League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 145: We can only call him one word for this kind of person

"Welcome to the fifth round of the tiebreaker game, in this final round, both sides will be able to send any team!"

"The LCK division sent AFS, and our LPL division..." I remember there was a slight pause here.

Immediately afterwards, the audience off the court shouted the answers they all knew in a uniform manner.


Immediately afterwards, the team members took the stage and raised the cheers to a peak again. Chen Yuan raised his right hand high to welcome the screams of the audience.

The players of AFS were obviously affected. There was a lot of support, but none of them belonged to them. Morale was affected. All of them bowed their heads at this time.

The home court advantage is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Before long, BP started.

This game is the right to choose the side of LPL. After discussion, Feng chose the blue side and banned the crow first.

On the opponent's bench, the coach of AFS frowned. He really didn't know how this BP would do it.

Nightmare, Yasuo, Sword Demon, Sword Girl, Vampire, Kai'Sa, all have to be banned!

How to do it? Do it!

Simply, the AFS coach was heartbroken and chose to release the vampire, because the vampire of hero has always been a legend, and in fact he hasn't played a few times.

And his Yasuo Sword Demon Sword Sister is all based on the actual record, he chooses to respect the record.

"The red side AFS chose to ban Yasuo and the Sword Demon." Remember to start interpreting BP, "These are all ca in the Yuanzi Intercontinental Tournament.

Hero, it’s okay to ban it, but you should ban vampires first. "

It's common sense to ban vampires when playing RNG, because it's not only Chen Yuan who plays well, but Xiaohu's vampires are also a must. Swing and play with dual attributes are impossible.

Immediately after, Brother Feng chose to block Shen and Morgana, and AFS finally banned the nightmare.

"Vampires are not banned!" I remember being excited for an instant, "In my lifetime, I finally saw a vampire in an RNG game!"

Immediately afterwards, RNG directly locked on the first floor without hesitation.

"Oh!!!" A burst of cheers suddenly sounded.

Chen Yuan looked at the AFS coach helplessly through the glass. Obviously, the other side was betting that RNG does not have a vampire system.

How helpless...

"AFS immediately chose Charo and got the strongest bottom lane combination in the current version." Miller nodded and said: "At the same time, release Luo and vampires, and then force you to choose vampires. I'll take Charo, which is actually a good strategy. ."

NG also selected the second strongest version of Kai'Sa Bull Head by color, and the two sides determined the combination of the road.

AFS selected the ice bird in the third hand to restrain the mid-laner vampire.

Because the vampire has a W, many midlaners are helpless against him, but the ice bird wall and R can play a good role in restricting the vampire.

In the second round of BP, both Ueno and Ueno were not selected. AFS banned Qinggang Ying and Aoun. After discussion, Feng Ge banned Promise and Scorpion.

Soon, BP is over and the lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue RNG: Thain, Troll, Vampire, Kai'Sa, Bullhead.

Red side AFS: Mondo, Sister Pig, Bingniao, Xia, Luo.

Seeing this BP, the people in the lounge have completely relaxed. They felt that the BP in this round of AFS was simply outrageous. Facing RNG, they also released the concept of vampire and Kai'Sa?

This kind of person, we can only call him one word, NT!

If the troll can be replaced by a nightmare, then this round will be a lore.

It's a pity that I can't change it.

[Brothers, I said I have won, not too much]

【game over】

[Xiaohu got Saien Spicy again, another victory! 】

[The coach of AFS has been confused]

Selecting the rune talent stage, Chen Yuan changed the teleportation to sprinting, and the talent points out the phase.

On the opposite game, there are Xia, Bingniao, and Sister Pig. His usual electrocution igniting method is no longer applicable and must be adjusted.

After entering the loading interface, I saw that Bingbird and Luo on the opposite side were both weakened.

Obviously, it was directed at him.

But Chen Yuan was not afraid of these things. When the other side wasted too much thought on him, Uzi would let the other side learn a lesson.

At the beginning of the game, Chen Yuan, as always, bought the killing or reusable potion to go out, and stood with his teammates in the lower wild area to guard his own wild area.

The people of AFS didn't think about the invasion, but started peacefully with RNG. Both junglers chose to open red at the same time, but the troll's wilding speed was obviously much faster than that of the opposite pig girl.

After the incense pot was finished brushing the red, he walked directly to the enemy's blue area. He didn't know the opposite route to open the wild, he just wanted to turn the wild.

Chen Yuanzhong's vampires didn't have a lot of pressure on the line, so he has always been leisurely observing the movements of the incense pot.

The troll saw the fresh blue BUFF on the opposite side, and started the fight without a word. After the blue game, he played the magic marsh frog, and after he finished fighting the magic marsh frog, Sister Pig had not come yet.


Chen Yuan was a little confused. Could it be that the other side predicted that the incense pot had invaded, so he changed the wild area? Is it such a good consciousness?

The incense pot was thinking the same way at this time, so he kept doing it, just thinking that the three wolves on the opposite side could be brushed, anyway, he changed to the wild area.

The incense pot had just started, but at this moment, the opposite pig girl ran over slowly.

When I saw the make-up, it was 12 dollars, Chen Yuanren was a little dizzy. With you, Sister Pig, Hongkai, did you brush Stoneman and then F6? Are you taking this speed 18?

The incense pot didn't really understand what the pig girl was, but he didn't care about the three or seventy one. The troll slapped the floor and rushed towards the pig girl.

Fortunately, the first and second levels of the ice bird line are very weak, and Chen Yuan has the right to the middle lane. Seeing this situation, Chen Yuan simply gritted his teeth and learned the two levels of E and began to push the line with all his strength.

There is no way, after all, fighting at the three wolves on the opposite side is too dangerous. The opposite side can easily support it, and I have to do something.

"Be careful, the opposite side is coming down the road."

At this time, Xiao Ming reported the information, but he said again, "We are here too."

Kai'Sa against Xian Xia on the next road, in fact, can not get the line right in the first two levels, but Uzken is willing to support his own line, which is already a rare good thing.

Chen Yuan knew that this wave must be fought, but fortunately, he had already pressed the line of troops into the tower at this time. If the Ice Bird were to fight this wave, he would have to lose a lot of soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the ice bird, the vampire went straight into the opposite wild area. Seeing this, the ice bird gritted his teeth and supported the past.

"All the middle and lower sides are here... It's only three minutes!" I remember a little surprised, "Do you play 4V4 in three minutes?"

The answer from both parties is obviously yes, the battle between Sister Pig and the troll has entered a white-hot stage, Sister Pig is obviously going to suffer.

"Hold on, here we are!" AFS assistant Tusin said hurriedly in his voice. He played Luo, and his support was quite strong. As long as he persisted for two seconds, this troll would die.

As a result, an accident happened. When they walked to the blue BUFF, vampires appeared from the corner all the time, blocking the course of action for the two of them, and Kaisha and Bullhead also surrounded behind.

Tusin hesitated a little at this time. If he directly jumped over the vampire to support the pig girl, then his AD might be surrounded by three people, and he would definitely not survive.

He took another look at the location of the single ice bird in his home. The ice bird was originally preparing to make up the tower knife under his tower. The three wolves were not far away from the location. At this time, the ice bird had directly joined the battlefield between the pig sister and the troll. .

After analyzing for a while, AFS assistant decisively chose to stay and protect AD.

Chen Yuan was also observing the battlefield with him. He started busy commanding at this time, "Don't fight the incense pot, we can't support you, retreat and lay down these two."

"Good!" The incense pot saw the ice bird appearing behind the pig girl, and actually wanted to run a long time ago. At this time, Chen Yuan asked him to retreat, which was exactly what he wanted.

The troll turned his head and planned to retreat, but at this time the ice bird refused to agree. An ice wall appeared, blocking his retreat.

The incense pot was a little bit depressed at this time, and he simply crossed the wall directly without hesitation, but in this way, the ice wall of the ice bird actually blocked their own way.

On the other side of the battlefield, the battle has already begun.

Xiao Ming's Niutou was the first to do it. After getting closer, a set of WQ pointed at Xia. AFS' AD was so shocked that he frankly avoided Niutou's Erlian.

Xia's flash flashed upwards, and at the same time, the incense pot flashed downwards across the wall, and the two heroes flashed relative to each other, just flashing together.


There was a silence of 0.5 seconds in the battlefield at this time, and the incense pot roared, "Fuck, do you send it to Grandpa?"

The king of trolls is full of firepower, AQAA, staring at Xia is just a bite.

Chen Yuan was also a little confused, but his output still didn't fall. The vampire's two-level E skill exploded on Xia's body, deducting a lot of blood.

Luo watched his ADC being beaten, unambiguously, a W lifted the incense pot, Xia turned on W and turned his head to output.

The troll of the incense pot originally had a small amount of blood.

Kai'Sa of Uzi also came here at this time, but he didn't bring TP. He had nothing to do with the incense pot encounter, so he could only come up to hurt him.

Facts have proved that the injuries of the four people are much higher than that of the two... Before the pig sister and the ice bird have come close, the blood-filled Xia and the half-blooded troll actually stubborn blood at the same time.

The incense pot didn't even think about running from start to finish. Before he died, he also summoned a pillar to block Xia and Luo's retreat. The next moment, he was relentlessly harvested by Xia's feathers.

As a price, Xia's life was also taken away by Uzi.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them began to quickly turn to Huo Luo, and the opposite ice bird and sister pig also came over, and the three began to turn to fire vampires.

Because Chen Yuan's vampire stood in the middle of the three of them, and he couldn't even fight.

Sister Pig slammed into the vampire, and at the same time E skills began to accumulate. Chen Yuan didn't learn W and didn't want to cross-talk, so he could only eat this set of skills honestly.

At the same time, Bingbird followed a set of QE and gave out electric shocks. When the two broke out, Chen Yuan's vampire blood volume immediately became dangerous.

Not much to say, but the damage on the opposite side is almost over when it hits this point. Chen Yuan is not very panicked. He started sprinting and quickly opened the distance with the phase. He twisted Luo's Q in panic midway.

And because Luo had only two levels, only learned QW, and also ate a lot of AOE before, at this time his blood volume was not healthy, not much better than Chen Yuan.

"Sister Pig came over to help Luo share the damage. AFS took a blood and wanted to run...but Sister Pig's blood volume is not very healthy either..." I remembered that she was still explaining the game passionately.

"Oh! Uzi hit the pig with a W accurately, and the pig and Luo entered the residual blood at the same time!"

Chen Yuan had already smelled the human head at this time. Pressing the E skill, the vampire E skill began to accumulate energy. At this time, his sprint effect was still there, and the two hundred blood vampires went straight to the other three.

When the E skill was full, Chen Yuan tapped D, and the vampire flashed directly into the opposing crowd, and at the same time the E skill burst out!

"Fuck! Brother Yuanzi got a double kill with an E flash!!" Miller climaxed in an instant, "I can still chase it! Xiao Ming's Erlian will be well soon!"

As if responding to Miller's call, Xiao Ming directly flashed the WQ Erlian Ice Bird, but the Ice Bird had a flash, and used the flash to escape.

"One for three!" Miller said happily, "This wave of vampires and Verus took off directly!"

Cheers in the live broadcast room.

[Take it down! 】

【we are the champion! 】

[The position of Brother Yuanzi is so good, I directly separated the battlefield by myself]

Chen Yuan, who got the double kill, couldn't wait to grin behind his ears this time, but unfortunately Xia's head was not his. If there were three heads, he would have the money to pay the murder book.

No way, he can only buy a Hextech revolver.

After the incense pot was resurrected, it was still quite comfortable. After all, there was still a circle of wildness in his house. He started with the magic marsh frog on the road and went straight to the stone monster in the bottom road.

When he finished brushing the five groups of wild monsters, it was already six minutes, and Chen Yuan in the middle was also at level 6. The little head of Yuanzi turned slightly, and he had already thought of their next move.

"Come, come, push the line down the road, and cross them."

He pushed the line in twos and threes, and the vampire walked down the road~www.readwn.com~ When Uzi pushed the line under the tower, the troll and vampire had already appeared behind their tower.

"I'll fight first!" Chen Yuan was still commanding methodically, the vampire's big move was given to the two under the road, and then an AQ attracted hatred to the defensive tower.

Xiao Ming's bull head is the second hand, and WQ directly pushes Xia in the tower.

"Reasonable anti-tower! RNG has carried out a wave of four packs of two on the road through perfect cooperation!" Miller said with a smile: "One tower on the road is going to fall too!"

After taking the next tower, the RNG four took control of Tulong again, and then the four returned to the city at the same time and walked towards the middle road together.

Taking advantage of Chen Yuan’s efforts to swim, Phoenix has already ground half of his own central tower. As a revenge, I will dismantle your central tower directly, isn’t it too much?

The four-man army came to the middle road violently, playing wild and assisting as escort, ADAP was responsible for eating the line, and soon pushed the line under the tower.

At this time, where did Phoenix dare to come up to clear the soldiers, he could only watch from a distance. Obviously, he didn't expect RNG to play like this on the opposite side.

In less than ten minutes, RNG just pulled out the two outer towers! The economic gap came to 4000!

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