread on the ground, golden streamers continued to fall from the sky, and cheers from the audience continued.

The teammates took turns to lift the trophy until it reached Chen Yuan’s hands. Chen Yuan raised the trophy high. At this time, the cheers of the audience were obviously louder, and the photographer Yicun also pressed against him. Up the shutter.

The vigorous young man has taken his important step at this moment!

At this time, two people came from behind the stage. One was Sjokz, a local beauty host in the European Division, who had appeared many times in the World Championships.

And the other one is the boss of Riot, Teddamir.

They brought seven medals to RNG, and the hostess and the boss took turns to bring their championship medals to the leaders of RNG for the seven.

The hostess Sjokz took the initiative to walk to Chen Yuan, Chen Yuan also bowed slightly, allowing her to hang the medal around her neck.

The distance between the two of them was very close. Chen Yuan bowed and saw a deep gully...

Chen Yuan was so scared, he quickly closed his eyes and meditated. At this moment, if something rises up, it would be a bit embarrassing...

After putting on the medals, the two shook hands again. The hostess said in English: "Congratulations! I am your fan!"

Chen Yuan's English level is not high, but this kind of everyday language is just within his range, and he smiled and responded: "Thank you!"

At the end of the medal awarding session, the hostess took the microphone and walked onto the stage: "First of all, let us welcome the fourth champion of MSI, RNG!"

"Next, I will announce the FMVP players of this competition!" The hostess sold a key: "Who do you think it will be?"

Before the hostess's voice was over, there was already a voice off the scene.

Hero! Hero! Hero!

The 20,000 spectators off the court were shouting Chen Yuan's name uniformly at this time, and the scene was spectacular.

The hostess is now an old fan of hero. Seeing her idol being so popular, she also smiled: "It seems that there is not much suspense in the result."

"The FMVP winner of the 2018 Mid-Season Championship is--!"

The cheers at the scene broke through an order of magnitude again, and Chen Yuan, who was standing on the stage, felt a little pain in his eardrums at this time.

"Just like the RNG champion, only Genzi's FMVP is the only one that can be expected." I remember smiling and saying, "From the three games of the finals, there is no suspense."

"I'm not saying that Uzi played badly, but Chen Yuan played really well!"

At this time, the director played out the data map of the last scene he had prepared long ago.

"The average damage is over a thousand! This is unprecedented horror data! But unfortunately, because of his excessive economy, the economic conversion rate is not high, only 160%..." Remember the explanation: "In the last game , Yuanzi’s injury accounted for 56%, and the counterpoint economic difference exceeded 5000..."

"Perhaps this is the new mid-lane demon king."


At the moment of winning, the popularity of the live broadcast room reached a new peak, and the emperors of Illusory God haunted each other, and the live broadcast room suddenly became a starting point for airplanes and rockets.

"Brother Yuanzi is awesome!"

"Fifty-six injuries accounted for, NM is outrageous!"

"Don't be embarrassed, keep using big moves to deal with damage, can the damage be high?"

"Are you going to brush one?"

At this time, the other team members all stepped aside, leaving the stage to Chen Yuan alone.

"Hero player, how do you feel about this FMVP?"

This question was asked in French, and Chen Yuan didn't understand it at all, but fortunately there was an interpreter.

He brewed for a while, raised the microphone and said: "First of all, winning the championship cannot be attributed to me alone. This is inseparable from the efforts of my teammates."

"Then, this FMVP can be regarded as a guarantee of my personal strength," Chen Yuan continued: "I hope that through this stage, the audience can understand who is the number one mid laner in the world."

At this time, Brother Yuanzi did not forget to whip the corpse into a wave of factory directors.

"MSI is just the first step in our journey to the RNG World Championship. Our ultimate goal is this year's S series finals. We will not stop!"

After Chen Yuan's words were translated, they were delivered to the audience through audio.

The audience below was suddenly surprised by the shocking shouts.

The players on the edge of the stage suddenly twitched their mouths.

So crazy...

Sjokz looked at Chen Yuan next to him, and felt that this imperfect Chinese teenager suddenly became radiant.

The fist boss Tedamir on the side also shook his hands, so arrogant...

The point is that this person only said these words after winning the championship, there is no way to refute...

Europeans and Americans have always advocated heroism. Chen Yuan's remarks actually fit their minds. Teddamer likes Chen Yuan even more at this time.

"Brothers are crazy!"

"Crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy!"

"Brother Yuanzi is so handsome."

"I really look forward to the duel between Genzi and Faker!"

"Faker is old, the world's No. 1 mid laner in the real round, it depends on my Yuanzi brother!"

After the interview, Chen Yuan returned to the lounge carrying the trophy.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong."

In the lounge, different mobile phones sounded the same at this time.

After winning the championship, messages of congratulations from all walks of life came over.

Chen Yuan couldn't help feeling ashamed at this time, and first turned off the message prompt. After all, the constant ding-dong sound was really noisy, and then he had the time to read the news.

Not only WeChat, QQ, and Weibo are all crowded at this time, with hundreds of messages coming every second.

Chen Yuan had a headache here, but at this time of winning, he didn't want to take the time to recover this kind of thing.

He first replied to his parents, Jiang Qiu, and other close people, then turned the phone to silent, threw it aside, and started their carnival time.

After packing his peripherals, Chen Yuan returned to the bus.

The few players who couldn't sit still began to dance.

Xiaohu, the NG dance king, was standing in the aisle in the middle of the bus, twisting left and right, and sticking out his tongue from time to time.

Since the three games ended very quickly, it is actually quite early now, less than ten o'clock.

Because today is destined to be a sleepless night, Brother Feng and Brother Quan, the manager, didn't go back to the hotel at all, and asked the driver to take them around in Paris.

Their first stop was a hot pot restaurant in the center of Paris.

Yes, this hot pot restaurant is very famous in Paris. Brother Feng has been coveting it for a long time. However, considering that this thing is prone to problems after eating, it is afraid that it will affect the competitive state of the players, so I have waited until today.

Although the owner of the hot pot restaurant does not play LOL, he also knows what happened today. Looking at the players who entered the restaurant, he personally played and did not hesitate to waive them.

Sitting in the hot pot restaurant, Chen Yuan had the time to pick up the phone and start replying to the message.

So far, rookie, who has the greatest pressure on the line, also personally sent congratulations to Chen Yuan for winning the championship.

He also smiled and replied: "They are actually pretty good, you should also be able to win the championship."

Chen Yuan actually has no other ideas, but this sentence is full of yin and yang.

Even though ookie is not very good in Chinese, he still understands the yin and yang taste inside, and asks weirdly: "Don't forget why we didn't come..."

"Hahaha." Chen Yuan suddenly woke up, first sent an emoticon, and then said: "No other meaning, don't get me wrong."

"Hmm, you guys have fun, I won't bother."


On the other side, the former director of the world’s No. 1 jungler also sent congratulations and said: "You B still whips the dead man in his acceptance speech, and I will see how I teach you when the time comes."

Chen Yuan couldn't help scratching his head here. The director's sorrow was too classic. At that time, he almost subconsciously said it. At this time, he was really not good at saying anything, so he could only send out an emoticon to be cute. ..

There is so much news. Chen Yuan kept replying for more than ten minutes, but new news continued to come.

He finally couldn't help it at this time. First, he set all the messages as read, and then directly sent to a circle of friends.

"There are too many messages, brother, I really can't reply, I will reply here in a unified way! Thank you everyone for your congratulations!"

He also included two pictures at the bottom, one is the emoticon of Tom cat with the words "OK, I know" on it, and the other is a photo of the FMVP trophy, which looks full of cups.

In the first moment it was sent out by Moments, someone from the bottom replied.

It is IG's ADCJackeyLove, he replied from the bottom: "Pretend to be a cup, right?"

With Ah Shui taking the lead, the formation immediately followed neatly.

At this time, Chen Yuan couldn't stop laughing after seeing it, just pretending to be a cup! Are you envious?

Then he opened Weibo again and sent out two pictures without words, one for the championship trophy and the other for the MVP trophy.

He didn't bother to read the comments on Weibo, after all, his number of fans was not small.

After eating the hot pot, they returned to the bus and Chen Yuan connected to the video call with Jiang Qiu.

"What are you doing, Brother Yuanzi?" Jiang Qiu seemed very excited and smiled like a flower. She was lying on the bed in her pajamas, the buttons were not buttoned to the top, revealing the delicate collarbone.

Chen Yuan looked around vigilantly, turned his phone slightly to the side, and said with a smile: "I am in the car, planning to go to Paris for fun."

The two chatted, and the bus drove all the way. They soon came to the Place de la Concorde in Paris and looked west. The famous Champs Elysées was right in front of them~www.readwn.com~The avenue was surrounded by a dazzling array of buildings and cinemas. , Cafes, bars, everything.

At the end of the avenue, there is another famous building in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe. Chen Yuan and his group strolled around on this avenue and bought some things at random. At this time, it was late and they slowly returned to the hotel.

Through the video, Jiang Qiu felt like traveling with Chen Yuan.

"When are you going to return home?"

Chen Yuan said with a smile: "The ticket is booked the day after tomorrow. You should be able to arrive in Shanghai the day after tomorrow. You can see me the day after tomorrow."

"Who wants to see you!" Jiang Qiu's face blushed slightly: He looked at Chen Yuan's handsome face on the screen, and said: "Well, I still think about it..."

There was a sense of supreme pride in Chen Yuan's heart, which was less than the moment when he won the FMVP.

This girl is sincere!

The next day, Chen Yuan followed the team to play in Paris for a while. Notre Dame, the Palace of Versailles, and the Eiffel Tower, they all played again.

On the third night, their mighty group of talents gathered at the airport. After sixteen and a half hours of voyage, they will return to the embrace of the motherland.

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