League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 138: Middle finger mid laner

Galio's big move pointed the Qinggang shadow down and shook the two Captain Scorpion into flight.

TOP Tiger comes up as a set of QWAE quality combos to control fullness.

Chen Yuan showed a cruel smile. He didn't make people heady this time. W taunted two of them, and Q and Passive were all pinched to death.

First, passively fist K to the captain’s head, then the E skill [Justice Punch] points directly at the scorpion, wait for the teammates to do some damage, the Q skill [War Gang Wind] blows out, and then K to the Scorpion’s head.


It's really comfortable to kill the ring directly on the fifth floor!

[Wuhu, take off! 】

[Six minutes of zero dollars, if it were me, the second one has already been opened]

[What about fried fish? 】

[Five-layer homicide in six minutes, Yuanzi's order is really strong]


"Really outrageous... RNG's line-swap tactics are obviously very researched, and they guessed the opposing action plan too accurately." I remember that I couldn't help but slap my tongue at this time.

Guan Zeyuan also nodded and said: "Throughout the history of the game, there should be no more miserable top laner than Hanabe..."

After taking the double kills, Chen Yuan cheerfully and Qing Gangying took the dragon.

This wave of small dragons is very critical, and Chen Yuan has to take it even if he loses the middle lane, because the small dragon is the key rhythm point for Tetsuo's bottling.

Iron Man is now at level 6, if he can't control Xiaolong, his suppression power will be greatly reduced.

After returning to the city to supply equipment, TP directly to defend the tower in the middle.

There is nothing on the equipment, just an ordinary murder book.

In the Dalian Gymnasium, the cheers of the audience continued at this time, penetrating the glass and sound-proof earphones, and reaching the ears of the players.

This place itself is the home court of LPL. With such a big disadvantage, the team of Lightning Wolves suddenly became more sluggish, and morale was extremely low.

In seven minutes, Scorpion reached the sixth level.

The jungler Moojin feels his responsibility is very heavy at this time.

His big brother Karsa is already 2-0-2, and he is still 0-1-0.

In this situation, if anyone can open the situation, it is only his scorpion!

Big brother once taught him, the hero Scorpion, if you can't catch a dead person at level 6, then stop playing.

Then his first goal is naturally the chubby monster in the middle.

However, all his thoughts were clearly guessed by his big brother...

Karsa was incarnate as a jungler defending his father, and he made it clear that the father of the middle road was protected. Qinggang Ying had a jungler sword in his hand at this time, and his equipment was extremely luxurious. Hidden in the grass, AQEA directly kicked a third of the scorpion’s blood. Then a big move leaped into the air and kept the scorpion.

Chen Yuan's E skill narrowed the distance, W was filled up calmly, followed by an AQ.

The two were extremely arrogant and didn't take Zoe seriously.

Of course, Maple didn't take himself seriously, he just slipped away while operating Zoe...

The artillery truck is so fragrant...

Karsa was also very sensible. After maiming the scorpion, he stopped and gave the head to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan was not hypocritical, and Galio's small powder fist lightly hammered, and the murder book rose to the ninth floor.

The game returns to the stage of peaceful development.

Eight and a half minutes.

Chen Yuan is now very strong, clearing the line in twos or twos, and then walks directly on the road.

"The Iron Man on the road is pressing the line, and Qing Gang Ying is here too, do they want four packs of two?" Ze Yuan began to get excited again, "Qing Gang Ying is already in place!"

Karsa is a tool man who started the group, Qing Gang Ying EWE, directly hit Tie Nan with a kick, Chen Yuan took advantage of the trend and gave him a big move.

"The captain's big move is here! Can this wave be killed?" I remembered raising the volume, "Uzi's ice big move, I hit it!"

However, this wave of lightning wolves' jungler still has some spirituality. After learning Karsa's anti-squatting profound meaning, the scorpion jumped out of the grass on the road, and a big move directly trapped the green steel shadow.

Xiaohu looked at this situation, it was worth it, a TP was directed at the road, and a wave of four packs of two directly evolved into five packs of three.


Galio fell to the ground, and the ninth-floor murder book he was like a **** descending to the earth, with the green light of aftershocks glowing on his body, and Miao W directly mocked Tetsuo and Scorpion.

Uzi's ice also activated the Q skill [Shooter's Concentration] at this time, and Master Han opened it up with all his strength.

Xiao Ming's Tam also chased the Iron Man and licked it, and the output was slightly higher than that of the ice.

Soon, Karsa's Qinggang Ying quickly turned into residual blood when he was set on fire. Lightning Wolves assisted Parker at this time, his eyes lit up, and he directly pressed the big move against Qinggang Ying.

Xiao Ming has quick hands and swallows his backhand, saving Karsa a dog.

At the same time, Xiaohu landed and called the sheep directly, and a big move hit the three of Lightning Wolves.

TOP Tiger is all comfortable at this time.

For the first TP support, even if you get three assists, you will succeed~

Under Tam's protection, RNG swallowed the three lightning wolves without any loss, and Chen Yuan relied on the explosive output to hit two heads again.

The murder book has also risen to the 19th floor.

Back to the city, Chen Yuan first bought a pair of shoes, then a Hextech revolver, and walked slowly towards the middle.

At this time, the head-to-head ratio was 7:0. Even if the Lightning Wolf took a tower, the economic gap between the two sides reached 3000.

Ten minutes later, the Canyon Pioneer was born, no doubt accepted by Karsa mercilessly.

"The previous tower has been unplugged by RNG. Karsa released the vanguard in the middle! The middle tower was also broken."

"They don't plan to leave yet, they want to break the second tower!" Remember to say loudly: "The Lightning Wolves can't defend the tower at all! This Zoe is almost invisible!"

Maple was also very helpless at this time. He vaguely felt that the biggest reason for the loss in this round seemed to be because he gave this blood...

Since then, he has become a tower guarding machine in the middle, completely inseparable.

On the other side, Galio, all levels of economy are in the lead, three-way wandering, making up the knife and not even falling, it is almost completely exploded...

Soon, the two towers of the middle road were also broken down one after another. When the middle road was lost, the wild area naturally no longer belonged to the lightning wolf.

The people of RNG spread out and began to eat away gradually.

Chen Yuan's side is completely an emperor's treatment, anyway, he never goes to start a group.

It’s impossible to start a group. Only when karsa rushes up, will he make a big move like this...

After landing, collect assists, collect heads, and gangster murder books. I really like Galio!

In twenty minutes, Chen Yuan had an 8-0-6 super **** record, full of murder books, in addition to wearing shoes, rocket belt, shadow magic ball, and full damage.

RNG started to move the dragon on time.

Galio was not fast in fighting the dragon, so Chen Yuan quietly drove to scan the overseer in the grass squatting outside.

Not long after, a scorpion appeared in the bushes not far away, driving the scan, and already swept out of Galio's position.

But Chen Yuan watched the Scorpion leader appear, and his thoughts were full of thoughts.

According to common sense, he should be followed by his teammates...

Thinking of this, he was straightforward, W began to accumulate energy, and then flashed directly through the scorpion, into the bushes where he appeared, facing the dumbfounded four people in the bushes, and the W skills were released.

This full W, directly mocked the five people!

W skill damage is not high, but with the blessing of this luxurious equipment, the damage is still outrageous.

[War Gang Wind] [Rocket Belt]

Galio played three AOEs in a row. Among the four players in the front, the crispy Pike and Zoe evaporated directly!

The relatively fleshy Captain and Iron Man were also uncomfortable, and were directly beaten to a half blood.

The teammates were also a little stunned when they saw Chen Yuan's wave. They didn't fight anymore. They followed Chen Yuan's footsteps and rushed forward, directly smashing Lightning Wolf.

"What kind of damage is this?" Guan Zeyuan couldn't help being speechless, "Galio two in a second?"

The key is that Galio’s damage is high. He enters the game and taunts five. Aftershocks add to his body, the Lightning Wolves can’t be killed...

Chen Yuan let out a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also betting on this wave.

After all, he didn't know if the remaining four people on the opposite side were really following Scorpion. If he flashed that there was no one in the past, it would be him who was stupid.

The RNG who got Tuan Mie sang all the way and pulled out the Lightning Wolf base directly to win the first battle.


"21 minutes, the head-to-head ratio of 20:0," remembered a bit of stuttering, "In this round, RNG showed their mature line-swap tactics and showed us a man-machine round!"

"Too strong..." Zeyuan also said: "Before that, many people said that the RNG who was behind in play had lost their dominance, but this round should be able to beat those people in the face. "

I remember taking a squint at the colonel at this time. Isn't it you who wanted to say this? However, he did not open it directly, but continued to blow RNG.

Chen Yuan stood up with a smile and shook hands with the players on the opposite side one by one.

The Lightning Wolf, who has been hanged and beaten by RNG many times in succession, is still optimistic and has a bright smile.

In the commentary booth, the commentaries on both sides were still blowing. At this time, the director broadcasted an announcement to upload the data panel.

【? ? 】

【What is this? 】

The data makes everyone stunned.

In this round, Chen Yuan's Galio directly hit 49% of the team's output. In the histogram, Galio's output was unique, making other teammates a foil.

[Is this really Galio? 】

[Uzi only hit 18%? Ye Qingjie. 】

[What is a **** mid laner? 】

Subsequently, the result of the MVP of the game came out, and Chen Yuan took what he deserved.

"It's not me," Guan Zeyuan said with a smile: "Look at the last wave, Galio had at least five or six thousand injuries..."

Chen Yuan then went through a series of interviews, and after taking pictures, he slowly returned to the lounge.

The lounge is very large and is shared by the same division. The EDG that is about to play has already set off and is ready to play. The players of the other two teams all got up at this time.

"Brother Yuanzi!" The mid laner doinb of the RW team jumped over like a monkey, his voice excited.

TheShy also came over, he sincerely admired Chen Yuan's performance, showing his trademark shy smile, "Awesome!"

Chen Yuan said with a smile: "So average, good luck, but you can cheer up later, after all, your victory or defeat will determine the ranking."

In fact, he and EDG did not have a heavy task today, because of the schedule, they are just playing against the LMS team today.

IG and RW are not the same, they are playing against the LCK team.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if they can win these two games, then the group stage will be basically stable.

Rookie looked disdainful at this time, "Don't worry, you won."

TheShy is back, their confidence is still there, and doinb also has a look of excitement, "Package wins!"

Chen Yuan first went to the backstage and asked for a box lunch, and started to eat. There is nothing wrong with them today, so he fills up his stomach first.

The scent of braised pork wafted out, and the members of the other two teams couldn't help but cast their gazes over, their eyes full of longing.

"Can you go out to eat first?" Brother Feng couldn't take it anymore, so he drove Chen Yuan out of the lounge and asked him to come in after eating.

Chen Yuan looked dumbfounded, but he was still very obedient. He stood outside the lounge in twos and finished the meal, took a drink of Happy Water from the beverage machine, and then returned to the lounge.

When he came back, the game had entered the laning phase.

Chen Yuan glanced at the situation and found that something was wrong, "Well, why is EDG so bad?"

EDG coach Abu did not panic at all, "Don't worry, M17 won't play in the mid-terms at all and can't lose."

The M17 jungler is very efficient in catching people. As soon as he catches one, he pulled his head ratio to 3-0 in just seven minutes.

The haro on the EDG side is somewhat invisible and has been brushing.

But EDG has an advantage, that is, they can tolerate it, sound better, and can operate.

In the middle of the game, M17 really started to get lost as Abramovich said, driving Xiaolong without TP in the top lane, or getting caught by assisting in getting lost and getting lost.

After going back and forth like this, the situation was turned back...

The EDG from LPL won't be joking with you anymore. It arranges the field of vision, fights against wild monsters, and controls the dragon in one go.

Well, Xiaoyou’s EDG is still very reliable, but Dayou is not necessarily...

Fortunately, this round was over before Dayou had time. EDG took control of Dalong BUFF and went straight to the M17 crystal.

In the end, M17's wild boar girl died in a wave of death, and the game was successfully ruined.

Soon, the door to the training room opened, the IG players were summoned to prepare for the game, and the EDG team returned to court.

"NBNB!" Everyone got up and started blowing.

The coaching staff began to explain their problems in the previous game.

After the championship match between LMS and LPL is over, the next and second place is the matchup between LPL and LCK.

IG and AFS, both runners-up, started to face each other.

Everyone is a little looking forward to this duel~www.readwn.com~ After all, this is the first match with LCK. If you lose, it will have an impact on morale.

But soon, this worry disappeared.

"What are these rookie and TheShy?"

In the tone of explanation of doubt, Dao Mei and Ryze were standing in the river channel, two chasing and four fighting opposite.

In this game, IG showed their strong laning strength, three-way up, middle and down, all brainlessly pressing the line, and the AFS jungler was scorched.

Catch it? That's impossible, because King Ning has always lived in his Ueno district, so he can only capture it.

The young JackeyLove faced the jungler's target, of course, dare to catch or die. The bot lane duo sent four heads directly in fifteen minutes.

However, the upper middle is very serious when no one is in charge. The upper road crosses the tower twice in a row, and one tower is unplugged. In the middle road, rookie only relies on the line, hitting a thousand economic losses.

Even though their heads are slightly behind, their economy has literally back pressured by more than two thousand.

Then in the small dragon group, there was such a famous scene, in the case that the bottom lane was missed by the first hand, two chased and four beats.

In the fourth game, RW played against KT.

This round of the game was quite anxious. RW mid laner doinb was deeply influenced by Chen Yuan in the first round, and backhanded out a male mid laner to show off.

smlz also took out Lucian AD, their tactics are obviously to fight you early.

The effect is not bad, RW did play a big advantage in the early stage, but unfortunately, KT withstood.

After Deft's EZ was finally filled with two goddesses, he stood up and led the team to complete the comeback.

The first day of the game was 2-0 against LMS and 1-1 against LCK.

Total score, 3-1.

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