League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 134: Suffocating IG

Chen Yuan took a sip of the water in the glass and squeezed the joints of his fingers.

An uphill battle is about to begin.

The Night Messenger bought the Dolan Sword and the Red Bottle to go out. In this round, he was on the line with Galio, which was pretty good. If he wants to win the game, he must have the advantage.

But the problem is that the opposite jungler is Qinggang Ying. This hero's outrageous advance is matched by Galio's outrageous control...

Chen Yuan's scalp has begun to numb slightly...

At the beginning of the game, the mid laners of both sides stood in the middle, and the two looked at each other for two seconds, and then they got closer and closer. When the two heroes touched their faces, they began to twitch in unison.

The broiler was in that crazy AS, Galio kept raising his fists, and then S retracted.

Yasuo's Nightbringer's skin twitched extremely magically, and his two little feet rubbed frantically on the ground.

At this time, the director was also very sensible and gave them two close-up shots.

This scene broke the tension of the game, as if it were a friendly match.

[Hhh so funny]

[Big Brother Yuanzi is starting to work again]

[The face is not right A, right?]

【Fake Stone Hammer】

At this time, the referees in the field couldn't stand it anymore, and they hurriedly sent a message: "Please respect the game!"

"Ohhhhhhh." Chen Yuan, who was **** with rookie, realized that this was a match and it was really not suitable, so Yasuo hurriedly poked out with a Q.

Oops, Q is empty.

Rookie stopped playing, and Galio finally hit Yasuo with a fist.

Oops, Yasuo has a shield and no blood.

The two rubbed each other.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, the **** line finally reached the line.

Chen Yuan fought very fiercely, and at Level 1 while Galio raised his hand to make up the knife, the Q skill shot, trying to steal some blood.

But I didn’t expect rookie to fight more fiercely. Seeing Yasuo stepping up, Galio actually directly S lived with A in his hand, and a step back directly hid Q, and then hit Yasuo immediately. Body.

Yasuo was hit by the E skill and took off high, and then took another passive heavy hammer.

Immediately afterwards, Galio walked away, not giving Yasuo a chance to consume himself at all.

Chen Yuan frowned at this moment.

Why does Galio want to learn E at the first level? Just for some blood? Then how do you push the line with me?

He believes that with rookie's game understanding, it is impossible to do such a thing as Galio level-one learning E, unless this is tactically set.


While Chen Yuan was still thinking, a green steel shadow rushed out of the grass.

really! Chen Yuan's heart was galloping at this time.

He watched Qinggang Ying hanging on the wall at this time, and then rushed straight towards him.

Chen Yuan's handling was still calm, and just before Qing Gang Ying was about to rush to him, he handed over a flash and wanted to run.

But I didn't expect that ning was on the third floor, and Qing Gang Ying turned out to be a flash at this moment.

I predicted your prediction, and Yasuo was forced to stay.

Rookie also quickly followed at this time, and Galio sent a righteous punch to take off Yasuo where he was.

In the two-level catch, is it cheap or not?

Chen Yuan was about to throw up at this time, but he had nothing to do, so he gave you a blood.

Karsa comforted at this time: "It's okay, I reversed his Lan and Demon Marsh Frog, it's not a loss."

God tm does not lose...

After going online again, Chen Yuan obviously became much more stable.

After all, Galio still flashed, and if Qinggang Ying came, he would die easily.

Galio, the hero has a passive existence, after taking the initiative, he can't control the line.

Soon, a wave of soldiers fell under Yasota.

At this time, both sides are level 4, and Galio looked at Yasuo under the tower, and even started to charge W directly.

"?" Chen Yuan instantly understood that he was already dead.

But he still didn't give up, manipulating Yasuo to walk back quickly.

Because the two of them were already a little far away, Galio charged up and slowed down, and W could not reach him.

In this case, you can force a flash of Galio...

Sure enough, the green steel shadow appeared from behind the tower, and an E was hung on the wall.

Rookie was not stingy, and directly sneered Yasuo with a W flash. At the same time, the aftershocks were triggered. The high amount of dual resistance provided him with the ability to resist towers, and then AQE took turns.

Qinggang Ying also came up and kicked Yasuo.

These two heroes were too controlled, and neither wave of death gave Chen Yuan any room for manipulation.

Chen Yuan has nothing to say.

"..." Karsa, who has always been known for anti-squatting, was also a little speechless. He really didn't expect the opposite to be so frantic.

Now he has played eight sets of wild, but King Ning has only played four sets, making it clear that he is going to catch you.

The camera cut to the bottom, I didn't expect that even Uzi, facing the mangy dog ​​combination of Morgana and the Crow, didn't even take much advantage.

In fact, his Xia didn't lose much blood. After all, the biggest feature of Uzi's laning is that he keeps a tiny position almost all the time.

But Xiao Ming, who had short hands, suffered a lot.

The opposite side road was clearly directed at him, Crow’s E, Morgana’s Q, if you eat one, you will be beaten a whole set, which is disgusting.

Xiao Ming was completely untenable on the line, and was soon beaten to residual blood.

With no support, Uzi didn't dare to install it, so he could only retreat together and wait for the opposite side to push the line.

After this, the bottom road turned into a disadvantage.

The days on the road are pretty easy now, after all, the stone men are not talking about the attributes of the giant beasts.

This hero's skill mechanism has caused him to have no major disadvantages against almost any hero in the line.

But it is even more impossible to want the Stoneman to take advantage.

"Oh, it's a bit difficult for RNG now." Remember to explain: "The game where IG has a three-way advantage is terrible. They will frequently push the team to expand their advantage and end the game."

The game reached seven minutes.

During this period of time, King Ning still had no plans to let Chen Yuan go, and came to arrest him twice.

At this time, Karsa also learned well, and appeared in time every time, without letting the other side succeed.

It is a pity that Olaf of Karsa has not reached the sixth level, and his combat effectiveness is limited. Although he squatted back, he could not keep anyone.

At this time, rookie rose to level 6, and the IG's midfield strategy had undergone a significant change. He didn't conceal the idea of ​​wanting to grab it, and went straight into the lower road.

"Gario is here, be careful." Chen Yuan gave a message in time in his voice.

At this time, Uzi, who was making a knife under the tower, frowned and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. In their true eyes in the bushes behind the tower, the figure of Qinggang had already appeared.

"Is IG want to cross the tower of the lower road?" Remember to say loudly: "The lower road has only five levels. Although there are double moves, the back road is blocked!"

"Can Xiaohu T?" Uzi asked hurriedly.

Xiaohu replied: "I can do it, I will T when Qing Gangying rushes in."

"No!" Uzi said quickly: "There is Galio's big move on the opposite side. If the back T is too late, you must directly T."

Xiaohu gritted his teeth at this time and didn't hesitate to hand over TP directly to the next tower.

A ray of light lit up on the defensive tower, and a level six wild stone man appeared under the tower.

When the stone man T came down from the other side, the reaction was also very quick, and he gave up on the leaping of the tower.

Qing Gang Ying hit the wall and slipped away.

Rookie, who had been waiting in the riverway for Diao Da, also returned to the middle, and continued to eat the line.

In this case, it is a bit difficult for Xiaohu to do it.

This is the reason why he didn't want to advance T, because the opposite wave of surpassing the tower didn't pay much attention at all.

He came down by T in advance, and the other side could go straight away. In this way, only his top order with T down would be the loser.

If it is the ADC of another team, their choice should be to let the auxiliary sell, and make a double move by themselves, so that it will lose one head and a wave of soldiers.

Or after waiting for the opponent to take action, the order is placed and then TP is down to collect the head by the damage of the defensive tower. Although the down road is still a loss, it can stop the loss in time.

However, they are RNG, and they must not lose the bottom lane...so they can only lose TP to ensure the economy of the bottom lane...

Chen Yuan sighed and said softly: "Little tiger, come to the middle road. I'll go on the road and guard the wave first."

Taking advantage of Galio's absence, he happened to push a wave of soldiers into the tower. At this time, there was nothing to do in the middle, so it was just right to go to the road to guard the tower.

The top tiger breathed out a little at this time, and the stone man babbled and walked towards the middle.

But at this time the problem came again, a 0-2 stunted Yasuo, how to fight the sword demon?

The sword demon only needs to cut W into purple, turn on the big move, and then leave the keyboard with both hands and confront Yasuo with A. It is estimated that Yasuo can't beat...

One minute later, there was a fight soon on the road.

At this time, Uzi was already at level 6, with a big double call, and it was no longer easy to catch. King Naning again set the target on Yasuo who was on the road.

This time, Sword Demon took the lead, and the Q skill rushed towards Yasuo.

Chen Yuan pulled away with an E skill, and then a wind wall blocked the sword demon's E.

Immediately afterwards, the Sword Demon directly activated its big move, attracting the hatred of the defensive tower, and at the same time Qinggang Ying and Galio also rushed out.

"The people at IG are simply crazy." Changmao said with a smile: "This brother Yuanzi is really too miserable. I really can't blame him for losing."

But this time, RNG’s people were not unprepared. Karsa had long expected that the other side would be caught, and came with Xiaohu.

General Tiger repayed Chen Yuan's kindness to relinquish the middle road, and immediately flashed a big move, and all the three who besieged Yasuo took off!

Chen Yuan was about to press the R key at this time, and finally took the big move at the last moment when the blood bar was almost empty.

Olaf of Karsa also came out at this time to start a big move and slash.

After a set of skills, the sword demon who had been fighting against the tower was immediately defeated, but he was quite passive and was being resurrected.

Then it was the turn of the half-blood steel shadow resistance tower.

King Ning didn't want to lose a bit of blood. When the defense tower attack was about to hit him, a big move volleyed into the air, evaded the attack, and kicked the remaining blood Yasuo.

Qinggang Ying is also invincible, so it's Galio's turn to fight the tower.

But Galio moved gently out of the range of the defensive tower.

Karsa and Xiaohu continued to chase.

First, three swords killed Qinggang Ying with a small amount of blood, and another sword demon who took away the remaining blood and resurrected.

As for the last Galio, he can only be allowed to run away.

"RNG played one for two in this wave?" I remembered saying: "That's not a loss."

Long Mao hesitated: "But it's useless for Olaf and the Golem to take human heads..."

[RNG is gone]

[Next, this brother Yuanzi was targeted too badly]



The game continues.

Although he won a wave on the road, it hasn't been ten minutes yet, the Pioneer hasn't refreshed, and there is nothing to take if he wins.

Instead, King Ning went straight to the bottom after his resurrection and got the first dragon.

After another two minutes, Canyon Pioneer refreshed.

IG's execution is very strong, and the bottom road, which has always been dominant, has been directly pushed back to the city in advance and rushed to the top road.

"RNG wants to pick up the group..." Chang Mao saw that Uzi finished the line and chose to return, a little nervous.

If RNG can get the Pioneer, it can still be played. If it can't, the game is over.

IG waited until the bottom lane was all set and started directly, while Uzi was still on the way due to the need to take up the line.

Remember to be nervous: "It's fast! Is RNG too late?"

Chen Yuan couldn't help it at this time. At this time, his equipment was extremely poor, only a pair of attack speed shoes and a yellow cross, but he still said: "Xiaohu can go straight to it if he finds a chance, delay for a while!"

Karsa was also walking around continuously at this time, to see if he could rush in and fight for punishment.

At this moment, JackeyLove's crow raised his right hand, and the crow's claws stretched out, accurately hitting Xiaohu's stone man.

[Imperial Vision], [Fast-eating Crows]!

Crow is directly a set of three qualities, which has beaten a lot of blood.

Qing Gangying also kicked up at this time, a kick that really hurt him, hitting Xiaohu a lot of blood.

Morgana's Q skill also followed closely, keeping up with the control.

The stone man who was still full of blood in the last second was directly killed by the second.

The next one to suffer is naturally Olaf not far away.

Everyone in IG was like a mad dog, chasing Olaf and slashing.

Although Karsa turned on his ultimate and was immune to control, he was still killed by the damage.

Two were killed directly, this group could not be beaten, Chen Yuan had to sigh and choose to retreat.

Next, it is the standard IG time.

Report group, report group~www.readwn.com~ Endless report group.

Everyone in IG doesn't play with you, control the dragon, pull the tower, and do it in one go.

Twenty minutes, they, with an economic advantage of 7000, didn't even want to move the dragon, so they plunged directly into the high ground of RNG.

Immediately afterwards, IG did not intend to retreat at all, the sword demon took the lead with passiveness, and directly a Q rushed into the crowd of RNG.

They want to start a group with two more crystal towers!

Rookie's Galio also directly followed up with a big move, and after landing, a W flashed taunting the three of them.

Chen Yuan was just a weak Yasuo at this time, and was immediately dropped by various strange AOEs.

Although Uzi's Xia is well-developed, the jungler Qinggangying on the opposite side is well-developed.

Qing Gangying waited until Uzi's ultimate move landed, and the E skill hook tower rushed into him from a long distance.

When A connects to Q, it is directly a quarter of the blood. The big move is flashed, followed by an A to pull up, and Xia is directly beaten by the second.

The final game stayed at 21 minutes, and IG won the first win.

"Let's congratulate IG!" Changmao said with a smile: "In the absence of TheShy, IG still has a good fighting capacity, and the first game has achieved a crush on RNG."


"The next game must be ban crow" Feng Ge said in a deep voice: "When the middle lane is targeted, the bottom lane is also suppressed. In this case, it is impossible for us to win."

The little tiger sitting in the chair slightly opened his mouth, but still made no sound.

"In the next game, we can take the developed mid laner." Chen Yuan said: "With our team's personal ability, as long as it can be delayed to 35 minutes, we will win."

"The teams that tried to delay the latter stage with IG all lost..."

Brother Feng frowned slightly, "But if it were us, there might be a chance."

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