League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 133: Reworked the Darkborn Sword Demon

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June 25

In the official server today, Riot released another major update, version 8.13.

This version has been confirmed by fists and will be the version used in the Rivals in the near future.

The soft assistant heroes headed by the wind girl Kalma have all been weakened, plus the weakening of the previous version of adc, it can be seen that the hard assistant is about to become popular in the canyon.

Once hard assistants become popular, the direction of the game will change immediately.

Since the incense burner version of s7, Ruansuke has been popular. The result of this is that adc has always been the center of the game.

Even during this period of time, there are even many extreme teams in Bisari who will use Lulu's mid laner and double-soft auxiliary lineup to protect adc.

But now the soft assists are collectively weakened, and after the hard assists become popular, the core of the game may no longer be the bottom lane.

After all, the iconic play of the hard assistant is to play the rhythm of the middle and wild assistants by walking around.

To be honest, this is a big test for rng.

After all, uzi's game style directly caused him to be inseparable from auxiliary protection.

So Xiao Ming rarely left the bottom lane.

At the same time, the new hero Parker, Yasuo, the biggest victim of the redesign of the critical strike outfit, and the blind monk have all been enhanced to varying degrees.

In the analyst's data model, these three heroes will all jump to t1 after the version update.

Finally, it is the key change of this 8.13 version.

The Darkborn Sword Demon has been reworked. (I don’t need to say more, Yuanzi takes off directly.)

In fact, this hero has gained a lot of appearances in professional games in recent days.

After all, the current top lane has been biased towards the warrior duel, and the skill mechanism of the sword demon is still excellent in the top warrior duel.

But this did not stop Fist from wanting to redo his determination.

Everyone knew that the sword demon was about to become a father.

The style of the fist has always been this way, and the remade heroes are generally supermodels.

But after the sword demon's skills came out, it still refreshed everyone's lower limit.

On nm is outrageous.

Passive is an additional skill with long cd flat a, additional attack range and blood return.

Although the damage is not high, it can be invincible in the flat a blood exchange on the road.

The q skill is similar to Raven, it can release three stages, but all three stages are controlled, and the damage is extremely high.

The w skill damage is not high, but it is also a control to keep people. In the face of a hero without displacement, this is simply a lore.

The e skill is short cd, two stages of displacement, additional high attack bonus, additional high skill bloodsucking.

The ultimate move inherits the previous passive resurrection, and also has additional movement speed bonuses and attack power bonuses.

The analyst gave him two big words: Outrageous Sword Demon, who has both the e skill attack bonus and the ultimate attack bonus.

In the case of a dream naked, a three-stage q can directly smash a crispy hero by half of the blood...

However, the proficiency requirement of this hero is still quite high, so in the canyon, there are not many people playing, and the ban rate is not high.



Chen Yuan is now opening a qualifying position, using the new version of Sword Demon to easily complete the Super God.

It has to be said that Chen Yuan's ranking efficiency is simply unique after the recent successive revisions.

Even if he didn't have the mind to break through, he had already reached 1600 unknowingly, which was more than two hundred points away from the first place.

But it's only in the season now, and it's still too early to score points.

A lot of teammates stood behind him at this time, all with an unbelievable expression at this time.

"Isn't it?" Xiaohu said with his iconic drake voice: "Why can you kill at the first play?"

He just tried one of this hero, but the result was not ideal, because the linkage between the skills of the sword demon is not something that can be played with the first hand.

But Chen Yuan can play.

And not only that, the distance control of various q skills, q flash, aea, and Chen Yuan are all at their fingertips.

This really made Xiaohu sigh: Is this a genius?

Chen Yuan smiled without saying a word at this time, but he had already cracked the criticism in his heart.

Fist is really a good brother!

Like the last reworked Sword Girl, he does not need any practice at all, and the proficiency of the new version of Sword Demon is directly as high as 90!

When no one knows anything about the new hero, his proficiency has reached the top level, and the result is naturally a dimensionality reduction blow.

Many up masters in charge of ob at station b posted Chen Yuan’s rank upwards, which also caused a lot of heated discussion.

E-sports toilet pressure-resistant back pot has been posted at this time.

[Yuanzi brother has already practiced the new version of Sword Demon, rng sword refers to the intercontinental game! 】

Someone immediately replied.

[I'm thinking about the format of the Intercontinental Game, rng is not good for a team]

[It’s already a big advantage to get one point securely]

[This person is really quick to practice heroes. At that time, Sword Sister was also ranked and killed when she came out]

[This is a genius...]

[Really outrageous, what is his brain made of? 】

[Indeed, rng is invincible! 】

Because of rng's consecutive championships, their popularity in China has reached a peak at this time.

All kinds of dog fans, source fans, come uninvited, and completely rule the toilet.

However, e-sports fans have always been on the fence, and I believe that if rng loses someday, there should be no fewer people spraying it.

Although the updated version of the game server has to wait until half a month later, the analysts and coaches are already busy.

Finally, let's pay homage to the flag of command by the way.

This equipment that once made great contributions to rng has been directly removed in this version...

On June 28th ~www.readwn.com~ vs. vg.

If the previous blg is the bottom team, then vg is the bottom team among the bottom teams.

In the first two days of the game, vg broke blg's invincible gold with a 0-4 record, telling the league that they are the weakest team.

And their bp is also ingenious.

When other teams generally play against rng, the vampires and Yasuo are 100% killed.

But they don't.

So rng was also willing to choose, Xiaohu got his natal hero vampire, and Chen Yuan also got Yasuo with tears in his tears.

The last time I took Yasuo, it has to be traced back to the spring finals...

Obviously, the opposite side still had some thoughts, and the opposite side selected Sword Demon and Sword Girl to fight their Shangzhong.

(Still the old version of Sword Demon, the game uniform has not been updated.)

But it is still useless, and the hero gap between these two teams is not irretrievably large.

With the proficiency of Xiaohu and Chen Yuan's heroes, vg's upper and middle lanes could not be parried at all, and they were threaded at the same time.

In the second game, the opposite party learned a lesson and honestly put the two heroes on the ban.

But this didn't stop Chen Yuan from carrying, he took out Sword Sister again.

In this round, his sword girl taught.

The smooth qa, walking and cutting, and the unique speed of light double e, still opened the audience's eyes.

Easily, rng once again took a 2-0 lightly, while Chen Yuan continued his record.

He has won ten consecutive games with different heroes.

In the lounge, although they had won, Uzi's expression was a little gloomy.

He felt that he no longer had the dominance of the Spring Split.

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