League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 130: Incense pot, am I awesome?

"Little Tiger's handling of this wave is very detailed!" Miller nodded and praised: "The blood volume is so crippled, but you have to wait for you to enter the tower and then open the W, and when you are ready to run, one E will taunt two."

The doll also smiled and said: "This wave of incense pot is comfortable. Picking up a head for nothing, eh? Do you want to turn the incense pot against blue?"

The incense pot happily took down the sword girl's head, the line itself was on their side, and Shen also had tp, so he didn't push it, and plunged directly into the river.

The busy teacher Guo started his anti-wild road again.

The blind monk has only two levels, and the resurrection time is very short. It is irrational for Debang to fight against the blue at this time.

But regardless of the incense pot, he will turn back.

"Guobao can fly safely, mother will always be with you!"

Chen Yuan gave the incense pot support in time, hitting the six minions with a W kick, and pushing this line over at the cost of blood loss and blue volume.

"Good brother!" The incense pot didn't have any scruples at this time, and directly rushed towards the blue BUFF with a [Fearless Charge].

Because the blue buff is more fleshy, so he has to directly hand in the skills and finish it quickly.

Halfway through the fight, the blind monk of Cild came, and a Q directly hit the blue BUFF, hitting Xin Zhao.

Cild obviously did not expect that Debon would dare to oppose his Lan. After all, he died together with his family's top laner, and the resurrection time is similar.

"Here here!" Cild pinged the signal hurriedly, indicating that the middle-upper came to catch him.

The toothpaste in the middle saw the soldiers entering the tower gritted their teeth at this time, but still chose to support in the past.

An assist or even a head is definitely more profitable than a wave of soldiers.

The three of JDG Umakano gradually gathered at this time. Walked towards Debon.

"Zoe is here, watch out for bubbles." Chen Yuan gave the message in time. His enchantress was originally a pusher, and support must be inevitable. He had already been in place one step ahead of time.

His enchantress squatted in a shadow, W came out, threw a Q at Sword Sister, then W went back, and helped Xiangpot see Zoe's position.

When the incense pot heard Zoe behind the wall, he didn't care about it, muffled blue, and stabbed another shot. At this time, the blue BUFF had entered the slashing line of punishment.

At this time, he was at level three, and the blind monk was still at level two. By virtue of his level advantage, he did not hesitate to accept it with a punishment.

But at this time, the blind monk's Q was also healed, and a Q hit Debang again, and the second Q directly followed.

However, at the moment when Blind Boy Q came over, a light of TP appeared behind the JDG trio, and cooperated with the Debang Demon Girl in front of them, and it was faintly encircled.

"Huh?" Miller didn't understand. "When was this eye inserted there?"

The person on the other side was also puzzled, and they didn't understand where the eye came from.

But the position of this TP is too deadly! Not only made up for the gap in the number of people on the opposite side, but also created a huge impact on their formation, completely blocking their retreat route!

Of course, the incense pot will not refuse the blind boy who throws his arms in his arms. E is too lazy to hand in, and the direct Q skill [triple claw strike] will stab the blind boy as soon as it is opened.

At this time Chen Yuan also came out, his W was not good yet, the E skill chain stretched out, and it was pulled on the blind monk, and the Q skill was also given up.

Dao Mei and Zoe can't care about the caution behind them at this time, because if they don't make it, their teammates will die.

The two of them rushed forward and wanted to lose Debon in seconds, but Sword Sister and Zoe were heroes who needed skills to lay the ground, and the outbreak was true.

Zoe hits with a [hypnotic bubble] and is pulling Q.

Sword Girl [Biyi Double Blade] hit, and a Q rushed up at this time.

Seeing that the blind monks were beaten maimed on the opposite side, they only beat Debang half blood, and most of them were the first blind monks to rush to fight...

But soon, the second wave of damage from Sword Sister and Zoe came, and both [Blade Impact] and [Flying Star Random Entry] hit Debon at the same time.

After Debang had eaten these two skills, he still had nearly half of his HP instantly returned to zero, but as a price, he also replaced the blind monk with a single shot.

The scene has changed to 2V2, but Zoe's skill CD is very long, this set is already a waste after losing, and the QW of Demon Ji is almost healed again.

Xiaohu TP finally came down, his TP position at the back was simply invincible, and he did not give his opponent any chance to escape.

Twilight's Eye taunted with an E skill, and directly controlled the sword girl, the soul blade pulled over, enchanted his short sword, and three swords slashed on the sword girl.

His goal is also very clear. It is only Level 3 now. Although Shen is a tank, the damage of Level 3 is still considerable. A Sword Girl is definitely more than enough to match the burst of Demon Ji.

When Sister Dao dies, a Zoe is naturally a useless person.

Chen Yuan also understood his thoughts, QW ignited and shot Sword Sister violently.

The damage is very limited. After both of them have finished playing a set, and another person has played twice, Sword Sister is ignited to collect the last blood.

After killing Sister Dao, the one Zoe who didn't flash was naturally unable to escape.

Toothpaste is extremely annoying at this time. Lao Tzu came at a loss, but you told me that I couldn't beat it?

And the most embarrassing thing is that no one used flash in this wave, so Zoe wanted to pick it up but couldn't pick it up. In the end, he was chased all the way to his second tower and was killed by forcibly surpassing the tower.

"RNG has completed a wave of one-for-three!" the doll said loudly: "At this time the head-to-head ratio is already five to two, and now it's less than five minutes!"

More than four minutes, seven heads broke out. This is a bit of a chaos.

Miller also said: "But I still want to know, who made the eye, was the incense pot arranged in advance?"

Soon, the director produced a replay and gave a close-up of the birth of this eye.

In the first wave of W of Demon Fairy of Deception, not only did she drop a Q on the Sword Girl, she also put a fake eye in the shadow of JDG's field of vision.

The position of this false eye is very tricky, just stuck in the extreme position of the shadow of the field of vision, and no one on the opposite side can see it.

Because the director switched the JDG's field of vision at the time, the audience also did not see the fake eyes in the shadow.

"Did Brother Yuanzi intervene?" Miller exclaimed: "He knows that Xiaohu still has TP, so he deliberately put a W up to set up a back eye position for Xiaohu?"

In the ever-changing teamfight, can such a decision be made instantly?

What is his brain made of?

The two commentators looked at each other, their eyes full of admiration.

This eye can be said to be the winner of this game.

After this wave, JDG's already impoverished Uezhongye was completely bloodied and lost the qualification for the match.

"Nice, Brother Yuanzi!" Xiaohu also kept complimenting.

He just didn't even have time to say that he has a T.

He was about to speak, but Chen Yuan had already inserted his eyes first.

Xiaohu just followed Chen Yuan's instructions and got two assists comfortably.

"Low-key~" Chen Yuan didn't think there was anything in it, just normal operation.

RNG can be said to be two flowers in the middle and wild at this time, and Chen Yuan, who took two heads, directly made the missing chapter and the murder ring.

The equipment of the incense pot is even better, the red jungle knife plus two long swords, and the shotgun for the gun.

After going online again, Faqiang was 30 points taller than the opposite Chen Yuan, but he didn't give Zoe face anymore, and he rode directly on his face to exchange blood.

The most important thing is that the hero of Demon Ji is very flexible, and Chen Yuan's operations are always online. Zoe's skills are difficult to hit him.

Within one minute after being online, Zoe had knocked off three bottles of potion, and his blood volume was still dissatisfied.

Toothpaste put Landry directly on his face at this time, this game is too difficult 555...

"RNG has played an advantage in all three ways..." Wawa felt a little fresh: "This situation is still quite rare!"

After all, generally speaking, it is difficult to play an advantage with the top tiger, but generally he is not very disadvantaged, just facing development.

But for the RNG players, this is not enough. At this time, the incense pot is still grinning and said: "Brother Yuanzi, what about the solo kill? Zoe flashes are almost done!"

Chen Yuan was still not in a hurry at this time, "What are you anxious about, there will be."

He is waiting for level six.

Soon, Chen Yuan took the lead to advance to sixth level, while Zoe had just reached the fifth level. .

At this time, he just pressed a large wave of soldiers under the tower, pressed TAB, and clicked the flash of the incense pot. The chat bar showed that there were twenty seconds left, and Zoe's should be the same.

Although he didn't ignite in his hand, Zoe didn't have a double move, and his blood volume was not full. He was already murderous.

Toothpaste is also a professional mid laner. Of course, knowing that he has entered the demon slaying line, so he hurriedly called the wild father to help him eat this wave of soldiers.

Cild came quickly when he heard the news, but he didn't come directly to the line to defend.

Artillery carts, melee soldiers, Zoe followed the attack of the defensive tower and started to make up the knife. The basic skills of toothpaste were very solid, and no knife was missed.

During this period of time, Chen Yuan had been watching quietly, without rushing to do anything. Soon, he arrived at the remote soldier.

In order to make up for the long-range soldiers, Zoe couldn't help but take the first two steps. After the tower's attack fell, he followed with a flat A.

Because of the flat A movement, Zoe's body stiffened for a moment.

It's now!

Chen Yuan's eyesight is quick and his hands are quick, and he directly draws a WE into the distance.

The chain of the E skill was hidden in the body of the enchantress, and hit Zoe at the same time as the body.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Yuan broke out again, AQR.

R copied the Q skill, triggered the first Q's two-stage mark, and a new purple mark was applied to Zoe.

Immediately after the second paragraph of E exploded, a new purple mark was triggered.

Two consecutive spell crit damage appeared, and in conjunction with the electric shock, Zoe was directly charged with blood.

(This damage is not an exaggeration. The enchantress of this equipment can hit 850+ when a full set, and killing a Zoe is more than enough)

At this time, Clid, who was hiding in the F6 position, just threw a Q, and was also avoided by Yao Ji's second stage W...

At this time, there were seven seconds left in the flash of the incense pot.

The toothpaste was numb at this time, and he wanted to ask the jungler: What is Li in Gan? If you ask you to come, don't you come, have to stand on the side to show off your jungler understanding?

However, Han Yuan is the eldest brother in the team after all. As the third-in-command of the team, the toothpaste still didn't dare to say this, but silently held it in his heart.

"How do you say, Dad is awesome?" Chen Yuan asked the incense pot triumphantly.

"Fake Hu..." The incense pot's mouth was harder than his ox, but he didn't know that he had entered Chen Yuan's father and son trap.

Cild, who was overdue, ate down the center line in tears, but the level he had been lagging behind was compensated by a wave...

But what he didn't know was that the incense pot had already turned Clid's Ueno district and was returning to the city.

After returning to the city, Xiangguo made a warrior jungler and assembled his teammates to move the dragon.

According to the past rhythm, they generally give priority to Pioneer, but now with such a big advantage, you can take the dragon in eight minutes. For the Pioneer in that ten minutes, the incense pot naturally chose me to take it all.

JDG was faced with an economic gap of two thousand in eight minutes, and was unable to resist it. It just sent Zoe to poke twice with the mentality of a try, and then gave up.

Ten minutes, the canyon pioneer refreshed.

This thing has always been the focus of RNG's early tactics. RNG's upper midfielder once again settled in advance, and the strong execution did not give JDG the slightest chance.

For eleven minutes, the incense pot appeared on the bottom road with Pioneer.

"RNG is about to pull down the tower!" Wawa said in surprise: "Does Pioneer come to the road as soon as he hits? The rhythm is so tight!"

Xin Zhao raised his spear in the air and shook it for a while, and soon a behemoth jumped out of his body.

This purple behemoth slammed into a half-blooded tower, directly smashing it into pieces.

"Keep going! Let's hit it again!" Chen Yuan rushed to ~www.readwn.com~ and hurriedly instructed his teammates to keep the camp and protect the safety of the vanguard.

Xiaohu also said at this time that he had a big move and he could support him at any time.

So the RNG four surrounded the pioneers and protected the brothers again.


Pioneer slammed into it again, directly smashing the second tower halfway.

The other four teammates also rushed forward and pulled the two towers directly.

At this time, Pioneer still had the last trace of blood.

At this time, the incense pot's brain twitched, and he shouted excitedly: "I can hit another... it's okay."

Cild came at this time, and a punishment ruthlessly took away the vanguard.

RNG, who won the second tower, was not in a hurry, and began to collectively change lanes, aligning to the middle, and began to hit the first tower.

Next, is the teaching of RNG's advantage play.

Relying on Uzi's advantage to start pushing the tower rhythm has always been RNG's regular style of play.

Once RNG has played this rhythm, in fact, it is already very difficult for them to lose.

The tight pace of pushing the tower will bring them a huge economic gap, so that they will soon be able to end the game.

With all the six outer towers demolished, the economic gap has reached eight thousand.

Then they control the dragon again.

In twenty minutes, the economic gap has reached a terrifying 10,000.

The economic difference of 10,000 is here, and all JDG's resistance is meaningless, and he was pushed off the base in the early twenty minutes.

"Let's congratulate RNG! They won the first game." The doll had to admire: "Their suppression power is still so strong!"

"Yeah!" Miller also said: "In this new version whose early effects have been weakened, RNG seems to have not been affected in the slightest!"

"They don't seem to be the team that needs Uzi to start the situation anymore."

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